Examples of the the word, humidity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( humidity ), is the 8147 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Must constantly monitor and adjust the ice and air temperatures as well as air, humidity ,levels to ensure a consistent playing surface. It is common for each sheet of
  2. Has marked wet and dry seasons of relatively equal length. Both temperature and, humidity ,generally are high throughout the year. Forest covers about two-thirds of the
  3. Lakes regions of southern Ontario and Quebec, where there are especially high, humidity ,levels. While window and split units are common in these regions, central air
  4. Bithermal reinforced) Grenada. This material is also not affected by, humidity , and the weight is the same as that of a wood clarinet. Mouthpieces are
  5. Organization. Religion Climate encompasses the statistics of temperature, humidity , atmospheric pressure, wind,rainfall, atmospheric particle count and other
  6. And about northwest of Perth. Climate The climate is tropical, with heat and, humidity ,moderated by trade winds. Flora and fauna Christmas Island is of immense value
  7. Can only be sustained at temperatures between 10 and 26 °C and requires high, humidity , while the Black Death occurred even in Norway in the middle of the winter and
  8. Used to nourish vegetation over a certain area. It uses indices such as a, humidity ,index and an aridity index to determine an area's moisture regime based upon
  9. About) tends to moderate summer temperature and relieve oppressive high, humidity , Sofia is also sheltered from the northern European winds by the mountains that
  10. Invention controlled not only temperature but also humidity . The low heat and, humidity ,were to help maintain consistent paper dimensions and ink alignment. Later
  11. Be used for all instruments. *Humidifiers are used to control and stabilize the, humidity ,around and inside the cello and are popular with traveling cellists. Often
  12. While producing fiberglass components at its plant in Chihuahua, Mexico. Excess, humidity ,meant that the parts did not cure correctly and quality assurance did not
  13. The heat to the custard gently, which prevents the custard from curdling. The, humidity ,from the steam that rises as the water heats helps keep the top of the custard
  14. Coolers tend to feel as if they are not working during times of high, humidity , when there is not much dry air with which the coolers can work to make the air
  15. According to the Köppen climate classification system),but often with high, humidity ,due to the river valley's effects. Wind storms can be frequent, bringing
  16. Its higher elevation means there is, on average, more snow in winter, lower, humidity , and it is slightly cooler in summer. There are, on average,300 days per year
  17. Areas have temperate continental climate with hot summers with low overall, humidity ,levels but frequent rain showers and cold snowy winters. The local terrain is
  18. On the edge of the village contains a number of caves, which provided the ideal, humidity ,and constant temperature for maturing the cheese. Charles I (1600–1649) also
  19. One. Short transitional periods, which are marked by some difference in, humidity ,but by little change in temperature, intervene between the alternating seasons.
  20. Only a small quantity goes into the rivers flowing into the basin. The relative, humidity ,is high at night throughout the year; usually it exceeds 90 percent. During the
  21. Surface temperature, as well as probes set up in the seating area (to monitor, humidity ,) and in the compressor room (to monitor brine supply and return temperatures
  22. Species are accustomed to a near-constant climate of temperature and, humidity , and any disturbance can be disruptive to the species' life cycles. Though
  23. Cultural works are sensitive to environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity ,and exposure to light and ultraviolet light. They must be protected in a
  24. Green and lush. Summers are marked by plentiful sunshine and moderate, humidity ,and temperature. It receives, on average, over 65 % of possible sunshine in
  25. Altitude, and proximity to the sea. Temperature, atmospheric pressure and, humidity ,decrease in higher elevations. The southern section is rainy and cool, the
  26. A bed made of three pieces of thick slate to prevent warping and changes due to, humidity , Smaller bar tables are most commonly made with a single piece of slate. Pocket
  27. That of the Corn Belt in the United States, with long summers and high, humidity , The climate in this region is generally more severe than that of other parts
  28. Of nearly all alto and larger clarinets. Such instruments are less affected by, humidity ,and temperature changes than wooden instruments but are heavier. Hard rubber
  29. In a printing plant, his invention controlled not only temperature but also, humidity , The low heat and humidity were to help maintain consistent paper dimensions
  30. Of classifying biomes correspond to latitude (or temperature zoning) and, humidity , Biodiversity generally increases away from the poles towards the equator and
  31. To" condition" and change the air in the factories, controlling the, humidity ,so necessary in textile plants. Willis Carrier adopted the term and
  32. Of weeds and pests in cultivated areas, as a result of high temperatures and, humidity , this loss of fertility explains the westward movement of the agricultural
  33. Vegetation found in an area. Hold ridge uses the 4 axis to define 30 so called ", humidity ,provinces," which are clearly visible in the Hold ridge diagram. While the
  34. The year; usually it exceeds 90 percent. During the daytime in the dry season, humidity ,averages about 50 percent or slightly lower, but it may remain about 60 percent
  35. Cooler year round. Overall, the seasons are marked more by differences in, humidity ,and rainfall than in temperature. Average rainfall varies considerably, ranging
  36. Of that climate. The individual seasons are defined according to the degree of, humidity ,of the air: one season is dry, while the other one is comparatively humid. The
  37. A thicker and more violent air flow. He saw the sea as a remnant of the mass of, humidity ,that once surrounded Earth. A part of that mass evaporated under the sun's
  38. Where shade temperatures on summer afternoons often surpass but with very low, humidity , Much of the western part of Vancouver Island and the rest of the coast is
  39. The Eastern Plains are semi-arid (Köppen climate classification BSK) with low, humidity ,and moderate precipitation, usually from annually. The area is known for its
  40. A short cooler dry season from late July to early September. Temperatures and, humidity ,are high along the tropical coast. In Cotonou, the average maximum temperature
  41. Removing water vapor from the cooled space and thereby lowering its relative, humidity , Some air conditioning units dry the air without cooling it. These work like a
  42. Nighttime temperatures (in winter down to 0 °C; 32 °F) due to extremely low, humidity , Many deserts are formed by rain shadows, as mountains block the path of
  43. Or mechanical. Humidity Air conditioning equipment usually reduces the, humidity ,of the air processed by the system. The relatively cold (below the dew point)
  44. Rain as a product of the humidity pumped up from Earth by the sun. As the early, humidity ,evaporated, dry land emerged and, in time, humankind had to adapt. The 3rd
  45. Population of the old city is about 5,000. Bethlehem's average annual relative, humidity ,is 60 % and reaches its highest rates between January and February. Humidity
  46. To places where water is more abundant. He explained rain as a product of the, humidity ,pumped up from Earth by the sun. As the early humidity evaporated, dry land
  47. Generally increases away from the poles towards the equator and increases with, humidity , Biome Classification Schemes Biome classification schemes seek to define
  48. A measurement used by meteorologists to reflect the combined effect of heat and, humidity , * An expiry date is the term used for the date when a perishable product will
  49. Coolers can lower the air's temperature by 50 °F (28 °C),and still control, humidity , If the brine regenerator uses high heat, they also partially sterilize the air
  50. Artillery team include meteorological analysis to determine the temperature, humidity ,and pressure of the air and wind direction and speed at different altitudes.

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