Examples of the the word, prostate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prostate ), is the 8139 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Zappa's projects came to a halt in 1990,when he was diagnosed with terminal, prostate ,cancer. The disease had been developing unnoticed for ten years and was
  2. To one cup of tomatoes and/or tomato sauce a week may reduce the risk of, prostate ,cancer. FDA concludes that there is little scientific evidence supporting this
  3. Prop up our top-heavy monarchy ". In June 2006,he was diagnosed with terminal, prostate ,cancer, which metastasized to his spine and ribs. The last of his books
  4. Be suspending his campaign for re-election, owing to ongoing treatments for, prostate ,cancer. After exiting from the race, Clay endorsed rival Karen Freeman-Wilson
  5. Several factors. Although some studies linked exposure to cadmium with lung and, prostate ,cancer, there is still a substantial controversy about the carcinogenicity of
  6. Cancer and diabetes, showing for instance that IGF-1 stimulates growth of both, prostate ,and breast cancer cells. Researchers are not in complete agreement about the
  7. To erection, damage nerves, or impair blood supply. Complete removal of the, prostate ,gland or external beam radiotherapy of the gland are common causes of impotence
  8. To be effective against leukemia, lymphoma,breast, ovarian,neuroblastomas and, prostate ,cancers. The medium half-life of 227Ac (21.77 years) makes it very convenient
  9. Publicity caused him to sue his insurer for US$100 million. Lewis has had, prostate ,cancer, diabetes I, has not been confirmed officially. Prednisone Lewis began
  10. Research suggesting a connection between masturbation and a reduced risk of, prostate ,cancer, with one character alluding to the practice as“ self-dating ”, was not
  11. He returned to London, where he was diagnosed with an inoperable cancer of the, prostate , spread to his bone marrow. He was prescribed estrogen, which gave him
  12. Of the gland are common causes of impotence; both are treatments for, prostate ,cancer. Some studies have shown that male circumcision may result in an
  13. Stroke in 1997,from which he made a slow recovery. He was then diagnosed with, prostate ,cancer in September 1998. After suffering a second stroke in 1999,he was
  14. Since 1991,and currently the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs has listed, prostate ,cancer, respiratory cancers, multiple myeloma, type II diabetes,Hodgkin's
  15. G-Spot ". The Skene's glands are sometimes referred to as the" female, prostate ,"; they are located around the urethra and can be felt through the wall of the
  16. Heart, skeletal muscle, trachea,stomach, small intestine, pancreas,testis, prostate , placenta, lymph node, and spinal cord. In an article published four months
  17. Not find out about his father's heroism until 1981. Irving was diagnosed with, prostate ,cancer in 2007,and subsequently had a radical prostate ctomy. Quotes *" The
  18. On the morning of May 29, 2010 at the age of 74,due to complications from, prostate ,cancer. Hopper's funeral took place on June 3,2010, at San Francisco de Asis
  19. Mammary glands, and in the male; testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate , and penis. * Respiratory system: the organs used for breathing, the pharynx
  20. For lycopene’s benefit was strongest for cancers of the lung, stomach,and, prostate ,gland. Lycopene is not modified to vitamin A in the body, so it can be
  21. Social or environmental developments. " Ballard was diagnosed with, prostate ,cancer in June 2006,from which he died in London in April 2009. In 2008,The
  22. 29,Hopper's manager reported that Hopper had been diagnosed with advanced, prostate ,cancer. In January 2010,it was reported that Hopper's cancer had metastasized
  23. Different kinds of cancer cells including breast and endometrial cancer cells, prostate ,carcinoma cells, After extensive review reported in November 2005,the United
  24. A potential agent for prevention of some types of cancers, particularly, prostate , cancer. However, this area of research and the relationship with prostate
  25. Of lymph nodes or radiation therapy is required. Surgery or treatment for, prostate , colon and testicular cancers may result in secondary lymphedema, particularly
  26. Couple married a year later in Hawaii. In early 1991,Bixby was diagnosed with, prostate ,cancer and underwent treatment. He was divorced in the same year. In late 1992
  27. Widely studied. In several studies, its use did not reduce the incidence of, prostate ,cancer. Its effects on the incidence of pancreatic cancer are mixed; one study
  28. For lowering disease risk, showing no link between lycopene and prevention of, prostate ,cancer, although it is suggestive that eating whole tomatoes does provide
  29. Carotenoid antioxidant, beta-carotene,has been shown to increase the number of, prostate ,cancer cases in a subset of patients, although this area of research remains
  30. Hopper was terminally ill and was unable to undergo chemotherapy to treat his, prostate ,cancer. His lawyer reported on March 25 that he was dying from cancer. Hopper
  31. To the area requiring treatment. Specific treatments include high dose rate, prostate ,brachytherapy, bilary duct brachytherapy, and intracavitary cervix
  32. Bladder (i.e. interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome, IC/BPS) and the, prostate ,gland (i.e. Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome). In 2008
  33. The most important isotope is now astatine-211. This isotope is important in, prostate ,cancer treatment, and,in fact, is the only important isotope of the element.
  34. Between Agent Orange and 11 diseases, including cancers of the lung, larynx and, prostate , The judges failed to acknowledge" the relationship between the chemical and
  35. Acid depletion, resulting in adverse effects to the thyroid, pituitary and, prostate ,through effects on PBA levels. There may also be links to chronic lymphocytes
  36. The, reduction was about 40 % for bowel cancer,30 % for lung cancer,10 % for, prostate ,cancer and 60 % for esophageal cancer, while the reductions in pancreas
  37. For US publications. In February and March 1936,Bergman underwent a pair of, prostate ,gland operations. Recuperating in Nice and cared for by his companion, Emmy
  38. Negative feelings. * Surgery (radiation therapy, surgery of the colon, prostate , bladder, or rectum may damage the nerves and blood vessels involved in
  39. Quercetin In vitro, quercetin shows some antitumor activity. Cultured skin and, prostate ,cancer cells showed significant mortality (compared to nonmalignant cells)
  40. Prostate cancer. However, this area of research and the relationship with, prostate ,cancer have been deemed insufficient of evidence for health claim approval by
  41. Jonathan Waxman of Imperial College, London,who was treating Ballard for, prostate ,cancer. While it was to be in part a book about cancer, and Ballard's struggle
  42. He married Adelaide Gail Boatman, with whom he remained until his death from, prostate ,cancer in 1993. They had four children: Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Gurkha Roman
  43. Concentrate on his work. Health concerns In 2006,Knuth was diagnosed with, prostate ,cancer. He underwent surgery in December that year and started" a little bit
  44. 10 times the Reference Daily Intake) increases the rate of lung cancer and, prostate ,cancer in smokers and people with a history of asbestos exposure. An article on
  45. System and immune system, and as anti-cancer agents, such as in isolated, prostate ,cancer cells. Although polyphenols have antioxidant effects in vitro, they can
  46. Pleasurable sensation due to the inserted penis rubbing or brushing against the, prostate ,(also known as the" male G-Spot "," P-Spot" or" A-Spot" ) through the
  47. Contracts, such connections were essential to success. Whitney died of, prostate ,cancer on January 8,1825,in New Haven, Connecticut,just a month after his
  48. Latter part of his life. Become died on 11 April 2001 at the age of 79,from, prostate ,cancer, in hospital in Guildford, On his tombstone is the inscription:" To
  49. Serious skin diseases and a variety of cancers in the lungs, larynx,and, prostate , Ecological effects About 17.8 % (3,100,000 ha) of the total forested area of
  50. Violence and protests after the assassination, Brown was once diagnosed with, prostate ,cancer, which was successfully treated with surgery. Regardless of his health

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