Examples of the the word, dude , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dude ), is the 7568 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The increased vehicle traffic. In response to the increased tourism, dude ,ranches were established, some new and some from existing cattle ranches. So
  2. The stuff he was just saying on there, it was so clear … the clear syllable, dude ,was Slick Rick for me ”. He is also renowned for his unique“ smooth
  3. For grazing operations and ran about 1,000 head of cattle. He also operated a, dude ,ranch, pack horse camping trips, and big game hunting business at and from the
  4. Saying that" to this day, in the general populace's memory,he's the naked, dude ,". D'Angelo attempted to play every instrument for the project, striving for
  5. Wisdom:" You know,there's a million fine-looking women in the world, dude , But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.
  6. Along the Middle Fork of the Pop Age River. A tourism center with several, dude ,ranches nearby, Lander is located just south of the Wind River Indian
  7. Says to him," You know,there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude , But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.
  8. Trying to say I was responsible for gangsta rap, too. They thought I was that, dude ,in the hood, so maybe they didn't holler at me for a reason. I love Kris
  9. Cosmic was an alien who wore a large space suit, and he talked like a surfer, dude , He was featured in a series of McDonald's commercials. The first one occurred
  10. Can hear you even though it's all, like,ten-thousand leagues under the sea, dude ,". * In the 2001 Clive Custer novel Valhalla Rising, reference to a submarine
  11. Resort is located in Casas Adobes. Westward Look began in the early 1900s as a, dude ,ranch in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson. Cases
  12. County, and state government; real estate sales, hospitality,lumber, railroad, dude , ranching,National Forest, home construction, and many small
  13. Life. The final story," Cabin 33 ", is the latest story in the canon, set at a, dude ,ranch in the American West owned by St. German and Roger, and concludes with
  14. Mayonnaise Man, there is a lot of people here tonight. " Innuendo:" Hey, dude ,I saw a bird fly innuendo in your window. " Mustache:" I Mustache must ask
  15. Ronnie in their" 80s finest" segment and stated:" He was the coolest, dude ,in suburban America on the classic sitcom Happy Days. He wore a leather jacket;
  16. Joke. Just to pass the time at first, but Mikey's raving about it. It's like, dude ,c'mon, this is not about Bush, so … that parts over. The ulcers are gone and
  17. And they said,'Could you give Toad a skateboard and make him say,'radical, dude ,' things,' and that's when I said,'It's been a pleasure ...' " *In 2010
  18. SAE; these include the use of gray as an adjective for whites (as in gray, dude ,), possibly from the color of Confederate uniforms, possibly an extension of
  19. Available to an outside observer. Thus," From: anon (At)retailer. Net Hey, dude , send me that new comic to 123 Maple Street, Wherever,Country, Postal Code.
  20. School shooting. Marilyn Manson is mentioned in the song in the lines:" When a, dude ,'s getting bullied and shoots up his school/And they blame it on Marilyn/And
  21. Echo Basin, a winter (Nordic) skiing area and various vacation resorts and, dude ,ranches, as well as an elk ranch and other tourist-, sports-, and
  22. 1926 when Virginia Minnie, the daughter of a prominent local rancher, started a, dude ,ranch which she appropriately named Rim rock Guest Ranch. It was so named for
  23. Just deal with it (Billy: I got arrested because of you! Tommy: Tough shit, dude , you knew you might get arrested when you chose to come with me. ) Note that in
  24. Boasts about himself, far in excess of any actual accomplishments. The word ", dude ," (or the now-archaic term" greenhorn" ) indicates an individual unfamiliar
  25. Include Dudeltopf, Dudentopf, Dudenkopf, Dude and Model. American English, dude ,may be a derivation of doodle. The meaning" fool, simpleton " is intended in
  26. The time, especially by Michelangelo. Words and phrases, such as" bummer," ", dude ," " bogus,"" radical,"" far-out,"" tubules,"" bodacious," and
  27. Phrase to describe a teenager going to sleep, ending with" Goodnight, dude , " In January 2011,German automaker Audi released a television advertisement
  28. Orphanage for children with AIDS in Bangkok, Thailand. Personal life He owns a, dude ,ranch in Colorado and a home in the Mandeville Canyon section of Brentwood, a
  29. To the public in 2008,the property was once part of the BY Ranch, the first, dude ,ranch in Jackson Hole. At Jenny Lake, the Jenny Lake Visitor Center is open
  30. British author Neil Norman called Francis Marion, : a thoroughly unpleasant, dude ,who was, basically,a terrorist. British historian Christopher Hilbert
  31. Native American tribes on the Wind River. Charles Moore built the first of many, dude ,ranches in the area, Ramshorn Ranch and Camp Yellowstone, at the mouth of the
  32. The United States and Canada and wrote Redwood to Deadwood: A 53-year-old, dude ,hitchhikes across America. Again Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry (August 23
  33. Ever double-crossed me! ' I was ready to fight, because I was a little young, dude ,off the streets of Chicago, an ' him calling' me 'black' in them days was as
  34. A number of tour offerings to venues as diverse as Venice, Napa Valley and a, dude ,ranch in Wyoming. She also offers classes in the Fan Data technique showcased
  35. B. Recalled in 2008," Money was like 'I got another dude , he nice too--this, dude ,got a smooth, laid-back style. ' So he takes me to Rakim's house, and we start
  36. Of the Heinlein juveniles. Plot summary A young man named Don Harvey leaves his, dude ,ranch high school on Earth to go to his scientist parents on Mars. He visits an
  37. End, while the packaging is decorated by images of the band as cowboys on a ", dude ,ranch ". Art direction for the album was headed by Tim Sherman, with Sherman
  38. A Hitchhiker's Journey / Elijah Wald * Redwood to Deadwood: A 53-year, dude , hitchhikes across America. Again / Colin Flaherty Television * (1980) - The
  39. It was very common to refer to folks in Texas as" doc ", much like" pal ",", dude ," or" bud ". In A Wild Hare, Bugs adopts this colloquialism when he casually
  40. Another option: Eric B. recalled in 2008," Money was like 'I got another, dude , he is nice too--this dude got a smooth, laid-back style. ' So he takes me to
  41. D'Antonio said in an interview that" after three years of hanging out with the, dude , and considering him a brother, to just get an email was a little harsh. "
  42. The video gaming magazine Nintendo Power described Mario as a" pretty uncool, dude ," which they" cannot help but like ", and also listed him as having one of the
  43. Hip hop. I've been on tour with him and I know him as a person. He's a good, dude , I like Kris, but they definitely didn't holler at me for that man because I
  44. Embraced the punk and later the hip-hop look into their style. Words such as ", dude ,"," gnarly ", and " Shred the Gear" are some examples of words used in the
  45. This with the comment," I don't think that's all that different from some, dude ,who opens a convenience store in front of a train station. They can make a
  46. Triangle X Ranch, another private in holding in the park and the last remaining, dude ,ranch within park boundaries. Marian syndrome (also called Marfan's syndrome
  47. Track includes the lyrics:" Chinese music under banyan trees / Here at the, dude ,ranch above the sea. " * The rock band the Dead has a song called" the Banyan
  48. A sledgehammer, while making a reference to M. C. Hammer," It's hammer time, dude ,"! In an episode of Family Guy, Peter Griffin visits the U. S. as a diplomat
  49. Which provide services such as lodging, restaurants,mountaineering guides, dude ,ranching, fishing and a boat shuttle on Jenny Lake. Grand Teton National Park
  50. To renowned rivers, in particular the Madison and the Yellowstone. Several, dude ,ranches dot the Gallatin Canyon: 320 Ranch, Elkhorn Ranch, Cinnamon Lodge, and

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