Examples of the the word, communion , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Has debated prayer book revision and the acceptable grounds for achieving full, communion ,with non-Anglican churches. Are Kaiser (born 1950) is a professor of
  2. Tearfully begged Pope Zephyrus (Pope from 199 to 217) to receive him into, communion , If Natalie claimed to be Bishop of Rome rather than only of a small group in
  3. Provinces, however,all baptized Christians are now often invited to receive, communion ,and some dioceses have regularized a system for admitting baptized young people
  4. Of unity, since no church claims membership in the Communion without being in, communion ,with him. The present incumbent is Dr Rowan Williams. # The Lambert Conference
  5. With him. Although the term Anglican usually refers to those churches in, communion ,with the Archbishop of Canterbury, many Continuing Anglicanism bodies in the
  6. Orthodox Church doctrine, which they hold to be that of the apostles and, communion ,with other Orthodox bishops. The Armenian Apostolic Church, which is one of the
  7. 2000,upon the signing of Called to Common Mission. By this document the full, communion ,between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Episcopal Church was
  8. Members worldwide, the Anglican Communion is the third-largest Christian, communion ,in the world, after the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches
  9. Province of the Communion. Since membership is based on a province's, communion ,with Canterbury, expulsion would require the Archbishop of Canterbury's
  10. Feasibility of an Anglican covenant which would articulate the conditions for, communion ,in some fashion. Provinces All 38 provinces of the Anglican Communion are
  11. Are not governed by Congregationalist polity. It has its own international, communion ,structure, the International Lutheran Council, the member Churches of which are
  12. Moral authority, and has the right to determine which churches will be in, communion ,with his See. He hosts and chairs the Lambert Conferences of Anglican Communion
  13. To be considered a part of the Communion means specifically to be in full, communion ,with the See of Canterbury. The Archbishop is, therefore,recognized as Prius
  14. In Europe today Of course, from a Catholic point of view, the bishops in, communion ,with the Pope (the Church's Magisterium) have the final say in the matter
  15. Of the churches of" Catholic confession. " This desire to work towards full, communion ,with other denominations led to the development of the Chicago-Lambeth
  16. Synod is, however,not in what it calls" Pulpit and Altar Fellowship" ( full, communion ,) with Churches which are not governed by Congregationalist polity. It has its
  17. Synod of Moscow, but this position is not universal within the Eastern Orthodox, communion , In addition to a line of historic transmission, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental
  18. Communion. Taken together, however,the four do function as" instruments of, communion ,", since all churches of the communion participate in them. In order of
  19. For choirs in cathedrals, parish churches and schools throughout the Anglican, communion , More or less extensively adapted, this choral tradition also became the direct
  20. People to communion before they are confirmed. The discipline of fasting before, communion ,is practiced by some Anglicans. Most Anglican priests require the presence of
  21. With its principal primate, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The status of full, communion ,means, ideally,that there is mutual agreement on essential doctrines, and that
  22. As if they had not been ordained and must be ordained in the Eastern Orthodox, communion ,as would a lay person. Roman Catholic judgments In the Catholic Church, Pope
  23. Around 80 million members the Anglican Communion is the third-largest Christian, communion ,in the world, after the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches
  24. Marian Rebecca Hughes became the first woman to take the vows of religion in, communion ,with the Province of Canterbury since the Reformation. In 1848,Priscilla Lydia
  25. Discussed Platonic philosophy, the illumination of the mind and soul by direct, communion ,with Spirit; upon the spiritual and poetic monitions of external nature; and
  26. Worldwide distribution Anglicanism represents the third-largest Christian, communion ,in the world, after the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches
  27. Anglican Communion are linked by affection and common loyalty. They are in full, communion ,with the See of Canterbury and thus the Archbishop of Canterbury, in his person
  28. Effect upon the death of both William and Anne: * The monarch" shall join in, communion ,with the Church of England. " This was another provision to avoid a Roman
  29. Before preparations began for the EVA, Aldrin broadcast that: He then took, communion ,privately. At this time NASA was still fighting a lawsuit brought by atheist
  30. Baptised persons are eligible to receive communion , although in many churches, communion ,is restricted to those who have not only been baptized but also confirmed. In
  31. Ontological sense. According to ancient canons still observed with the Orthodox, communion , a bishop must be consecrated by at least three other bishops; so-called "
  32. Aldrin was an elder at Webster Presbyterian Church in Webster, Texas. His, communion ,kit was prepared by the pastor of the church, the Rev. Dean Woodruff. Aldrin
  33. Unity. The first major expression of this were the Lambert Conferences of the, communion ,'s bishops, first convened by Archbishop of Canterbury Charles Langley in 1867.
  34. Eucharistic discipline Only baptized persons are eligible to receive, communion , although in many churches' communion is restricted to those who have not only
  35. Expulsion would require the Archbishop of Canterbury's refusal to be in, communion ,with the affected jurisdiction (s). In line with the suggestion of the
  36. To other member churches, the churches of the Anglican Communion are in full, communion ,with the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht in Europe, the
  37. Anglicanism Cottbus, to allow groups of former Anglicans to enter into full, communion ,with the Roman Catholic Church as members of personal ordinaries. The
  38. The four do function as" instruments of communion ", since all churches of the, communion ,participate in them. In order of antiquity, they are: # The Archbishop of
  39. For others, their self-identity represents some combination of the two. The, communion ,encompasses a wide spectrum of belief and practice including evangelical
  40. Theology. Many Continuing Anglicans believe that the faith of some churches in, communion ,with the Archbishop of Canterbury has become either unorthodox or unchristian
  41. When what he teaches is universally taught by all the college of bishops in, communion ,with the Bishop of Rome (the Pope),who in turn is seen as the successor of
  42. Outside that jurisdiction, but is recognized as symbolic head of the worldwide, communion , Among the other primates, he is considered as primus inter pares, which
  43. That purgatorial fires of the intermediate state purify only those that died in, communion ,with the Church. His teaching provided fuel for later theology. In contrast to
  44. Some dioceses have regularized a system for admitting baptized young people to, communion ,before they are confirmed. The discipline of fasting before communion is
  45. Prepared by the pastor of the church, the Rev. Dean Woodruff. Aldrin described, communion ,on the Moon and the involvement of his church and pastor in the October 1970
  46. Independent of England. A crucial step in the development of the modern, communion ,was the idea of the Lambert Conferences (discussed above). These conferences
  47. Nations and peoples called of God into the Unity of His Church. Instruments of, communion ,As mentioned above, the Anglican Communion has no international juridical
  48. Suggests, the Anglican Communion is an association of these churches in full, communion ,with the Church of England (which is regarded as the mother church of the
  49. The Church of England (which is regarded as the mother church of the worldwide, communion ,) and specifically with its principal primate, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
  50. Either unorthodox or unchristian and therefore have not sought to also be in, communion ,with him. Although the term Anglican usually refers to those churches in

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