Examples of the the word, repetitive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( repetitive ), is the 8157 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Heart "," shell shock ", and " combat fatigue;" repetitive motion injury or, repetitive ,stress injury (RSI); and Gulf War syndrome has had a number of positives and
  2. Gibbons because if any vocal sound is produced, it is one of a finite set of, repetitive ,and familiar calls. #Hockett supports the idea that humans learn language extra
  3. Of the most common types of injuries found within aikido, and a few deaths from, repetitive ," espionage" in a Japanese-style hazing context have been reported. Mental
  4. Can be found in their structures. Polymers, including biopolymers, are made of, repetitive ,units called monomers. Biopolymers often have a well-defined structure, though
  5. Public health role are also compromised by their reputation for recommending, repetitive ,life-long chiropractic treatment. Daniel D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic
  6. Appear to be unified by a mutation affecting their telomeres (a region of, repetitive ,DNA at the end of a chromosome). The typical Arabidopsis-type' sequence of
  7. Is never expressed. It is located around the centromere and usually contains, repetitive ,sequences. ** Facultative hetero chromatin, which is sometimes expressed.
  8. Impairment in communication, and at least one symptom of restricted and, repetitive ,behavior. Sample symptoms include lack of social or emotional reciprocity
  9. Temp, in the vernacular sense, to perform busy-work or an otherwise low-skilled, repetitive ,task for which an employee is deemed too valuable to perform. Non-employees
  10. A long persistence phosphor may be desirable. For events which are fast and, repetitive , or high frequency, a short-persistence phosphor is generally preferable.
  11. Proteins),RNA genes, regulatory sequences, structural motifs, and, repetitive , sequences. A comparison of genes within a species or between different species
  12. Describing the closing song" Children of the Grave" as" naïve, simplistic, repetitive , absolute doggerel – but in the tradition of rock'n'roll .... The only
  13. Areas with fewer atoms and less repetition. Because of their highly ordered and, repetitive ,structure, crystals give diffraction patterns of sharp Bragg reflection spots
  14. Begin to match and exceed the capability of workers to perform most routine and, repetitive ,jobs. Ford predicts that many knowledge-based occupations—and in particular
  15. Reactions against the prior cultural form, which typically has grown stale and, repetitive , An obsession emerges among the mainstream with the new movement, and the old
  16. Services improvement, and marketing research. These sources feature regular, repetitive ,publication of series of data. This makes the topic of time series especially
  17. By impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and, repetitive ,behavior. These signs all begin before a child is three years old. The
  18. Design always involves creativity. Designs are rarely perfect and are sometimes, repetitive , The imperfection of a design may task a production position (e.g. production
  19. Aggression, psychosomatic disorders, psychomotor agitation, grandiosity, repetitive , and obsessive behaviors, paranoia,and with chronic and/or high doses
  20. Which do not require a flat work surface, potentially alleviating some types of, repetitive ,motion injuries related to workstation posture. 3D mice Also known as bats
  21. Supplanted by advances. Structures, roads and infrastructure that existed were, repetitive , and increases in scale were incremental. One of the earliest examples of a
  22. On its own; social cognition theories poorly address autism's rigid and, repetitive ,behaviors, while the nonsocial theories have difficulty explaining social
  23. Bass reinforce the trance-like rhythm and call-and-response, and they form a, repetitive ,effect called a groove. Characteristic of the blues since its Afro-American
  24. Also known as" Soldier's heart "," shell shock ", and " combat fatigue; ", repetitive ,motion injury or repetitive stress injury (RSI); and Gulf War syndrome has
  25. Lowered white blood cell count (agranulocytosis),involuntary, repetitive ,body movements (tardive dyskinetic),diabetes, an inability to sit still or
  26. Props). Each class of glycoprotein is defined by a characteristic, highly, repetitive , protein sequence. Most are glycosylated, contain hydroxyproline (Hip) and
  27. At the commercial data processing market, is still on descriptive attributes on, repetitive ,record structures. Thus, the DBMS's of today roll together frequently needed
  28. Wants to make their point. If it is too obvious the questions are too clearly, repetitive ,and making the witness nervous, the other attorney may accuse the cross
  29. Linguists argue that 是 developed into a copula because it often appeared, as a, repetitive ,subject, after the subject of a sentence (in classical Chinese we can say, for
  30. Interactions and communication, and severely restricted interests and highly, repetitive ,behavior. Unlike with autism, people with Asperger syndrome have no substantial
  31. Future biological weapons threats that may be deliberate, multiple,and, repetitive , The growing threat of biowarfare agents and bioterrorism has led to the
  32. Right hand in the last round. Equipment Since boxing involves forceful, repetitive ,punching, precautions must be taken to prevent damage to bones in the hand.
  33. Is therapeutic and useful in our society, because most jobs are boring and, repetitive , ” Linearly arranged board games have been shown to improve children's spatial
  34. Of these side effects is tardive dyskinetic, in which the sufferer may show, repetitive , involuntary, purposeless movements (that are permanent and have no cure)
  35. Bags. A small, tear-drop-shaped " speed bag" is used to hone reflexes and, repetitive ,punching skills, while a large cylindrical" heavy bag" filled with sand, a
  36. Has no defined DNA sequence. It typically consists of large arrays of, repetitive ,DNA (e.g. satellite DNA) where the sequence within individual repeat
  37. Was driven to a nervous breakdown (and eventual suicide) by the stressful and, repetitive ,nature of the work. *In BBC's Torch wood series, the character Toshiba NATO is
  38. In obedience terms, borzoi are selective learners who quickly become bored with, repetitive , apparently pointless, activity,and they can be very stubborn when they are
  39. Genetic fingerprinting ". In DNA profiling, the lengths of variable sections of, repetitive ,DNA, such as short tandem repeats and minisatellites, are compared between
  40. Includes alleviating pain and limitation as a result of poor posture or, repetitive ,physical demands. The Technique improves pain management for chronic disability
  41. Hemodialysis, or hemofiltration may be required. Tolerance and withdrawal With, repetitive ,use, the stimulator effects of caffeine are substantially reduced over time, a
  42. Of the gnomon's shadow on a sundial or the flow of liquid in a water clock, to, repetitive , oscillatory processes, like the swing of a pendulum or the vibration of a
  43. Which is a method common to functional programming. Iterative algorithms use, repetitive ,constructs like loops and sometimes additional data structures like stacks to
  44. By the infusion of rock sounds and a need to move away from the simple and, repetitive ,Punjabi folk music. It signaled the development of a self-conscious and
  45. Direction or sequence oriented processes such as tying knots or carrying out a, repetitive ,task. In dyslexia, dysgraphia is often multifactorial, due to impaired letter
  46. Of protein-coding exons, with over 50 % of human DNA consisting of non-coding, repetitive ,sequences. The reasons for the presence of so much noncoding DNA in eukaryotic
  47. The same place for hours and repeat the same motion hundreds of times per day, repetitive ,stress injuries are a possible pathology of occupational safety. Industrial
  48. Symptoms include lack of social or emotional reciprocity, stereotyped and, repetitive ,use of language or idiosyncratic language, and persistent preoccupation with
  49. New dungeons met with mixed reviews; GameS pot called them" frustrating" and ", repetitive ,", while IGN noted that" the extra quests in the game connect extremely well.
  50. Movement disorder in which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and, repetitive ,movements or abnormal postures. * Hyperprolactinaemia. The breasts may enlarge

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