Examples of the the word, randomize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( randomize ), is the 8158 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wagers are made on the total value of the two dice. Dice are frequently used to, randomize ,moves in board games, usually by deciding the distance through which a piece
  2. To randomize their plays (see" Mixed strategy" below),they are able to, randomize ,together. Second, play of a suit combination amounts to a sequence of tricks
  3. But also on the previous one. Scrambling is a technique used to, randomize ,a data stream to eliminate long '0'-only and '1'-only sequences and to assure
  4. Effect of a medical treatment, and we enroll 100 subjects into our study, then, randomize ,50 subjects to the treatment group and 50 subjects to the control group. In
  5. Curve). *Hammering or jarring: the mechanical disturbance tends to, randomize ,the magnetic domains. Will leave some residual magnetization. Types of
  6. The game was described as frustrating, particularly as maps and item properties, randomize ,upon restoring a previous game save. The review concluded by describing Beyond
  7. With other transmissions, linear feedback registers are often used to ", randomize ," the transmitted bit stream. This randomization is removed at the receiver
  8. Class there are 3 predefined methods for randomization: pre_ randomize , randomize ,and post_ randomize . The randomize method is called by the user for
  9. Interaction with Earth's magnetic field overcomes thermal forces that tend to, randomize ,the orientation of the cell in its aqueous surroundings. Because oxygen
  10. And bending them from above. The faro is a controlled shuffle which does not, randomize ,a deck when performed properly. A perfect faro shuffle, where the cards are
  11. Using the countryside. Also, birds adapt quickly to any sound that does not, randomize ,its magnitude, pitch,or time interval. Propane cannons become ineffective
  12. Agents operating in partially observable environments. Note: If the agent can, randomize ,its actions, it may be possible to escape from infinite loops.; Model-based
  13. Or Bu Mel (busulfan, melphalan) and the study has been recently amended to, randomize ,children to ch14.18 antibody treatment with or without subcutaneous IL2 (
  14. Which server of equal preference to send mail to," the sender-SMTP MUST, randomize ,them to spread the load across multiple mail exchangers for a specific
  15. To partner),a player holding two or more equivalent cards should sometimes, randomize ,their order of play (see the note on Nash equilibrium). The probability
  16. In the lottery machine. The balls are placed in the machine for 20 seconds to, randomize ,prior to having the first ball drawn. The remaining three balls are drawn at
  17. The cryptographic operation. One approach involves blinding parameters to, randomize ,their value. Other countermeasure strategies to reduce the effectiveness of DPA
  18. Double-dummy defense. ) One plan governs both their plays. If they choose to, randomize ,their plays (see" Mixed strategy" below),they are able to randomize
  19. Then from above. The faro shuffle is a controlled shuffle which does not fully, randomize ,a deck. A faro shuffle which leaves the original top card at the top and the
  20. For instruments (up to 16 samples for each instrument). * Option to slightly, randomize ,velocity, time,pitch and swing functions to give a more" human" playback. *
  21. The type variable will not be randomize d for this frame instance. My_frame., randomize ,(); Assertions SystemVerilog has its own assertion specification language
  22. s) or node editing regions (parts) of an object. It can push, repel/attract, randomize ,positioning, shrink/enlarge, rotate,copy/delete selected whole objects. With
  23. Persia Diamonds and mathematician Dave Bayer on the number of shuffles needed to, randomize ,a deck concluded that the deck did not start to become random until five good
  24. Is often cited for the simplified proposition that it takes seven shuffles to, randomize ,a deck. More precisely, Diaconis showed that it takes 5 shuffles before the
  25. A face model independently of output resolution. Face Gen 3.3 allows the user to, randomize , tween, normalize and exaggerate faces, and also includes algorithms for
  26. Upon in the gaming community. Because of this, some servers are configured to, randomize ,or shuffle teams between rounds or games, automatically assign new joiners to
  27. Method before the randomization and the post_ randomize method is called by the, randomize ,method after randomization. Class ETH_frame; rand bit 47:0 best; rand bit 47:0
  28. And transfer functions supported a causal interpretation. The study failed to, randomize ,their independent variable - the number of meditators. Rather than being random
  29. Powered – resist the temptation to leap into Phase III prematurely. 3. Do not, randomize ,antigen plus adjuvant versus adjuvant alone. The goal is to establish clinical
  30. Product, calls of predators of the target species as well. Effective emitters, randomize ,pitch, magnitude,time interval, sound sequence and other factors to prevent
  31. Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAP) scheme uses a simple Faster network to, randomize ,ciphertexts in certain asymmetric key encryption schemes. A generalized Faster
  32. Game, this initial round of communication may enable the players to, randomize ,among equilibrium yielding payoffs 2.5,2.5 which cannot be achieved with any
  33. With a collection of subjects. Example 20 people. *Step 2: Devise a method to, randomize ,that is purely mechanical (e.g. flip a coin) *Step 3: Assign subjects with "
  34. Which transfer lipids in the opposite direction, and scrambles, which, randomize , lipid distribution across lipid bilayer (as in apoptotic cells). In any case
  35. Methods for randomization: pre_ randomize , randomize and post_ randomize . The, randomize ,method is called by the user for randomization of the class variables. The
  36. The library where their content can be browsed and searched. *Shuffle Sync to, randomize ,content synced with the portable device, Multi PC Sync to synchronize portable
  37. Administered by JPL. They involved building an electronic apparatus that would, randomize ,images presented to an individual, who was asked to predict them in advance. By
  38. Randomization of the class variables. The pre_ randomize method is called by the, randomize ,method before the randomization and the post_ randomize method is called by the
  39. Trials, say for U. S. Food and Drug Administration approval, will quantify and, randomize ,the covariance that can be identified. Researchers attempt to reduce the biases
  40. The current German NB2004 randomization will include MING therapy and, randomize ,topotecan use in up-front therapy and will accrue a total of 642 for all risk
  41. Probability for choosing that strategy. In order for a player to be willing to, randomize , his expected payoff for each strategy should be the same. In addition, the sum
  42. In pure strategies exist, but the model does not specify why and how players, randomize ,their decisions. Every Good Boy Deserves Favor is a stage play by Tom Stoppard
  43. Similar to other media players, supporting " drag and drop" and playlist, randomize , * Theater Mode (full screen mode) video playback. This will only play on
  44. The agent can choose any action as a function of the history, and it can even, randomize ,its action selection. When the agent's performance is compared to that of an
  45. Thought that the pounding of the sea and the ship's engines would slowly, randomize ,this field, but in testing this was found not to be a real problem. A more
  46. Then in the laboratory. Field experiments, like lab experiments, generally, randomize , subjects (or other sampling units) into treatment and control groups and
  47. Ap Hotel (999–1005) Dither is an intentionally applied form of noise used to, randomize ,quantization error, preventing large-scale patterns such as" banding" in
  48. Player has tremendously strong hands. Shuffling is a procedure used to, randomize ,a deck of playing cards to provide an element of chance in card games.
  49. That poker players do not play mechanically. ) *" I use my own incompetence to, randomize ,my play. " --alibied on an April 2006,PNL broadcast. *" Aggression Factor
  50. Of a new key after each block cipher invocation a method is needed to, randomize ,the input data. In 1980,the NIST published a national standard document

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