Examples of the the word, tricky , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tricky ), is the 7564 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. State. However, as Holstein and Kickback argue, defining regimes is, tricky , Defining a form of government is especially problematic when trying to
  2. The limited visibility through the heavily framed T.7 canopy made landings, tricky ,and the external fuel tanks under the wings tended to break up when the wing
  3. Of ice-sometimes as big as tennis balls. Skiing in these conditions can be, tricky ,and sometimes dangerous.; Slush: When the sun heats the snow and causes it to
  4. Buffering or multiple copies, but the implicit rendezvous can make programming, tricky , Most programmers prefer asynchronous send and synchronous receive.
  5. Judge their proximity to the fence as well as the fence's height, making it a, tricky ,obstacle usually found only in the upper divisions, and illegal in some
  6. Then. Nurturing the resulting offspring (referred to as" fry" ) is a, tricky ,and tedious job, usually done only by professionals. Although a KOI breeder may
  7. Binary search is comparatively straightforward, the details can be surprisingly, tricky ,… — Professor Donald Knuth When Jon Bentley assigned it as a problem in a
  8. Undesired characteristics of driver, horn,or enclosure resonances, and can be, tricky ,to implement, due to component interaction. Passive crossovers, like the driver
  9. Phagocytosing polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes (PMN) rigorously as a, tricky ,hideout, where they proliferate unrecognized from the immune system and enter
  10. Which reflects a lot of light and can make metering for a correct exposure, tricky ,). Rail has cameos in Miller's Crossing and The Sucker Proxy. They met
  11. Is an aggressive but dubious chess opening, which often leads to wild and, tricky ,positions. This opening is uncommon at the top level of over-the-board play
  12. Liverpool: a ditch or large tray of water under a vertical or over * Joker – a, tricky ,fence comprising only a rustic (or unpainted) rail and two wings wherein the
  13. Man out of sympathy, but instead sets JA'far a new assignment: to find the, tricky ,slave who caused the tragedy within three days, or be executed for his failure.
  14. Herself from the lady writers of silly novels, but it also quietly hid the, tricky ,subject of her marital status. In 1858 (when she was 39) Amos Barton, the
  15. 1,n, because empty ranges often occur as input to algorithms (which would be, tricky ,to express with the closed interval without resorting to obtuse conventions
  16. Drunkenness. * In Central Africa," Kabul" the rabbit is widely known as a, tricky ,character, getting the better of bargains. * In Chinese literature, rabbits
  17. With railways of adjacent countries, choosing the best gauge will be, tricky , Matches the gauge of the regional powerhouse of Nigeria, although Nigeria has
  18. Lim_ \franc \\ & = f (x). \end * Sometimes L'Hôpital's rule is invoked in a, tricky ,way: suppose converges as. It follows: *: \LIM_ f (x) \LIM_ \LIM_ = \LIM_ (f
  19. Use of the Cartesian product: \prod_ X_i. Defining the topology is a little, tricky , For finitely many factors, this is the obvious and natural thing to do: simply
  20. From its past, there are other idiosyncrasies in spelling that make it, tricky ,to learn. English contains 24–27 (depending on dialect) separate consonant
  21. Drops of balloon systems from hot-air balloons and helicopters to validate the, tricky ,deployment phase of a planetary robot mission, and development of envelopes
  22. Thereby making them easier to beat. Judging exactly when to shoot can be, tricky , as a blocked or a wide shot results in a turnover. This can be very risky in
  23. SVGA modes required more memory, so accessing the full screen memory was, tricky , Each manufacturer developed their own ways of accessing the screen memory
  24. Over time, the conjecture gained the reputation of being particularly, tricky ,to tackle. John Minor commented that sometimes the errors in false proofs can
  25. In Italy a longer, thicker cue is typically available for this kind of, tricky ,shot. Commonly in snooker they are available in three forms depending on how
  26. To react quickly, aim precisely, dodge other players' shots, and jump across, tricky ,spaces. As Quake did not include any automap, it also requires considerable
  27. This can be useful for musical passages with pedal points and other otherwise, tricky ,or impossible situations. On many upright pianos, the middle pedal is called
  28. From carrier decks proved to be troublesome. Its low-speed handling was, tricky ,due to the port wing stalling before the starboard wing. This factor, together
  29. Family, but is not a member. Light curve data for Europa has been particularly, tricky ,to interpret, so much so that for a long time its period of rotation was in
  30. Is on the penultimate (second from last) syllable of the words (picky, tricky ,) * dactylic: a rhyme in which the stress is on the ante penultimate (third
  31. Dogfighter. But the laminar flow wing fitted to the Mustang could be a little, tricky , It could not by any means out-turn a Spitfire. No way. It had a good
  32. Recalling grouped subexpressions, lazy quantification, and similar features is, tricky , The third algorithm is to match the pattern against the input string by
  33. Can handle this sort of auditory source separation problem, but it is a very, tricky ,problem in digital signal processing. This was first analyzed by Colin Cherry.
  34. So many academic fields. The word" frequentest" is especially, tricky , To philosophers, it refers to a particular theory of physical probability, one
  35. The addition of wingtip skids, which proved necessary because the aircraft was, tricky ,to land and prone to ground looping. In October, Fokker began delivering the
  36. Propagated along chained servers, session timeout management becomes extremely, tricky ,to implement. # With mutual SSL/TLS, security is maximal, but on the
  37. May be asked to perform brief conducting duties if beneficial in a particularly, tricky ,part of the show (more often, such people are those on the sidelines or in the
  38. Of Kirk would show that the character" is being honored and protected" was ", tricky ,", but that the" spirit of Kirk is very much alive and well" in Pine's
  39. As it matures. The dolphins use sonar to navigate and hunt in the river's, tricky ,depths. The both is the subject of a very famous legend in Brazil about a
  40. Over the" nice" ( and usually simpler) strategies, but to no avail:, tricky ,strategies fighting for a few points generally could not do as well as nice
  41. A precise timer to detonate the shell after a preset delay. This technique is, tricky ,and slight variations in the functioning of the fuse can cause it to explode
  42. Nickel hydrogen batteries. A robotic servicing mission including this would be, tricky , as it requires many operations, and a failure in any might result in
  43. They are replaced. Archiving digital material is also turning out to be both, tricky ,and costly. In a 2007 study, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
  44. Comic figure, Falstaff still embodies a kind of depth common to Shakespeare's, tricky ,comedy. In Act II, Scene III of Henry V, his death is described by the
  45. Confusing users with the jumble of interfaces. Disadvantages * Can be, tricky ,to implement on desktops using multiple monitors as the parent window may need
  46. Model. Normally the individual pieces are simple, but the final assembly may be, tricky , Many of the modular origami models are decorative balls like Kusama, the
  47. Important part of training as a physical performance discipline, partly because, tricky ,subject can be dealt with, but also because it requires a high level of
  48. The integral to exist. Conditions for the existence of the convolution may be, tricky , since a blow-up in g at infinity can be easily offset by sufficiently rapid
  49. Since they are often cheap (under US$10),relatively easy to start with (no, tricky ,embouchure such as found with the flute),and the fingerings are nearly
  50. Which leads to more code upgradable designs. Successful hot code loading is a, tricky ,subject; code needs to be written to make use of Erlang's facilities.

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