Examples of the the word, pharmacist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pharmacist ), is the 8159 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the egg yolk, by Theodore Nicolas Goblet, a French chemist and, pharmacist , in 1847. The structure of the phospholipid molecule consists of hydrophobic
  2. Russian field marshal (b. 1738) *1810 – Étienne Louis Geoffrey, French, pharmacist , and entomologist (b. 1725) *1822 – Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh
  3. Islamic philosopher and theologian, mathematician,physicist, psychologist, pharmacist , teacher and traveler * Aalborg II of Utrecht, Dutch Bishop of Utrecht and
  4. Made through checking the pulse, symptoms,and disease history, and then the, pharmacist ,pounds up different dried herbs, making personalized medicines according to the
  5. And then in 1911 to Glendale, California,where his father worked as a, pharmacist , A local fireman at the station on his route to school in Glendale started
  6. Italian mathematician (d. 1799) *1763 – Louis Nicolas Jacqueline, French, pharmacist , ( d. 1829) *1788 – Friedrich Rocket, German Poet, Translator and Orientalist
  7. Just three lawyers with not a single Libyan physician, engineer,surveyor or, pharmacist ,in the kingdom. It was also estimated that only 250,000 Libyans were literate
  8. K. O'Neill, American physicist (d. 1992) * 1929 – Colin Murdoch, New Zealand, pharmacist , inventor of the tranquilizer gun (d. 2008) * 1929 – Oscar Zambrano Vedanta
  9. Along with a chemist from eastern Pennsylvania. Ignacio Łukasiewicz, a Polish, pharmacist ,residing in Lvov, had been experimenting with different kerosene distillation
  10. To leave school. He moved to the small town of Tristan to become an apprentice, pharmacist ,and began writing plays. In 1846,when Ibsen was age 18,a liaison with a
  11. Änggårdsbergens Naturreservat. 220 hectares. Bought in 1840 by Arid Green,a, pharmacist , in 1963 donated to the city by Sven and Carl Green Bro berg who stated the area
  12. There is no legal definition of sorcery in Saudi, but in 2007 an Egyptian, pharmacist ,working there was accused, convicted,and executed. Saudi authorities also
  13. Rosenbaum, largely non-observant Jews. Rand's father was a successful, pharmacist , eventually owning his own pharmacy and the building in which it was located.
  14. Enjoy) while he was in Florence. To further his political career, he became a, pharmacist , He did not intend to actually practice as one, but a law issued in 1295
  15. 1886. His non-alcoholic version of the recipe was inspired by the Coca Wine of, pharmacist ,Angelo Marian, created in 1863; it still contained cocaine. Manufacturers of
  16. Revolutionary figure (b. 1795) *1829 – Louis Nicolas Jacqueline, French, pharmacist , ( b. 1763) *1831 – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher (b. 1770
  17. General and statesman (d. 1774) * October 12 – Étienne Louis Geoffrey, French, pharmacist , and entomologist (d. 1810) * October 21 – Franz Moritz Graph von Lacy
  18. 30 and 65 would be eligible to buy four tablets after a consultation with a, pharmacist , Patent issues and expirations A UK patent held by Pfizer on the use of PDE5
  19. 200 species. *In alabaster (d. 1248),Andalusian-Arab scientist, botanist, pharmacist , physician, and author of one of the largest botanical encyclopedias. *L. J. F.
  20. Vial to a slot labeled with the patient's name on an LED read-out. The, pharmacist ,or technician then checks the contents of the vial to ensure it’s the correct
  21. To fill determined by the size of the pill. The robot technician, user,or, pharmacist ,determines the needed size of the vial based on the tablet when the robot is
  22. To be deemed a conviction with regard to issuing licensing for pharmacies, pharmacist ,and drug wholesalers. Florida In Florida, the state Supreme Court held in 2005
  23. Wallenberg (1676–1731),military engineer *Georg Rudolf Boomer (1723–1803), pharmacist , and botanist *Benjamin Bile (1816–1902),conductor and composer *Wilhelm
  24. Situations (e.g.," dispensed directly by a practitioner, other than a, pharmacist ," or" dispensed upon oral prescription (i.e. telephone) " in" emergency
  25. Mostly women who were prescribed and dispensed legal opiates by physicians and, pharmacist ,for” female problems,” probably mostly pain at menstruation, or white men and
  26. The onderkoopman (under- or junior merchant) Jerónimo Cornelius, a bankrupt, pharmacist ,from Haarlem who was fleeing the Netherlands, in fear of arrest because of his
  27. Both bitten. They drive to a drugstore to find snakebite antidote, however,the, pharmacist ,sets off the silent alarm before Mickey kills him. Soon police cars arrive and
  28. d. 1935) Deaths January–June * January 7 – Ignacio Lukasiewicz, Polish, pharmacist , and inventor of the first method of distilling kerosene from seep oil, creator
  29. Is founded. * Morphine is first isolated from the opium poppy by the German, pharmacist , Friedrich Returner. * Matthew Flinders recommends that New Holland be renamed
  30. Magda" UNESCO (1895? – 1977),the Roman Catholic daughter of a Jewish, pharmacist ,and his Roman Catholic wife. Magda UNESCO had formerly been the wife of Army
  31. Of the Symbioses Liberation Army. Early life She was the daughter of a, pharmacist , the third of seven children, the oldest of five girls. She grew up in Goleta
  32. Hands around her throat and her struggling beneath him. * When Mickey kills the, pharmacist ,(Glen Chin),there are two additional shots; one showing blood spraying onto
  33. Kay University in 2006. ) the buildings still exist. She became a licensed, pharmacist , Her senior thesis had the title" Heightened Effects of Thrombolytic Actions
  34. A larger amount of the substance was isolated in 1828 by Henri Le roux, a French, pharmacist , Rafael Paris, an Italian chemist was able to convert the substance into a
  35. Of Savage are Michel Cassius (also known as LE Pissed (1794–1869),a French, pharmacist , and Charles Lecture (1808–1894). Cassius opened the first establishment in
  36. Behind-the-counter access to Plan B from pharmacies staffed by a licensed, pharmacist ,for women 18 or older; a prescription-only form of Plan B was made available
  37. Same),L-Theanine. It is recommended by the FDA to contact a physician or, pharmacist ,before taking any drug while on an MALI. List of Maoist
  38. Is the Ha chis Carpentier, named after Antoine-Augustin Carpentier, a French, pharmacist , nutritionist, and agronomist who, in the late 18th century, was instrumental
  39. Journal of Medicine," compelling arguments can be made both for and against a, pharmacist ,'s right to refuse prescriptions for emergency contraception. " In isolated
  40. Sang first, with the others all following after. " Another traveler, the German, pharmacist ,Reinhold Blumenau, was in Constantinople in November 1588 and reports on a Greek
  41. Dextromethorphan-containing products behind the counter so that one must ask a, pharmacist ,to receive them or be 18 years (19 in New Jersey and Alabama,21 in
  42. Physician and statesman (d. 1801) *1725 – Étienne Louis Geoffrey, French, pharmacist , and entomologist (d. 1810) *1792 – Christian Gaelic, German chemist (d. 1860
  43. Commonwealth; victor of the Battle of Vienna * Ignacio Łukasiewicz 1822 - 1882;, pharmacist ,; devised of the first method of distilling kerosene from seep oil * Carl Merger
  44. Countries worldwide. It must be prescribed by a doctor, must be delivered by a, pharmacist , and requires strict medical supervision. There is a long history of medical
  45. Fill prescriptions that consist of oral solids or medications in pill form. The, pharmacist ,or pharmacy technician enters the prescription information into its information
  46. Are numerous reports that this information has not been disseminated to the, pharmacist , the name brand products continue to contain the previous labels that are
  47. From the apothecary ". This could mean you actually spoke to the apothecary (, pharmacist ,) or went to the apothecary (pharmacy). The context in which an ambiguous
  48. For the rescue of Jews in World War II Hungary * Mateusz Pankiewicz 1908-1993;, pharmacist ,; Righteous Among the Nations who aided Jews in the Kraków Ghetto * Josef
  49. Queen of Prussia (b. 1776) * August 12 – Étienne Louis Geoffrey, French, pharmacist , and entomologist (b. 1725) * October 15 – Alfred Moore, American judge (b.
  50. Costa Rica include health clinics, with a general practitioner, nurse,clerk, pharmacist ,and a primary health technician. In 2008,there were five specialties national

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