Examples of the the word, customs , in a Sentence Context

The word ( customs ), is the 7562 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. There was no need to recruit foreigners unfamiliar with the local language, customs ,or lay of the land since there were a quarter of a million local Afghans
  2. Isolated group of people to having their land, language,religion and, customs ,assimilated into those of the Japanese. In addition to this, the land the Ainu
  3. A worship, also instituted an order of priests. According to the patriarchal, customs , the firstborn son in every family used to perform the functions connected with
  4. Century and 16th century convicted of secretly practicing Judaism or Jewish, customs ,). Although the origins of antisemitism are rooted in the religious conflict
  5. As well, insofar as they conducted or wrote detailed studies of the, customs ,of peoples considered" different" from themselves in terms of geography. John
  6. Of Tariff. Culture Customs and Society Andalusia has a wide array of social, customs , many of which have their roots in the Islamic traditions integrated into the
  7. When my father, who had been appointed by his country as public notary in the, customs ,at Begin acting for the Pisa merchants going there, was in charge, he summoned
  8. Literature (see Dead Sea scrolls). Other traditions maintained different, customs ,regarding canonicity. The Ethiopia Jews, for instance, seem to have retained a
  9. A record £100 million in annual revenue through various sources like taxes, customs ,and land revenue, et al. from 24 provinces. A pound sterling was exchanged at
  10. Origins of All Souls' Day in European folklore and folk belief are related to, customs ,of ancestor veneration practiced worldwide, such as the Chinese Ghost Festival
  11. Of his way of living and his acute observations on the institutions and, customs ,of the Greeks. He exhorted moderation in everything, saying that the vine bears
  12. Such festivals. Overall, all the regions of Andalusia have developed distinct, customs , but all share a connectedness to Catholicism and the region’s Arabic cultural
  13. Of the Hindu and Muslim people, as a knowledgeable interpreter of the local, customs , The new coin, based on the existing local coins, showed a cross on one side
  14. Promotion; economic complementation; agricultural trade; financial, fiscal, customs , and health cooperation; environmental conservation; scientific and
  15. In only six months. In 1778,Smith was appointed to a post as commissioner of, customs ,in Scotland and went to live with his mother in Pasture House in Edinburgh's
  16. States,1861. Sectionalism refers to the different economies, social structure, customs ,and political values of the North and South. Name" sectionalism"/>
  17. The prison of Gog and Magog. On the other hand, the envoy's account of Mongol, customs ,is fairly accurate, and his statements about Mongol Christianity and its
  18. Century AD. The town remained until late Byzantine times an important toll and, customs ,station of the Hellespont, its importance thereafter being transferred to the
  19. Having certain characteristics, such as greed and arrogance, and for observing, customs ,such as kashrut and Shabbat; *and racial antisemitism, with its extreme form
  20. Of governments when dealing with hijackings. The convention does not apply to, customs , law enforcement or military aircraft, thus its scope appears to exclusively
  21. Of traffic. Under every dynasty it was a garrison town; and here tolls and, customs ,were levied on all boats passing southwards and northwards. Around AD 330,the
  22. Do?) when he says that ... Ammonium fell from a life of piety into heathen, customs , ... Ammonium held the divine philosophy unshaken and unadulterated to the end
  23. To marry Scythian men, on the condition that they not be required to follow the, customs ,of Scythian women. According to Herodotus, this band moved toward the northeast
  24. Years old, he collapsed and never sailed again. Olney curate Working as a, customs ,agent in Liverpool starting in 1756,Newton began to teach himself Latin, Greek
  25. That they believed were necessary to ensure immortality after death. These, customs ,involved preserving the body by mummification, performing burial ceremonies
  26. Occasioning actual bodily harm, on UN staff. Abolished offense:; Assault on, customs ,and excise officers, etc.: Section 16 (1) (a) of the Customs and Excise
  27. The area under Muslim rule. Each subregion in Andalusia has its own unique, customs ,that are closely tied to a combination Catholicism and local folklore.
  28. In 1998,journalist Maurizio Giuliano, after photographing her, was stopped by, customs ,officials, and all his films, tapes and some notes were confiscated. Sub FYI
  29. Palestine. The Franciscan missionary, William of Rub ruck, in his work on Asian, customs , declares that everything he had heard from Andrew on the subject was fully
  30. A forgery. Whoever did write the letter makes several observations of native, customs , including use of hammocks and sweat lodges. Second Voyage About 1499–1500
  31. Little else than a series of etiological traditions (explanatory of cults and, customs , e.g. of the kneeling posture of the images of Damian and Amnesia, of the use
  32. Possesses a fundamental knowledge of Arab tradition, that is, of the manners, customs , and political and social systems of the culture. " Most people who consider
  33. In the energy sector. The government made some improvements in tax and, customs ,administration in 2005,but anti-corruption measures have been more difficult
  34. Antiquarians such as Strabo, Pausanias, Diodorus Siculus, etc. *Traces of, customs , creeds, rituals,etc.; In the Aegean area at a later time, discordant with the
  35. Amazons and Scythians, and that their females observed their ancient maternal, customs ," frequently hunting on horseback with their husbands; in war taking the field
  36. Of rights was a reaction against arbitrary rule and the nonobservance of old, customs ,by kings. Opportunity cost The opportunity cost doctrine was first explicitly
  37. The deceased could continue their existence on earth in spiritual form. Burial, customs ,The ancient Egyptians maintained an elaborate set of burial customs that they
  38. Centralized state or expecting to benefit from such power. It could not collect, customs ,after the war because tariffs were vetoed by Rhode Island. Above concludes
  39. Scholar ABU RayBan Brunei in the 11th century, who wrote about the peoples, customs , and religions of the Indian subcontinent. Like modern anthropologists, he
  40. Aquinas, completed approximately in 1075,is about the geography, people and, customs ,of Scandinavia, as well as updates of the progress of Christian missionaries
  41. By the emperors. Giraldo Cambrensis reported (Itinerary, ii. iv) the common, customs ,of lay abbots in the late 12th-century Church of Wales::" for a bad custom has
  42. Ever imposed in Canada at the time. In 1989 the company settled the outstanding, customs ,duties for $45 million CAD. In a 1994 interview, Amway co-founder Rich DeVos
  43. Structure. That is clear. " She also called for a sweeping reform of tax and, customs ,administration, the creation of a" strong and independent judicial system" as
  44. King of Kings" ( Shahanshah) and adopted some elements of Persian dress and, customs ,at his court, notably the custom of prosthesis, either a symbolic kissing of
  45. Interacts across these current boundaries. The Fa'Samoa is the language and, customs , and the Fa'Amati the protocols of the" photo" ( council) and the chiefly
  46. Burial customs The ancient Egyptians maintained an elaborate set of burial, customs ,that they believed were necessary to ensure immortality after death. These
  47. Printed for the initial release were later seized and destroyed by British, customs , Crowley's magical and initiatory system has amongst its innermost reaches a
  48. Canadian tax case In 1983,Amway pleaded guilty to criminal tax evasion and, customs ,fraud in Canada, resulting in a fine of $25 million CAD, the largest fine ever
  49. Of a governor's house, the Adelaide Jail, police barracks, a hospital,a, customs ,house and a wharf at Port Adelaide. In addition, houses for public officials
  50. The pharaoh's role as a spiritual intermediary was de-emphasized as religious, customs ,shifted to direct worship of the gods. As a result, priests developed a system

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