Examples of the the word, ambiguous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ambiguous ), is the 8141 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Agreements, as a threat to civil liberties, saying it is overly broad and, ambiguous , Court-awarded damages and attorney's fees In 2004,court-awarded damages and
  2. 4. Cauchy based his infinitesimals on the notion of limit. This is an, ambiguous ,claim, and essentially a play on words on the term" limit ". The modern
  3. Of an algebraic extension of the rationals with discriminant n. The notation is, ambiguous , as there are in general many extensions with the same discriminant. See
  4. Then may flip, a phenomenon called multistable perception. The opposite of such, ambiguous ,images are impossible objects. Pictures or photographs may also be ambiguous at
  5. Sometimes elaborate on their specific intended meaning (in which case, a less, ambiguous ,term should have been used). The goal of clear concise communication is that
  6. Expectations and may be or are interpreted simultaneously in different ways are, ambiguous , such as some poly tonality, polymeter, other ambiguous meters or rhythms, and
  7. In different ways are ambiguous , such as some poly tonality, polymeter, other, ambiguous , meters or rhythms, and ambiguous phrasing, or (Stein 2005,p. 79) any aspect
  8. Uses a strategy of simplification, wherein formerly concrete details are left, ambiguous , vague, or undefined; thus effective communication about things in the abstract
  9. 1),the delineation of abstract things from concrete things is somewhat, ambiguous ,; this ambiguity or vagueness is characteristic of abstraction. Thus something
  10. A Hundred Years Together (2003) on Russian-Jewish relations since 1772,aroused, ambiguous ,public response. TV documentaries on Solzhenitsyn In 1998,Russian filmmaker
  11. Ambiguous images are impossible objects. Pictures or photographs may also be, ambiguous ,at the semantic level: the visual image is un ambiguous , but the meaning and
  12. Relationship, especially regarding the second and third Aeolus, is often, ambiguous , Son of Ellen This Aeolus was son of Ellen and the nymph Orsay, and a
  13. 1 in 6 sample). Discrete responses of the United States and American or an, ambiguous ,response or a state-name response (excluding Hawaii) were aggregated as "
  14. Worked for the Free Software Foundation, made a minimal redraft to clarify the, ambiguous ,passages. This was released as the Clarified Artistic License, and was approved
  15. With ambrosia and set it by Hermes, and mixed the rosy-red nectar. " It is, ambiguous ,whether he means the ambrosia itself is rosy-red, or if he is describing a
  16. In newspaper headlines. The exact rules differ between publishers and are often, ambiguous ,; a typical approach is to capitalize all words other than short articles
  17. Has already been played, but not countered ". Songs and poetry often rely on, ambiguous ,words for artistic effect, as in the song title" Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes
  18. Actions, Achilles is filled with satisfaction. This leaves the reader with an, ambiguous ,understanding of how Achilles felt about the heroic life. Achilles was
  19. Automatically begin to speak in Hebrew. Eco (1993) notes that Genesis is, ambiguous ,on whether the language of Adam was preserved by Adam's descendants until the
  20. Biographer Andrew Hodges suggests that Turing may have killed himself in an, ambiguous ,way quite deliberately, to give his mother some plausible deniability. David
  21. Ontology" Jean-Paul Sartre follows Heidegger in defining the human essence as, ambiguous , or relating fundamentally to such ambiguity. Simone de Beauvoir tries to base
  22. Natural language expressions of algorithms tend to be verbose and, ambiguous , and are rarely used for complex or technical algorithms. Pseudocode
  23. But the Senate acquitted him by a single vote. Johnson's party status was, ambiguous ,during his presidency. As president, he did not identify with the two main
  24. Not assure certainty like deduction, as real world economic data are inherently, ambiguous ,and subject to a multitude of influences which cannot be separated or
  25. As 3*a, and a (i+j) was treated as a* (i+j) if a way not an array. In, ambiguous ,usages, the longest possible name was taken, for example ab was not treated as
  26. Philosophers suggest that concepts such as life, nature,and sex are, ambiguous , Recently, Corey Anton has argued that we cannot be certain what is separate
  27. Amount of research is concentrating on how people react and respond to, ambiguous ,situations. Much of these focuses on ambiguity tolerance. A number of
  28. In Mannerism paintings, compositions can have no focal point, space can be, ambiguous , figures can be characterized by an athletic bending and twisting with
  29. Disturb history to such an extent as to make it plainly alternate history. Many, ambiguous ,alternate/secret histories are set in Renaissance or pre-Renaissance times, and
  30. Sun dance Film Festival. The CBS television sitcom Becker,1998–2004,was more, ambiguous , The show starred Ted Dawson as Dr. John Becker, a doctor who operated a small
  31. Assuming negligible absorption of the ground-state). The term intensity is, ambiguous ,when applied to light. The term can refer to any of irradiance, luminous
  32. Of detail, to solve a crime or a puzzle. Referents Abstractions sometimes have, ambiguous ,referents; for example," happiness" ( when used as an abstraction) can refer
  33. Such as some poly tonality, polymeter, other ambiguous meters or rhythms, and, ambiguous , phrasing,or (Stein 2005,p. 79) any aspect of music. The music of Africa is
  34. Pharmacist) or went to the apothecary (pharmacy). The context in which an, ambiguous ,word is used often makes it evident which of the meanings is intended. If, for
  35. Days it will be accomplished. " Monroe gave Jackson orders that were purposely, ambiguous , sufficient for international denials. The Seminole attacked Jackson's
  36. But in the original, the sentence starts not with the name Cantor but with the, ambiguous ,He, and whether this referred to Cantor or to Plato is the subject of
  37. Level: the visual image is un ambiguous , but the meaning and narrative may be, ambiguous ,: is a certain facial expression one of excitement or fear, for instance?
  38. Stein 2005,p. 79) any aspect of music. The music of Africa is often purposely, ambiguous , To quote Sir Donald Francis Today (1935,p. 195),“ Theorists are apt to vex
  39. t)~ or ~f (y)~ contain symbols ~t~ and ~\omega~ in equal amounts; they are, ambiguous ,and should be avoided in serious deduction. An animal is a taxonomic member of
  40. Exception may be in the pre-Islamic Bad inscription, where it ends with an, ambiguous ,sign that may be a lone-standing h with a lengthened start, or may be a
  41. A high aesthetic value. ” Visual art In visual art, certain images are visually, ambiguous , such as the Becker cube, which can be interpreted in two ways. Perceptions of
  42. 2006) found strong correlations between an individual leader's reaction to, ambiguous ,situations and the Modes of Leadership they use, the type of creativity, Kirton
  43. And impossible cube, or many of the drawings of M. C. Escher. Pedagogic use of, ambiguous ,expressions Ambiguity can be used as a pedagogical trick, to force students to
  44. The logical fallacies of amphibole and equivocation rely heavily on the use of, ambiguous ,words and phrases. In Continental philosophy (particularly phenomenology and
  45. Martin Heidegger argued that the relation between the subject and object is, ambiguous , as is the relation of mind and body, and part and whole. In Heidegger's
  46. Ion overlap in some samples (e.g. between oxygen and) may result in, ambiguous ,analyzed species. This may be mitigated by selection of experiment temperature
  47. As morality, she does not explicitly state that men and women are equal. Her, ambiguous ,statements regarding the equality of the sexes have since made it difficult to
  48. A role in resolving ambiguity. For example the same piece of information may be, ambiguous ,in one context and un ambiguous in another. Linguistic forms The lexical
  49. Note: Calling the language assembler is of course potentially confusing and, ambiguous , since this is also the name of the utility program that translates assembly
  50. To infer which meaning was intended. Many people believe that such lexically, ambiguous , miscommunication-prone words should be avoided wherever possible, since the

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