Examples of the the word, tonne , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tonne ), is the 7563 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2,956 million passenger kilometers and 24,783,000 tonne s of cargo 3,414 million, tonne ,kilometers. The entire network is owned by the Norwegian National Rail
  2. 1997 through 2003,and reached, due to increased demand, a peak of $103,000 per, tonne ,in June 2005. In 2008 the London Metal Exchange announced that molybdenum would
  3. Some multiples of some units. * 100 kilograms 1 Quinta; 1000 kilogram 1 metric, tonne ,; * 10 years 1 decade; 100 years 1st century; 1000 years = 1 millennium Building
  4. A terrestrial crocodile which grew to 5 to possibly 7 meters long, or the 4, tonne , monitor lizard Var anus prices (formerly Megalomania Prince) a giant
  5. Cripple gate. This however cracked during testing and is recast into the 13.76, tonne , bell by Whitechapel Bell Foundry and is still in use to date. *1864 – Archduke
  6. Conditions that define. Units of energy and power Ton of TNT *A ton of TNT or, tonne ,of TNT is a unit of energy equal to 109 (thermochemical) calories, also known
  7. Fuels and by-products materials A cement plant consumes 3 to 6 GJ of fuel per, tonne ,of clinker produced, depending on the raw materials and the process used. Most
  8. Food chain. Vegetables typically contain only one milligram of thulium per, tonne ,(dry weight). Tantalum () is a chemical element with the
  9. Of an efficient pollution prevention system, chromium loads per produced, tonne ,are generally abated from 8 kg to 1.5 kg. VOC emissions are typically reduced
  10. VI) oxide by air: Molybdenum has a value of approximately $30,000 per, tonne ,as of August 2009. It maintained a price at or near $10,000 per tonne from 1997
  11. To be expressed using words normally associated with mass (e.g., kilogram, tonne , pound). The definition applies for both spellings: ton of TNT and tonne of
  12. By bombarding uranium or plutonium with neutrons in nuclear reactors – one, tonne ,of spent nuclear fuel contains about 20 grams of curium. Curium is a hard
  13. Vapors). * Leather biodegrades slowly; it takes 25–40 years to decompose. One, tonne ,of hide or skin generally leads to the production of 20 to 80 m3 of wastewater
  14. On freight are specified in terms of the weight of freight lifted, and the net, tonne ,kilometer, being freight weight multiplied by distance carried. 87 million
  15. Per tonne as of August 2009. It maintained a price at or near $10,000 per, tonne ,from 1997 through 2003,and reached, due to increased demand, a peak of
  16. Or MOON (for measurement ton),which still cause it to be confused with the, tonne , or even the megaton. The register ton is a unit of volume used for the cargo
  17. Reagent-grade sold for about $1.50/pound ($3.30/kg) in 2009 when purchased in, tonne ,quantities. Lower purity metal sells for considerably less. The market in this
  18. Increased dramatically, with more than 50 tonne s in 2007 from less than half a, tonne ,produced annually at the end of the 1980s. Mining revenue totaled some 300
  19. Often follow a program to the concerns of the Iowa Community. The 8, tonne , Fallen Christ sculpture by Ronald Rae was permanently situated outside the
  20. Context of blast furnace production or specific consumption. A dry ton or dry, tonne ,has the same mass value, but the material (sludge, slurries,compost, and
  21. Methane in the atmosphere has a half life of seven years, meaning that if a, tonne ,of methane were emitted today,500 kilograms would have broken down to carbon
  22. Glaciations entirely covered the islands. The States of Toast is a 2,000, tonne , glacial erratic that came to rest on a prominent hilltop in Lasting during
  23. Cannot be locked like the STTS vehicles, and maximum speed is. Pods up to 1, tonne , can be loaded onto the rear of the vehicles. Drivers in the tunnel sit on the
  24. Against 138 million tonne s in 1986–7,a decrease of 37 %. 18.7 billion net, tonne ,kilometers (11.4 billion net ton miles) of freight movement were recorded in
  25. Are used instead. Megagram is occasionally used to disambiguate the (metric), tonne , from the various (non-metric) tons. * Volume in liters: liter, decilitre
  26. Plants are batch processes, but of considerably greater size, typically 100, tonne , batches compared with 20 tonne batches for floor malting. The malting process
  27. In deep ocean conditions and is exploring the possibility of procuring a 2,000, tonne , multipurpose vessel, or the conversion of a merchant vessel, for patrol duties.
  28. Weight, axle number and length limits, with options up to 11-axle,34 m long,82, tonne , road trains studied. Continental Europe The maximum overall length applying in
  29. Burning fuel. The carbon dioxide (CO2) produced for the manufacture of one, tonne ,of structural concrete (using ~14 % cement) is estimated at 410 kg/m3 (~180
  30. Is an active trade in the shells, which sell for more than US$1,400 per metric, tonne , There is, however,speculation that local criminal gangs barter abalone
  31. Trip plus £2 per head of sheep. Wool on the other hand is charged" £45 per, tonne ,delivered to Stanley ". An increasing number of farmers are supplying lamb to
  32. But of considerably greater size, typically 100 tonne batches compared with 20, tonne , batches for floor malting. The malting process starts with drying the grains to
  33. Estimated that United States crustal natural gas sources may have only half a, tonne ,total. Wittenberg cited Anderson's estimate of another 1200 metric tonne s in
  34. 7.5 tonne s of highly enriched uranium over the period 1960–1979. A further 0.47, tonne , of plutonium was swapped between the UK and United States for reasons that
  35. This type of locomotive is now rare. Fuel cell-electric In 2002 the first 3.6, tonne , 17 kW hydrogen (fuel cell)-powered mining locomotive was demonstrated in
  36. And one of the main deck beams would have weighed close to three quarters of a, tonne , The common explanation for the ship's name was that it was inspired by Henry
  37. With a burst firing speed of four rounds per minute, can deliver over a metric, tonne ,of ordnance per minute for up to four minutes. This is an immense weight of
  38. If the material is in its natural, wet state, it is called a wet ton or wet, tonne , Units of volume The displacement ton is a unit of volume used for calculating
  39. Consistency with the units of measure is desired. For most purposes, the unit “, tonne ,” is instead used. The tonne and its symbol’t,were adopted by the CPM in
  40. Measure is desired. For most purposes, the unit“ tonne ” is instead used. The, tonne ,and its symbol’t,were adopted by the CPM in 1879. It is a non-SI unit
  41. The latter, a " short ton "; neither should be confused with the metric ton (, tonne ,), which is. While they do vary, a ton is generally one of the heaviest units
  42. Tonne, pound ). The definition applies for both spellings: ton of TNT and, tonne ,of TNT. Measurements in tons of TNT have been used primarily to express nuclear
  43. Is founded at Norwich University. *1858 – The original Big Ben, a 14.5, tonne , bell for the Palace of Westminster is cast in Stockton-on-Tees by Warner's of
  44. Is produced mostly artificially in small quantities, for research purposes. A, tonne ,of spent nuclear fuel contains about 100 grams of various americium isotopes
  45. Ton of ore. In documents that predate 1960 the word ton is sometimes spelled, tonne , but in more recent documents tonne refers exclusively to the metric ton. In
  46. Bombarding uranium or plutonium with alpha particles in nuclear reactors – one, tonne ,of spent nuclear fuel contains about 100 grams of americium. It is widely used
  47. Allocated to both the navy and the local gendarmerie. These include two 135, tonne , Yunnan-class landing craft, which are able to carry and launch smaller craft
  48. Potassium metal costed about $10.00/pound ($22/kg) in 2010 when purchased in, tonne ,quantities. Lower purity metal is considerably cheaper. The market is volatile
  49. 1960 the word ton is sometimes spelled tonne , but in more recent documents, tonne ,refers exclusively to the metric ton. In nuclear power plants THM and MTHM mean
  50. With a half-life of 21.773 years, predominantly emitting beta particles. One, tonne ,of uranium ore contains about 0.2 milligrams of actinium. The close similarity

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