Examples of the the word, rot , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rot ), is the 8138 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Introduced during manufacture has resulted in the condition known as screen, rot , The liquid crystal spontaneously leaks and permanently darkens, resulting in a
  2. Notifications to colleagues to share in the meal, so that food is not wasted by, rot ,and energy is saved. Typically, the dominant animal eats until it is satiated
  3. Uses. * High resistance to insects, fungi,animals, as well as molds, mildew, rot , and many chemicals Bulk properties Above their melting temperatures, Tm
  4. The enraged Beria to declare" Now it's not a bouquet,it's a wreath! May it, rot ,on your grave! " The woman was arrested by the NKVD the next day. Beria knew
  5. And passed through optical fiber surgical devices to resurface joints, remove, rot , from teeth, vaporize cancers, and pulverize kidney and gall stones.
  6. Falling off. Almost all deck areas and structural components were filled with, rot ,and she was considered to be on the verge of ruin. Yet the Board recommended
  7. In 1929, he recalled thinking that:" ... if people were paid for writing, rot ,such as I read in some of those magazines, that I could write stories just as
  8. And sprinkle it over the Ash, to the end that its limbs shall not wither nor, rot ,; for that water is so holy that all things which come there into the well
  9. And midrib length and absence of disease, cracks,splits, insect damage and, rot ,). Under optimal conditions, celery can be stored for up to seven weeks between
  10. Alum-tawed leather is technically not tanned, as the resulting material will, rot ,in water. Very light shades of leather are possible using this process, but the
  11. Frequently regarded as a Verbal. This building has been more or less left to, rot ,since 1940. After a short period of internment on the Often Islands
  12. Sized and primed before painting with oil (otherwise it will eventually, rot ,the canvas),acrylic can be safely applied to raw canvas. The rapid drying of
  13. Lies around it, which they pour over Yggdrasil so that its branches will not, rot , These horns are described as three powerful maiden giantesses (Jo tuns) whose
  14. Dust buildup, pollution,mold, and bug infestation. For books with red, rot , acid-free phase boxes and/or polyester dust jackets (Dupont Mylar Type D or
  15. To make about 60 g of phosphorus),it was unnecessary to allow the urine to, rot , Later scientists would discover that fresh urine yielded the same amount of
  16. Reproduction of microorganisms and the action of enzymes which cause food to, rot , The introduction of commercial and domestic refrigerators drastically improved
  17. Own showpiece boulevard. Potsdamer Platz, meanwhile,was more or less left to, rot , as one by one the ruined buildings were cleared away, neither side having the
  18. Although hunted for food, this duck was considered to taste bad, would, rot , quickly and fetched a low price. Consequently, it was not sought much by
  19. At the lower end of the fen stream Route (or Gotta, as it was then known, from, rot , 'muddy' and a,'water ', thus 'muddy water' ) dates from at least 900 CE.
  20. Or no fertilizer and good air circulation; in areas of high humidity, root, rot , due to fungus infection can be a problem. Avoid organic mulches; use pea gravel
  21. Destroy the screen, there is nothing that can be done to prevent screen, rot ,in most Microvisions. ESD damages A major design problem involves the fact that
  22. Vocabulary could ruin a whole barrel of good everyday words, run the literary, rot ,right through them. One sniff of that prose, and you'd say,'Why,that's a
  23. As blight, there were only two main potato plant diseases. One was called 'dry, rot ,' or 'taint' and the other was a virus, known popularly as 'curl '.
  24. By the horsemen. They cut the head off their prize, leaving Yahiya's body to, rot , Al-Jazari quotes prior Muslim historians as having recorded that ABD
  25. Causes powdering of the surface and a change in consistency. Damage from red, rot ,is aggravated by high temperatures and relative humidifies and is irreversible.
  26. Boats are extremely strong, and do not rust (iron oxide),corrode, or, rot , They are, however susceptible to structural degradation from sunlight and
  27. The alternative terminology rot or or rot ational and alternative notations, rot ,F and ∇×F are often used (the former especially in many European countries
  28. Oxygen that enhances a plant's root development and helps to treat root, rot ,(cellular root death due to lack of oxygen) and a variety of other pests. *
  29. Mai fie, Omphisa fuscidentalis),is colloquially called" freight train" (, rot ,dual;) due to its appearance. Most of the insects taste fairly bland when
  30. Polyester is an excellent material for modern slings, because it does not, rot ,or stretch and is soft and free of splinters. Modern slings are begun by
  31. For two weeks for an NRL-style spear tackle on superstar Gary Ablest. The, rot ,ended with a nine-point win over followed by a big win over at JAMI Stadium
  32. Three main problems:" screen rot ," ESD damage, and keypad destruction. Screen, rot ,The manufacturing process used to create the Microvision's LCD was primitive
  33. Of the Dutch Republic. This relatively innocuous invasion fully exposed the, rot ,underlying the Dutch defenses. The consequences were spectacular. Still mindful
  34. With the passage of time. Acidic leathers are particularly vulnerable to red, rot , which causes powdering of the surface and a change in consistency. Damage from
  35. Commit said. " And Geezer would get upset with him and that is where the, rot ,set in. Live Evil is when it all fell apart. Ronnie wanted to do more of his
  36. That are still in existence are susceptible to three main problems:" screen, rot ," ESD damage, and keypad destruction. Screen rot The manufacturing process
  37. That includes a severe frost in 1956 and several vintages in the 1960s lost to, rot , French authorities in Bordeaux banned new plantings of Merlot vines between
  38. As 18 months under normal storage conditions. This failure is known as CD, rot , CD-Rs follow the Orange Book standard. Recordable audio CD The recordable
  39. P rot ected the navel of the Earth. Python (derived from the verb Nathan," to, rot ,") is claimed by some to be the original name of the site in recognition of
  40. Bark was wastefully stripped from the trunks only, the remainder being left to, rot ,; while in 1709 a large quantity of the rapidly disappearing ebony was used to
  41. Nature. Additional advantages of passive hydroponics are the reduction of root, rot ,and the additional ambient humidity provided through evaporation. Ebb and flow
  42. W rot e that the KMT had failed, not because of external enemies but because of, rot ,from within. The war had severely weakened the Nationalists, while the
  43. Sources, the oldest of which is P rot o-Germanic *aw, which smoothed before (so, rot ,'red ', Ohr 'ear ', Floh 'flea ', etc.) Elsewhere the sound was written -of-
  44. Cacti, and many contain pumice, which exudes traces of heavy metals which will, rot ,the roots of cacti if grown in these medium over a period of years.
  45. As organics can trap moisture around the plants' bases, encouraging root, rot , Currently, Tarantula is considered to have 3 subgenera (Upon and Andrews 2004
  46. N't support archive URLs. I've included one anyway, in case of future link, rot ,(see, in which the descendants of each node may be interleaved in memory. The
  47. Banks to own a house and leave them intentionally empty so that they will, rot ,on their own and be replaced with a shopping center, using money that didn't
  48. Around the foundations it may cause seepage to the interior, rising damp or dry, rot , For this reason most buildings have a system in place to p rot ect the walls of
  49. Subdivided in centaurs and millions. A turn is abbreviated \tau or rev or, rot ,depending on the application, but just r in rpm (revolutions per minute). 1
  50. Fate if used on crops: one would bring forth a good harvest, another would, rot ,it, the third would dry the harvest out and the final one would freeze it.

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