Examples of the the word, fist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fist ), is the 8142 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shape intent fist ),Newman (Drunken fist ),Yingzhaoquan (Eagle claw, fist ,) and Tanglangquan (Praying mantis fist ). He did not learn Annual (Southern
  2. Very different political ideologies. A political argument in 1947 resulted in a, fist ,fight between them, but the two apparently maintained their friendship by never
  3. The bat, and the glove or mitt: *The baseball is about the size of an adult's, fist , around 9 inches (23 centimeters) in circumference. It has a rubber or cork
  4. Arts including Baguazhang (Eight trig ram palm),Taiyuan (Supreme ultimate, fist ,), Xingyiquan (Shape intent fist ),Newman (Drunken fist ),Yingzhaoquan (
  5. A good operator who sends clearly and is easy to copy is said to have a" good, fist ,". A" poor fist " is a characteristic of sloppy or hard to copy Morse code.
  6. By the Pusher on Isaiah 4Q161 found at Qumran:“ ( 25) He will shake his, fist ,at the mount of the daughters of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem … (27) when he
  7. To disable Penguin's submarine and bring it to the surface, where a grand, fist ,fight ensues. Although Batman and Robin win the fight, Batman is heartbroken to
  8. Locations: the Polytechnic University of Catalonia for presentations of, fist ,day, The School of Sent Marc de Sarrià for last two day. Other community events
  9. Both depictions show bare- fist ed contests. The earliest evidence for, fist ,fighting with any kind of gloves can be found on Minoan Crete (c. 1500–900 BC
  10. S head. From the guard position, the elbow is drawn back with a horizontal, fist ,(knuckles pointing forward) and the elbow bent. The rear hand is tucked
  11. Go back to the first knuckle (or over to the first knuckle on the other, fist , held next to the first) and continue with August. This physical mnemonic has
  12. From a cannon atop a tower of his own design (in the shape of a double-thumbed, fist ,clutching a peyote button) to the tune of Norman Greenbaum's" Spirit in the
  13. This bacterium is found in root nodules which may be as large as a human, fist , with many small lobes and light brown in appearance. The bacterium absorbs
  14. Who sends clearly and is easy to copy is said to have a" good fist ". A" poor, fist ," is a characteristic of sloppy or hard to copy Morse code. The measure of the
  15. The mixture is poured onto a handkerchief and inhaled while held in one's, fist , In the US, ether was used as a recreational drug during the 1930s Prohibition
  16. To protect the chin. The torso and hips are rotated clockwise, propelling the, fist ,through a tight, clockwise arc across the front of the body and connecting with
  17. Especially Hangman (Northern Long fist Style) and Fanziquan (Tumbling, fist ,). He has also studied other arts including Baguazhang (Eight trig ram palms)
  18. A box designed to contain all the Rage Hard UK issues (box featured the Red, fist ,) CD: TT / CD ACID 22 United Kingdom #" 'we have begun' " - 0:07 #" Rage
  19. That from a distance enemies can see what appears to be a single huge, spiked, fist , thrusting towards the sky in defiance. The tower is so large that it can
  20. Be the first to touch it. The ball may not be kicked, nor be struck with the, fist , A violation of these rules results in loss of possession, or,if committed by
  21. Because of the way they could be gripped by a player holding it with their, fist , allowing players to get carried away and over control, which was less likely
  22. Night in the bed of the English lord. The Scots continue to live under the iron, fist ,of Longshanks' cruel laws. Wallace intends on living as a farmer and avoiding
  23. In 1508 Ariosto's play Cassava appeared, and the next year I Supposing was, fist ,acted in Ferrara and ten years later in the Vatican. A prose edition was
  24. S hips plus two fist s (and sometimes less). The typical depth was his, fist ,plus the outstretched thumb (hitchhiker). Thus, typical dimensions were about
  25. Of the lead man. Right-handed or orthodox boxers lead with the left foot and, fist ,(for most penetration power). Both feet are parallel, and the right heel is
  26. Supreme ultimate fist ),Xingyiquan (Shape intent fist ),Newman (Drunken, fist ,), Yingzhaoquan (Eagle claw fist ) and Tanglangquan (Praying mantis fist ).
  27. Both feet are parallel, and the right heel is off the ground. The lead (left), fist , is held vertically about six inches in front of the face at eye level. The rear
  28. That the status quo had been restored, and Red ruled the camps with an iron, fist , Trials for sedition and high treason The first trial relating to the rebellion
  29. Fist),Yingzhaoquan (Eagle claw fist ) and Tanglangquan (Praying mantis, fist ,). He did not learn Annual (Southern fist ),because his training focused
  30. Is accompanied by a small, clockwise rotation of the torso and hips, while the, fist ,rotates 90 degrees, becoming horizontal upon impact. As the punch reaches full
  31. Scored in points scoring *Back fist usually from the front hand, reverse-back, fist , and spinning back- fist both usually from the backhand - are strikes to the
  32. Finding in his mother" a poetic and almost religious counterpart to the iron, fist ,of his father ". Gamer did not serve during World War I for reasons of
  33. A previous confrontation between the two former best friends in which Bobby's, fist ,ices over. After the battle, he finds Rogue in her room, having taken the cure.
  34. Between them can be used to remember the lengths of the months. By making a, fist , each month will be listed as one proceeds across the hand. All months landing
  35. Dashes or gaps, perhaps only for particular characters. This is called their ", fist ,", and receivers can recognize specific individuals by it alone. A good
  36. Trigram palm),Taiyuan (Supreme ultimate fist ),Xingyiquan (Shape intent, fist ,), Zuiquan (Drunken fist ),Yingzhaoquan (Eagle claw fist ) and Tanglangquan
  37. A little finger at arm's length. * 10° is approximately the width of a closed, fist ,at arm's length. * 20° is approximately the width of a hand span at arm's
  38. Overhand right has become a popular weapon in other tournaments that involve, fist ,striking. *Check hook: A check hook is employed to prevent aggressive boxers
  39. Rally to use the" traditional British methods of the brick, the boot and the, fist , " After the BNP won its first council seat in 1993,he wrote that the BNP
  40. Key, the button used by a telegraph operator Kulaks (Russian: кула́к, kulak,", fist ,", by extension" tight- fist ed "; surplus in Ukraine, also used in Russian
  41. Or hitting with any part of the arm other than the knuckles of a closed, fist ,(including hitting with the elbow, shoulder or forearm, as well as with open
  42. Ecuador from disintegration in 1859 and then ruled the nation with an iron, fist ,for the subsequent decade and a half was, in fact, an extremely complicated
  43. With the Rage Hard fist s being the pop-up) (sleeve featured the Orange, fist ,) (ZTD22) (All disco graphical information pertains to UK releases only) 12
  44. A televised" fireside chat" and declaring during the speech (clenching his, fist ,for dramatic effect) that the U. S. energy situation during the 1970s was the
  45. About six inches in front of the face at eye level. The rear (right), fist , is held beside the chin and the elbow tucked against the rib cage to protect the
  46. And purple, often along with socialist symbols (red flags, hammer and sickle, fist ,). The emblem of the brigades themselves was the three-pointed red star, which
  47. Of play. The ball can be propelled in any direction by way of a foot, clenched, fist , ( called a handball or hand pass) or open-hand tap, but it cannot be thrown
  48. Was an edit of the" Broad Mix" from the 2nd 12" ( sleeve featured the Blue, fist ,) * ZTAX7 came in a pop-up gate fold sleeve (with the Rage Hard fist s being the
  49. And Tanglangquan (Praying mantis fist ). He did not learn Annual (Southern, fist ,), because his training focused only in the Northern Shaolin Styles. He has
  50. Would read the martial art" Tai Hi Juan" closer to Taiyuan 'great ultimate, fist ,' than" T'ai Chi Ch'UAN. " (Carr 1990:67–8) More generations of English

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