Examples of the the word, escort , in a Sentence Context

The word ( escort ), is the 7565 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Like the Kirov would likely be used in offensive operations rather than fleet, escort ,in the event of war. Carrier escort would then be conducted by smaller vessels
  2. The Arkansas National Guard under Federal control and sent Army troops to, escort ,nine black students into Little Rock Central High School, an all-white public
  3. The IR IAF used the F-14 actively as a fighter-interceptor, and at times as an, escort ,fighter with the AIM-54 scoring 60–70 kills. F-14s were often used to protect
  4. Change in role, and because DAF P-40 squadrons were frequently used in bomber, escort ,and close air support missions, they suffered relatively high attrition rates;
  5. D. Eisenhower sent 1000 troops from the active-duty 101st Airborne Division to, escort ,and protect the African-American students as they entered school on September
  6. For the quarantine, with the USS Leary (DD-879) as Newport News' destroyer, escort , Crisis deepens On October 23 at 11:24 am EDT a cable drafted by George Ball to
  7. And, in 1719,units of this type of cavalry were sent to Brazil, initially to, escort ,shipments of gold and diamonds and to guard the Viceroy who resided in Rio de
  8. Horse cavalry since its establishment in 1922 (other than a small mounted, escort ,drawn from the Artillery Corps when required for ceremonial occasions).
  9. To Paris for review, was exonerated, promoted to Captain and given leave to, escort ,his sister, a schoolgirl, back to Corsica at state expense. His family was
  10. ABD Brahman was greeted by clients Abu Than and In Khalid and an, escort ,of 300 cavalry. Both Al-Fihri and al-Sumayl managed to escape the field (
  11. Carriers, such as, represented a larger, more " militarized" version of the, escort ,carrier concept. Although the light carriers usually carried the same size air
  12. Strategic, which can be used as a second carrier. The group includes two, escort ,squadrons: the 41st,with ASW Santa Maria class frigates, and the 31st,with
  13. Improved, airborne centimeters radar was introduced and convoys received, escort ,carrier protection. The results of some of these developments were illustrated
  14. De Brandenburg, the Prince of Hesse-Kassel's aide-de-camp, and was sent under, escort ,to Marlborough. The Duke welcomed the French commander –" I am very sorry that
  15. By the English East India Company, Kidd attacked a Mughal convoy here under, escort ,by Barlow's East Indianan, and was repelled. If the report is true, this
  16. Widely practiced by members of the group. In some areas, Flirty Fishers used, escort ,agencies to meet people. According to TDI, as a result of Flirty Fishing,"
  17. Although the light carriers usually carried the same size air groups as, escort ,carriers, they had the advantage of higher speed since they had been converted
  18. Auxiliary cruisers were used to fill gaps in their long-range lines or provide, escort ,for other cargo ships, although they generally proved to be useless in this
  19. Namibian cavalry). Julius Caesar himself was known for his admiration of his, escort ,of Germanic mixed cavalry, giving rise to the Cohort Equates. Early
  20. Agincourt and the other prisoners at Orléans to be transferred to Paris with an, escort ,commanded by Claude Fournier l'American. At Versailles, they learned of the
  21. Guards through to large formations intended for active service. The mounted, escort ,of the Spanish Royal Household provided an example of the former and the twelve
  22. Responsible for the prisoners' behavior while they worked, as was an SS, escort , The working day lasted 12 hours during the summer, and a little less in the
  23. Pirates' demands to the Governor and the drugs were quickly gathered. Marks's, escort ,had not been so easy to find; they had been busy drinking with friends and were
  24. Him if he knew the thickness of the wall beside them. The embarrassed, escort ,confessed that he didn't and Mackenzie replied," I do. It is five feet, ten
  25. To the commanding officer of the aircraft carrier, a senior captain. The, escort ,destroyers (called frigates in the French denomination) are commanded by more
  26. When the British seized a Dutch merchant convoy sailing under Dutch naval, escort ,in December 1779,prompting the Dutch to join the League of Armed Neutrality.
  27. Marches Line. Later history Adolf Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess was kept under, escort ,at Main diff Court during the Second World War, after his flight to Britain.
  28. Between 1937 and 1939 to make her suitable for acting as a fast heavy, escort ,warship for aircraft carriers. Similar rebuilding planned for the Repulse and
  29. Unrestricted submarine warfare in January 1917,destroyers were called on to, escort ,merchant convoys. US Navy destroyers were among the first American units to be
  30. Buy or build 2 aircraft carriers (40,000 tonnes),4 LED (20,000 tonnes),30, escort , ships,15 submarines,5 nuclear submarines and 62 (patrol ships). In July
  31. Ten Sails ". The wreck involved nine British merchant vessels and their naval, escort , the frigate HMS Convert, that ran aground on the reefs off Grand Cayman. Due
  32. Party. Campaign for Prime Minister,2000–01 On 28 September 2000,Sharon and an, escort ,of over 1,000 Israeli police officers visited the Temple Mount complex, site of
  33. Carrier HMS Glorious (a converted battlecruiser herself) and her destroyer, escort , One of the destroyers (HMS Acosta) succeeded in damaging the Scharnhorst
  34. These are the largest carriers capable of fast speeds. By comparison, escort ,carriers were developed to provide defense for convoys of ships. They were
  35. The carrier has conducted, most have been solo missions and without a large, escort , However, the Kuznets has been observed sailing together with a Kirov class
  36. Base, Thailand. By December 1968 most AC-130s were flown under F-4 Phantom II, escort ,from the 497th Tactical Fighter Squadron, normally three Phantoms per Gunship.
  37. Which were used to either intercept incoming aircraft or to, escort ,and protect bombers (engagements between fighter aircraft were known as dog
  38. Ships that make up the convoy. The convoy commodore does not command the convoy, escort ,forces (if any),which are commanded by a naval officer who serves as escort
  39. Heavily-gunned picket boats called" catchers" were built which were used to, escort ,the battle fleet at sea. They needed the same seaworthiness and endurance, and
  40. Weeks in the capital to exchange knowledge with learned Japanese and, under, escort , to visit the town. New introductions to Japan *Badminton, a sport that
  41. In the Pacific. The sinking of the British battleship Prince of Wales and her, escort , the battlecruiser HMS Repulse, demonstrated the vulnerability of a battleship
  42. The actions in the October of that year the Company was employed on convoy, escort ,tasks, airfield defense, fighting reconnaissance patrols and screening
  43. A destroyer is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to, escort ,larger vessels in a fleet, convoy or battle group and defend them against
  44. Escort forces (if any),which are commanded by a naval officer who serves as, escort ,commander. Other uses In the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, the senior
  45. In support of amphibious landings and provided anti-aircraft defense as, escort ,for the carriers. Even the largest battleships ever constructed,Japan's
  46. And Chambersburg. Cavalry under Brig. Gen. John D. Embolden was entrusted to, escort ,the miles-long wagon train of supplies and wounded men that Lee wanted to take
  47. Various British aircraft, No. 320 Squadron flew anti-submarine patrols, convoy, escort , missions,and performed air-sea rescue duties. They acquired the Mitchell II in
  48. To ensure that the princess rescues Odysseus and plays a role in his eventual, escort ,to Ithaca. Athena appears in disguise to Odysseus upon his arrival, initially
  49. Paul and Liam were the cause of her husband's death,Paul's use of an, escort ,service, his kidnapping of Leanne and his subsequent death. In July 2007,after
  50. In offensive operations rather than fleet escort in the event of war. Carrier, escort ,would then be conducted by smaller vessels such as a Slave class accompanied by

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