Examples of the the word, needless , in a Sentence Context

The word ( needless ), is the 7566 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Heart of the highest, to whose sex and quality nothing is so improper as either, needless ,expostulations or over much curiosity in her own actions ". The advice worked.
  2. Case, said of her Fourth Amendment jurisprudence:" O'Connor recognizes that, needless ,humiliation of an individual is an important factor in determining Fourth
  3. Public. By 1932,the Great Depression had forced studios to cut back on, needless ,expense, and it was not until 1953 that wider aspect ratios were again used in
  4. Tractors. A few were also tried on KV tank chassis as the KV-1K,but this was a, needless ,waste of heavy armor. Starting in 1942,they were also mounted on various
  5. Thus serves to unify and simplify our ontology, while guarding against, needless ,multiplication of entities in the process. At the same time, the requirements
  6. Porter being now established in most parts of the kingdom he thinks it almost, needless ,to say it will be to the advantage of all country dealers to apply to him. Mr
  7. Placed on pesticides, specifically DDT, have caused tens of millions of, needless ,deaths and hampered agriculture (and, implicitly,that Carson bears
  8. Roles, he was a lampoon of the infamous extra, always grinning widely as a, needless ,decoration, and always stiff and wooden. In other films, Zeppo would have a
  9. To him, urging him not to" have on his conscience the staggering burden of, needless ,bloodshed" ( verse 31,NIV) and reminding him that God will make him a "
  10. Couplets consisting of an iambic pentameter followed by an alexandrine:: A, needless ,alexandrine ends the song: that like a wounded snake, drags its slow length
  11. You are to remember the authors of all your sufferings; those who started a, needless ,and wicked war .... Stand by me faithfully, and we will soon have peace .... "
  12. A behavior to be classified as procrastination: it must be counterproductive, needless , and delaying. Similarly, Steel (2007) reviews all previous attempts to
  13. Worked to persuade generals and Emulates to evade the Nero Decree and avoid, needless ,sacrifice of personnel and destruction of industry that would be needed after
  14. It will contain either 500 or 200 dollars. This poses a serious problem and, needless ,to say, any database system with multi-user access needs some sort of system to
  15. Scope for the discussion of a man's character, while it protected him from, needless ,insult and pain. The remedy for verbal defamation was long confined to a civil
  16. In place of Uncle Sam, especially when describing waste of taxpayers' money on, needless ,equipment or stinginess of not providing necessary or expected equipment.
  17. film's final half-hour is a curiosity, and not a successful one — a prolonged, needless ,epilogue which force-feeds us a catharsis that feels as false as it is
  18. To build a basis for peace that would prevent future catastrophic wars and, needless ,death and destruction. This provided the basis of Wilson's Fourteen Points
  19. River. Although the regular soldiers of the U. S. Army generally tried to avoid, needless ,bloodshed, many of the militiamen intentionally killed Native noncombatants
  20. The beautiful Benedict monastery S. Fructose merits special attention. And, needless ,to say there are many other important historical monuments to be explored.
  21. Pointless to anticipate them, you can't know much about them, and it results in, needless ,worrying. Better to hope that the discipline of preparing for all foreseeable
  22. Received a much-needed boost from guard Tony Allen, but he tore his ACL on a, needless ,dunk attempt after the whistle in a game vs. the Indiana Pacers on January 10
  23. Give accounts that suggest Corinth was not completely destroyed. The apparently, needless ,cruelty of Mummies in Corinth, by no means characteristic of him, is explained
  24. In which they suffered 380,000 casualties. Trench warfare is associated with, needless ,slaughter in appalling conditions, combined with the view that brave men went
  25. And undivided, and it was forbidden to decorate them with stained-glass. All, needless ,ornament was proscribed. The crosses must be of wood; the candlesticks of iron.
  26. Concept of reincarnation and rebirth led samurai to abandon torture and, needless ,killing, while some samurai even gave up violence altogether and became
  27. He was selected as secretary by Pope Nicholas V, an ardent Aristotelian. The, needless ,bitterness of his attacks upon Plato (in the Comparative Aristotelian et
  28. Partridge in particular, he is often shown to occupy himself with pointless or, needless ,tasks, seemingly just to give himself something to do. This is particularly
  29. Is nothing; it would be as if all forms come into being spontaneously, needless ,of reproduction. The implied meaning of“ destroying” something is to undo its
  30. The oomph, that allowed the two of them to transcend the small-scale thefts and, needless ,killings that actually comprised their criminal careers. " Beginnings Bonnie
  31. And harmless. In such men, diagnosing prostate cancer is over diagnosis—the, needless ,identification of a technically aberrant condition that will never harm the
  32. Review commissioned by UK government ministers it was reported that the, needless ,use of anti-psychotic medication in dementia care was widespread and was linked
  33. Professional. The misdiagnosis of hypertension for these patients can result in, needless ,and possibly harmful medication. WCH can be reduced (but not eliminated) with
  34. But to do something; to do the hard but necessary things not the easy and, needless ,things. " McCain's oft-cited strengths as a presidential candidate for 2008
  35. Is the ability of each device to lock out other devices selectively, preventing, needless , interference or unauthorized access to information. The technology for Spans is
  36. To punishment should be given a proportionately lesser one, since otherwise, needless ,pain would be inflicted. Later utilitarian writers have tended to abandon this
  37. Of the" all-clear" signal has been discontinued, as it was seen as causing, needless ,confusion and alarm. Singapore currently has a network of over 2000
  38. Has been reported by a radiologist the PACS can mark it as read. This avoids, needless ,double-reading. The report can be attached to the images and be viewable via a
  39. Modern warfare (like Druid sacrifices as he understood them) was a form of, needless ,human sacrifice. Geography Mary hill is located at (45.685649,-120.817232).
  40. The ideal of republicanism, in theory, renders anti-discrimination laws, needless , but some critics argue that color-blind laws serve to perpetuate ongoing
  41. Commander, Major Frederic W. Wake, using terms such as" murder" and ", needless ,and unnecessary killings ". Thompson's reports were confirmed by other pilots
  42. These programs have also been criticized for complicating courtship with, needless ,public expectation (see observer-expectancy effect). In spite of this, some
  43. Killing. The Commission of Inquiry would later say that it was" a, needless ,as well as a ruthless sacrifice of human life indiscriminate of innocent or
  44. And that Camilla is of sound mind. Laura comments that this information seems, needless ,to say, and her father laughs it off. Camilla and Laura grow to be very close
  45. In a word, to exercise the functions of a government whose authority, it is, needless ,to say, is purely moral. ” Co-operatives UK and the
  46. Too complained about Toll's dispositions being so narrow and deep that, needless ,losses were incurred from artillery fire. The Russian position therefore was
  47. Argue Napoleon's true legacy must reflect the loss of status for France and, needless ,deaths brought by his rule: historian Victor Davis Hanson writes," After all
  48. And agreed with former Justice Byron White's assertion that" the, needless ,extinction of life with only marginal contributions to any discernible social
  49. Hence, the 17th principle of composition is the simple instruction:" Omit, needless ,words. " The 1959 edition features White's expansions of those sections, the "
  50. Thus serves to unify and simplify our ontology, while guarding against, needless ,multiplication of entities in the process. At the same time, the requirements

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