Examples of the the word, experimentation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( experimentation ), is the 7567 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To be alchemists themselves, except that these two did little in the way of, experimentation , The first true alchemist in Medieval Europe was Roger Bacon. His work did as
  2. Require some degree of non-standard construction, added expense, ongoing, experimentation , and maintenance, and also have an effect on the psychology of the space. The
  3. Had approached Welles in 1940 to work on Citizen Kane. Welles' reputation for, experimentation ,in the theater appealed to Poland, and he found a sympathetic partner to" test
  4. Bell is often viewed negatively by those embracing deaf culture. Continuing, experimentation ,In the following year, Bell became professor of Vocal Physiology and Elocution
  5. As the sonata, cantata and oratorio flourished. Also, opera was born out of the, experimentation ,of the Florentine Camera ta, the creators of monody, who attempted to recreate
  6. Censorship under the new, liberal Weimar Republic allowed an upsurge of radical, experimentation ,in all the arts, previously suppressed by the old regime. Many Germans of
  7. Priers de la Comminute Chretien, was published in 1967. After a period of, experimentation ,with the publication of various supplements, the Book of Alternative Services
  8. Absence of any and everything—were simply an impossibility. Following more, experimentation ,in this vein, in 1647 Pascal produced Experiences novellas touch ant LE vide (
  9. Absorbed by his experiments, he found it difficult to devote enough time to, experimentation , While days and evenings were occupied by his teaching and private classes
  10. Erich Mendelsohn, Bruno Taut and Hans Poetic, turned away from fanciful, experimentation , and turned toward rational, functional,sometimes standardized building.
  11. Through mathematical analysis, empirical approximations, wind tunnel, experimentation , and computer simulations form the scientific basis for heavier-than-air flight
  12. That discerning the validity of one's hypothesis requires far more rigorous, experimentation ,than that which Aristotle used to support his laws. Aristotle also had some
  13. Evaluation of processes and situations of great complexity, as well as, experimentation ,entirely by software. It also enabled advanced study of the mind, and mapping
  14. As a conventional date, empiricism is the reliance on sensory data gathered in, experimentation ,by scientists of any country, who,in the Age of Reason were rationalists. An
  15. Disaster, the aliens split into the Manifold Caretakers, who opposed further, experimentation , and the Manifold Usurpers, who favored further experimentation . Immediately
  16. The old regime. Many Germans of left-wing views were influenced by the cultural, experimentation ,that followed the Russian Revolution, such as constructivism. Such influences
  17. Started to leak. By 1646,Pascal had learned of Evangelist Torricelli's, experimentation ,with barometers. Having replicated an experiment which involved placing a tube
  18. Onlookers that they saw a" talking dog. " However, these initial forays into, experimentation ,with sound led Bell to undertake his first serious work on the transmission of
  19. Magick with German Maria von Other, a German prostitute. Two periods of magical, experimentation ,followed. In June 1916,he began the first of these at the New Hampshire
  20. Animal species are commonly used as model organisms in biomedical study and, experimentation , although some researchers have argued that they are not always the best choice
  21. Kraus, wrote: Jair himself clearly recognized and proclaimed the importance of, experimentation ,as follows: Early Islamic chemists such as Jair In Aryan (جابر بن حيان in
  22. In anal sex, a behavior once rarely mentioned in polite circles. And the, experimentation , they worry, may be linked to the current increase in sexually transmitted
  23. A new approach to alchemy, based on scientific methodology and controlled, experimentation ,in the laboratory, in contrast to the ancient Greek and Egyptian alchemists
  24. The JILL team instrumentation now had better control over the condensate so, experimentation ,was made on naturally attracting atoms of another rubidium isotope,rubidium-85
  25. Truly scientific theory of the atom, since Dalton reached his conclusions by, experimentation ,and examination of the results in an empirical fashion. In 1803 Dalton orally
  26. All in sharp focus. This was done by cinematographer Gregg Poland through his, experimentation ,with lenses and lighting. Specifically, Toland often used telephoto lenses to
  27. Arab and Persian scholars. They introduced precise observation and controlled, experimentation ,into the field and discovered numerous Chemical substances. The works of Jair
  28. Softened the reaction of the otherwise conservative Turkish public opinion. His, experimentation ,with electronic instruments in the late 1980s contributed to the 1990s sound of
  29. Opposed further experimentation , and the Manifold Usurpers, who favored further, experimentation , Immediately prior to the start of the game, a reactor malfunction wakes the
  30. S optical research is related to systemic and methodological reliance on, experimentation ,(i'Tiber) and controlled testing in his scientific inquiries. Moreover, his
  31. From the traditions of mid-century opera bought, Salieri showed a penchant for, experimentation ,and for mixing the established characteristics of specific operatic genres. Don
  32. He took Abelard's methods of analysis and added the use of observations, experimentation , and conclusions in making scientific evaluations. Grossest also did much
  33. Arrangements (Gillies 1993,404; Stevens 1964,47–49). New inspiration and, experimentation ,(1916–21) His pessimistic attitude towards composing was lifted by the stormy
  34. The use of chemical weapons and biological weapons, but said nothing about, experimentation , production, storage,or transfer; later treaties did cover these aspects.
  35. To the eye from each point on an object, which he proved through the use of, experimentation , His unification of geometrical optics with philosophical physics forms the
  36. Brown joined the group as lead vocalist and brought a sense of innovation and, experimentation ,to the band, now called the Light Crust Dough boys due to radio sponsorship by
  37. Grow, and subsequently collapse when the critical number was exceeded. Further, experimentation ,on attractive condensates was performed by the JILL team in 2000. Cornell
  38. Emissions, particularly if the CRT is used in a consumer product. History The, experimentation ,of cathode rays is largely accredited to J. J. Thomson, an English physicist
  39. Particles and a basic constituent of all atomic nuclei: the proton. Further, experimentation ,by Rutherford found that the nuclear mass of most atoms exceeded that of the
  40. History The manufacture of economical, reliable ballpoint pens arose from, experimentation , modern chemistry, and the precision manufacturing capabilities of 20th century
  41. Taking on the world rather than rejecting the world led to his conviction that, experimentation ,was more important than reasoning:" Of the three ways in which men think that
  42. Practice of Raja yoga in order to do so. Crowley had continued his magical, experimentation ,on his own after leaving Mather's and the Golden Dawn, and his writings suggest
  43. To 64,932,over the period from 1972 to 2004. In Japan the laws on animal, experimentation ,do not require reporting on the types or number of animals used, and in France
  44. With both skepticism and praise, with little study and only a small amount of, experimentation , Modern era In the early years after the Chinese Civil War, Chinese Communist
  45. Premises that it purports to provide. " In its place, he develops a" method of, experimentation ,as a means for scientific inquiry. " Physics In mechanics, Ibn Sing, in The
  46. The band's second number-one single in the spring of 1965. 1965 led to greater, experimentation ,behind the soundboard with Wilson. The album Today! Featured less focus on
  47. Aristotelian method of induction (stigma),and the method of examination and, experimentation ,(Africa). Avicenna criticized Aristotelian induction, arguing that" it does
  48. About by the rise of modern science with its emphasis on rigorous quantitative, experimentation ,and its disdain for" ancient wisdom ". Although the seeds of these events were
  49. Patch where they strike the glass at the opposite end of the tube. Through, experimentation , Thomson discovered that the rays could be deflected by an electric field (in
  50. Were the empiricists, the advocates of scientific method, with its emphasis on, experimentation ,and reliance on evidence gathered from sensory experience. In parallel with the

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