Examples of the the word, hypothetical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hypothetical ), is the 8153 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Greek for" tree drawing" ). The cladogram graphically represents a, hypothetical ,evolutionary process. Cladograms are subject to revision as additional data
  2. With China or the Chinese ethnicity, and which may form part of the, hypothetical ,Sino-Tibetan family of languages ** Standard Chinese, the standard form of the
  3. Of quarks and leptons, which could hypothetical ly form prion stars. These, hypothetical ,models could potentially explain a number of observations of stellar black hole
  4. By the water molecules continuously knocking the grains about, and developed a, hypothetical ,mathematical model to describe it. This model was validated experimentally in
  5. Term antigen In 1899,Ladislav Deutsche (Laszlo Deter) (1874–1939) named the, hypothetical ,substances halfway between bacterial constituents and antibodies" substances
  6. Located" beyond the Black Stump ". The location of the black stump may be some, hypothetical ,location or may vary depending on local custom and folklore. It has been
  7. Hyperstructures) of extremely high human population density. These largely, hypothetical ,structures would contain a variety of residential, commercial,and agricultural
  8. Afros),or from the Etruscan name Apr. Jacob Grimm suggests the name of a, hypothetical ,god or hero, Aper or APRS. The Anglo-Saxons called April Oster-monath or
  9. Situations in which a death sentence could be passed effectively impossible and, hypothetical , A capital case could not be tried by a normal Bat Din of three judges, it can
  10. To perform (e.g. eating clams). And used it in his articles to describe a, hypothetical ,single type of creature reflected in these various stories. Burns's articles
  11. Word bridge to an Old English word Bryce, of the same meaning, derived from a, hypothetical ,Proto-Germanic root Bruno. There are cognates in other Germanic languages.
  12. Inconclusive attempts at deriving Greek Aphrodite from a Semitic Store, via, hypothetical , Hittite transmission. Another Semitic etymology compares Assyrian barrier, the
  13. Carbon. 'C '. Some chemists may also mark the respective orbitals,i.e. the, hypothetical ,ethene−4 anion (\/C=C/\ −4) indicating the possibility of bond formation.
  14. Of virus had been sterilized, proposed that the 1789 outbreak was caused by a, hypothetical ,transmission from Manassas in Sulawesi. However, the available records for
  15. In 30 CE, the Sanhedrin effectively abolished capital punishment, making it a, hypothetical ,upper limit on the severity of punishment, fitting in finality for God alone to
  16. Event A given that another event B has occurred *Conditional sentence, discuss, hypothetical , situations and their consequences *Indicative conditional, a conditional in the
  17. That, even where the conflict of interest or conflict of duty is purely, hypothetical , the directors can be forced to disgorge all personal gains arising from it. In
  18. And from accumulator to registers. Tradition (e.g. Donald Knuth's (1973), hypothetical , MIX computer),for example, uses two instructions called LOAD ACCUMULATOR from
  19. Of Alpha Centauri A and B would be −6.5 and −5.2,respectively. View from a, hypothetical ,planet An observer on a hypothetical planet orbiting around either Alpha
  20. There were three waves of Adoptionist speculation if we exclude the, hypothetical ,beliefs of the primitive church that cannot be determined with certainty. The
  21. Other neutral particles are their own antiparticles, such as photons,the, hypothetical ,gravitas, and some Wimps. These are called Majoring particles and can
  22. Listed below, the following phoneme inventory has been reconstructed for the, hypothetical ,Photo (-Macro)-Altaic language (taken from Blažek's 2006 summary of the
  23. Four-point Calvinism Another revision of Calvinism is called" Moralism ",", hypothetical ,universalism ", or " four-point Calvinism ", also known as Four-point Calvinism
  24. Other side for a 'double sunset '. The animation below shows two sunsets at a, hypothetical ,site, one the day before the summer solstice and one at the summer solstice
  25. Attempt to bring Calvinism more nearly alongside the Lutheran view. In England, hypothetical ,universalism (which is not entirely consistent with Amyraldianism) was held
  26. Including non-Bantu languages, Greenberg argued that Proto-Bantu,the, hypothetical ,ancestor of the Bantu languages, had strong ancestral affinities with a group
  27. Their very nature, black holes do not directly emit any signals other than the, hypothetical ,Hawking radiation; since the Hawking radiation for an astrophysical black hole
  28. Scripted events tied to possible outcomes of battles; Broken Star, set in a, hypothetical ,Russian civil war in 2010; and Rhye's and Fall of Civilization, an 'Earth
  29. Of it are efficiently solvable. Russell Impagliazzo has described five, hypothetical ," worlds" that could result from different possible resolutions to the
  30. And" discrimination on the basis of his being Ásatrú ". An Ansible is a, hypothetical ,machine capable of instantaneous or superluminal communication. Ansible occur
  31. Provides a major clue. In the dialogue, Critias says, referring to Socrates ', hypothetical ,society: FEDER quotes A. E. Taylor, who wrote," We could not be told much more
  32. All the species that are now extinct, represents an additional fork on the, hypothetical , complete cladogram of the tree of life. The tree of life is a
  33. Some of Dutton's categories seem too broad: a physicist might entertain, hypothetical ,worlds in his/her imagination in the course of formulating a theory. Another
  34. May not apply, can be compared pairwise. Cladograms can be used to depict the, hypothetical ,descent relationships within groups of items in many academic realms.
  35. Disease and increase mortality in humans. It was previously proposed on a, hypothetical ,basis that free radicals may induce an endogenous response culminating in more
  36. There may also be a connection with the Roman god of war Mars, via, hypothetical , Proto-Indo-European *Mares; compare Ancient Greek μάρναμαι (Manama)," to
  37. Uniform System for Teaching Investigators ". This new system, in the form of a, hypothetical ,dialogue with a fictional character named" Mr. Brown ", included intricate
  38. One or a combination of well-understood psychological conditions, and other, hypothetical ,ones: paranoia, denial,schizophrenia, mean world syndrome. Sociopolitical
  39. 6.5 and −5.2,respectively. View from a hypothetical planet An observer on a, hypothetical ,planet orbiting around either Alpha Centauri A or Alpha Centauri B would see an
  40. The teachings of the apostles and their immediate successors. An abandonment, hypothetical ,example might imagine all the bishops of the world agreeing to abrogate the
  41. Is thus now considered part of the standard hot Big Bang cosmology. The, hypothetical ,particle or field thought to be responsible for inflation is called the
  42. Which the internal current would run parallel to and in the same direction as a, hypothetical ,magnetizing current loop around the local line of latitude which would induce a
  43. But is redistributed during apoptosis to the extracellular surface by a, hypothetical ,protein known as scram blase. These molecules mark the cell for phagocytosis by
  44. Argument to explain the absence of particles that are themselves only, hypothetical , Preventive medicine can readily seem 100 percent effective against a disease
  45. Form, as the target for direct dark matter searches. The interaction of a, hypothetical ,WIMP particle with the argon nucleus produces scintillation light that is then
  46. By many early alchemists being monks, and antimony being poisonous. So does the, hypothetical ,Greek word ἀντίμόνος antimony," against one ", explained as" not found as
  47. Of the fretboard is measured by the fretboard radius, which is the radius of a, hypothetical ,circle of which the fretboard's surface constitutes a segment. The smaller the
  48. Other possibilities include AHIMA, the Arabic name of the metal, and a, hypothetical ,as-stimmi, derived from or parallel to the Greek. Characteristics Properties
  49. Avoid the singularity. Extending these solutions as far as possible reveals the, hypothetical ,possibility of exiting the black hole into a different spacetime with the black
  50. Turn Alpha Centauri B appeared as bright as the Sun seen from the Earth),this, hypothetical ,planet would receive slightly more light from the more luminous Alpha Centauri

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