Examples of the the word, searchable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( searchable ), is the 8149 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Long Beach community. The site's local search engine provided one of the first, searchable ,Long Beach-centric databases. Later its elements were adapted as the face of
  2. For the management of animal genetic resources which provides the user with, searchable ,databases of breed-related information, management tools, and contacts for the
  3. In London as part of the Asia, Pacific,and Africa Collection. The catalog is, searchable ,online in the Access to Archives catalogs. Many of the East India Company
  4. In the form of a book or journal article, instruction in the use of specific, searchable ,information resources such as the library's online catalog or subscription
  5. The CMS is published in hardcover and online. The online edition includes the, searchable ,text of the new 16th and 15th editions with features such as tools for editors
  6. Eastern Armenian National Corpus (ANC) 110 million words. Freely, searchable ,online. * German Reference Corpus (Derek) More than 4 billion words of
  7. Selected current articles, reviews,blogs,MP3s,and other features such as, searchable ,and free encyclopedic articles about artists, with images and sometimes sound
  8. Developed in partnership with Google, the new website gives users access to, searchable , fast-loading, high-resolution images of the scrolls, as well as short
  9. AM in We. The radio station has a library of over 51,000 tracks, which are, searchable ,on their website. In 2006 IC Radio received two nominations in the Student
  10. 450,000 main entries, and is expected to be complete around 2017. A, searchable ,web version has been available since 1997. The Shire horses are a spoof band
  11. Now over 40 million pages of internal company documents publicly available on, searchable ,websites that provide a fascinating insight into the inner workings of past and
  12. By users. This new system is intended to hold every English RPG product, and is, searchable ,through a variety of means, notable hyperlinks to other products by the
  13. Then http://dss.collections.imj.org.il/ available online free of charge, on a, searchable ,database and complemented by translation and other scholarly tools. The first
  14. Algorithms Let m be the length of the pattern and let n be the length of the, searchable ,text. 1Asymptotic times are expressed using O, Ω,and Θ notation The
  15. Of the valley and a veteran of the American Civil War. The cemetery has a, searchable ,database available by the
  16. About 400,000 heritage sites, including scheduled monuments. This online, searchable ,list can be found on the English Heritage website. The list of Scottish
  17. Historical Society * http://www.WhitePlainsOnLine.com White Plains On Line A, searchable ,collection of White Plains public agency meeting agendas, minutes,budgets, and
  18. Horizontally broad data categories that can stand alone or are combined to form, searchable ,directories. Locating methods Control Plane Locating Sometimes referred to as
  19. The http://www.jugglingdb.com/clubs/ Internet Juggling Database maintains a, searchable ,database of most juggling clubs. Since the 1980s a juggling culture has
  20. Were residents. The 1801,1865,1900 and 1910 censuses are transcribed and made, searchable ,on the internet. The census records are made publicly available when 100 years
  21. Is usually now termed a monitor. Other * WikiScanner, a tool that provides a, searchable ,database of anonymous Wikipedia edits * A personality type described by
  22. Newspaper microfilm from 1943 to 1999 is being restored and rendered into, searchable ,format by Heritage Microfilm and integrated into an archives website
  23. Bound volumes of the Record. The newspaper provides access free of charge to a, searchable ,database of articles stretching back to 1998 on its website. The student
  24. Footnotes *http://abel.arts.kuleuven.be/ Apollodorus Bibliotheca Electronica:, searchable ,and annotated online bibliography: history of the text, printed editions
  25. SMS sending, resumable file transfers, greeting cards, multiplayer games and a, searchable ,user directory. *ICQ6 was launched on April 17, 2007,and offered a single
  26. The Interpretation of Radium (1909) (a, searchable ,facsimile at the University of Georgia Libraries; DJU &
  27. Made easier by automated software that organizes digital video footage into a, searchable ,database, and by automated video analysis software (such as VIRAL and Humanoid
  28. Of Contemporary American English (COCA) 425 million words,1990-2011. Freely, searchable ,online. * Brown Corpus, forming part of the" Brown Family" of corpora
  29. Intelligence Agency (CIA),is designed for converting intercepted audio into, searchable ,text. CIP AV, deployed by FBI, is a spyware/Trojan allegedly designed for
  30. As both sides of the writing material can be used; and it is portable, searchable , and easy to conceal. The Christian authors may also have wanted to distinguish
  31. For revision later on. XML-based history makes the log easy to manipulate, searchable ,and extendable for future functions. Stream manipulation Trillion Pro also has
  32. Work, copyrighted, but nine of the 20 volumes are free to read and access; fully, searchable ,online. Includes: * A list of Buchanan's Publications from 1949 to 1986 can be
  33. Lawrence and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence's official Estates, and maintains a, searchable ,archive of nearly 1,000 images of their work. The U. S. copyright
  34. Offers similar services for RDF/S, DAML and OWL ontologies. * Ontario is a ", searchable ,and browsable directory of semantic web data" with a focus on RDF vocabularies
  35. Bells held by the Canadian Forces Base Esquivel Museum has been entered into a, searchable ,data archive that is accessible to any interested website visitors. History
  36. Audio and video download) *http://www.subidiom.com/e e Search Engine 2 billion, searchable ,digits of, and √2 In mathematics, the Euler–MacLaurin formula provides a
  37. Dena News began archiving Usenet in the mid-1990s. Decades also provided a, searchable ,web interface. Google bought the archive from them and made efforts to buy
  38. Service was ended in June 2011. The subscriptions service's feature of, searchable ,program guides will end effective July 31, 2011. After this date, owners of
  39. On the site of Troy and through the Road in the years 1871-72-73-78-79; (, searchable ,facsimile at the University of Georgia Libraries, requires dejavu-plugin)
  40. An article title to allow each word (except the stop words) in titles to be, searchable ,alphabetically in the index. It was a useful indexing method for technical
  41. To track the company's post marketing commitments. Pfizer must also put a, searchable ,database of all payments to physicians the company has made on the Pfizer
  42. Committees are described in the FACE http://fido.gov/facadatabase/search.asp, searchable ,database. Other countries Azerbaijan There are 12 think tanks in Azerbaijan
  43. S ambitious project to scan the world's great literary works and make them, searchable ,over the Web. Rankings From 2001 to 2010,Princeton University was ranked
  44. Progressive rating from a self-described non-partisan group that provides a ", searchable ,database of Congressional voting records from a Progressive perspective. " And
  45. Editions with features such as tools for editors, a citation guide summary, and, searchable , access to Q&A, where University of Chicago Press editors answer readers' style
  46. Magazines, accounting for 1049 unique game systems. ). The Gaming Index is not, searchable ,on RPG. Net itself, as RPG. Net does not maintain a working" search" function
  47. For their http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions Cool Solutions website with a, searchable ,database of advice, tools and problem fixes submitted by users from all over
  48. Is considered similar to Project Gutenberg. The Aurora Bunk resources are, searchable ,by category, author,or title; and there is a considerable amount of support in
  49. Amount to approximately 750 linear feet. The CSU Archives' collection is, searchable ,through the use of the http://library.wcsu.edu/cao CAN (Connecticut Archives
  50. Canada ---- The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (FOL DOC) is an on-line, searchable , encyclopedic dictionary of computing subjects. It was founded in 1985 by Denis

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