Examples of the the word, plaque , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plaque ), is the 8144 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. After a speech by Lord Aberdeen, Lady Aberdeen unveiled a bronze statue and, plaque ,of Alexander Selkirk outside a house on the site of Selkirk's original home on
  2. Because they were motile) in deposits on the teeth (what we now call dental, plaque ,). He also found organisms in water from the canal next to his home in Delft.
  3. JPG|An example of a cobblestone run signifying where the wall once stood. The, plaque ,reads" BERLINER MAKER 1961–1989" File: BERLINER MAKER 1961–1989 plaque . JPG|A
  4. February 1966). Therefore, their names were not included on the, plaque , The memorial was left while the TV camera was turned off. Only Irwin knew what
  5. JPG|Robbins Medallion from Apollo 17. Image: A17- plaque . JPG|The, plaque ,left on the Moon by Apollo 17. Image: Apollo17UV. JPG|A model of the UV
  6. Property. In London, his house at 36 Craven Street was first marked with a blue, plaque ,and has since been opened to the public as the Benjamin Franklin House. In 1998
  7. Having been his house (in the same manner as John Knox's House) erecting a, plaque ,c.1950 proclaiming itself as having been his residence. In reality, it was a far
  8. There until her death in 1989. * In the center of Reweigh is a commemoration, plaque ,to Don Album, the first man to row across the Atlantic Ocean in both directions
  9. Plaque biofilm, other mouthwashes may be more effective where pre-existing, plaque ,is present. One side effect as noted on the label is the staining of the teeth
  10. Framing device that gives importance to its contents, whether an inscribed, plaque , a cult object, a bust or the like, by assuming the tectonic vocabulary of a
  11. Or immediately after surgery. As chlorhexidine has difficulty in penetrating, plaque ,biofilm, other mouthwashes may be more effective where pre-existing plaque is
  12. The plaque reads" BERLINER MAKER 1961–1989" File: BERLINER MAKER 1961–1989, plaque , JPG|A" BERLINER MAKER 1961–1989" plaque near Checkpoint Charlie signifying
  13. Earlier high zinc, low iron brasses such as the 1530 Wight man brass memorial, plaque ,from England may have been made by alloying copper with zinc and include traces
  14. Demonstrated that a chlorhexidine compound could prevent the build-up of dental, plaque , The reason for chlorhexidine effectiveness is that it strongly adheres to
  15. And their respective owners (Charles Finley and George Steinbrenner). His, plaque ,shows him wearing a cap without a logo. *Nolan Ryan: Born and raised in Texas
  16. File: BERLINER MAKER 1961–1989 plaque . JPG|A" BERLINER MAKER 1961–1989 ", plaque ,near Checkpoint Charlie signifying where the wall stood File: HPIM1753. JPG|A
  17. Aberdeen was the birthplace of the Second World War poet Alan Lewis, and a, plaque ,commemorating him is to be found, including a quotation from his poem, The
  18. The first motion pictures studios in California history. On August 12, 2011,a, plaque ,was unveiled on the Wolff building at Third Ave and La Mesa Bl commemorating
  19. Between 1851 and 1950 over 3,000 patients died at the hospital. A memorial, plaque ,for the deceased has now been placed at the site. Twin towns External links
  20. S wishes would be considered, when deciding on the logo to appear on the, plaque , Newly elected members affected by the change include the following: *Gary
  21. Nazi tyranny. It was repaired in 1946,but it was damaged several times more. A, plaque ,on the wall of the cemetery commemorates these events. The Jewish Congregation
  22. Moon (later renamed Apollo 13),Lovell states that apart from the Apollo 13, plaque , and a couple of other pieces, the only other memento he possesses is a letter
  23. The Colonnade hotel. To mark the 50th anniversary of his death, a memorial, plaque ,was unveiled on 7 June 2004 at his former residence, Hollymeade, in Willow
  24. Of an alum-containing mouth rinse was safe and produced a significant effect on, plaque ,that supplemented the benefits of daily tooth brushing. However, many studies
  25. Several newer products claim effectiveness in reducing the build-up in dental, plaque ,and the associated severity of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums),in
  26. Mouthwash claim that antiseptic and anti- plaque mouth rinse kill the bacterial, plaque ,causing cavities, gingivitis,and bad breath. Anti-cavity mouth rinse uses
  27. Lunar Environment Experiment (CPL EE). Plaque and insignia The original lunar, plaque ,on Aquarius bore Mat tingly’s name, so the crew was given a replacement with
  28. Highly polished piece of quartz crystal beneath which is set a cloisonné enamel, plaque , with an enameled image of a man holding florist scepters, perhaps
  29. Was left on the Moon next to the Rover at the end of EVA 3,along with a, plaque ,bearing the names of 14 American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts. Unknown at
  30. Of Sciences since 1996. He remains a citizen of the United Kingdom. * A silver, plaque ,from the International Mathematical Union (1998) recognizing his achievements
  31. And only five (1985–89) with the Mets. The Hall of Fame decided that his, plaque ,would instead show Carter with an Expos cap. *Wade Boggs: Boggs's only
  32. The mouthwash either did not reach, or was not present long enough, to kill the, plaque ,organisms. That remained the state of affairs until the late 1960s when Harald
  33. May use a short" a" vowel in" bat" for words like" grasp "," gasp ",", plaque ," and" rasp ". Sydney—Rising inflection Sydney residents often use a form of
  34. Signifying where the wall stood File: HPIM1753. JPG|A cobblestone run without a, plaque ,Little is left of the Wall at its original site, which was destroyed almost
  35. Name on it. Aquarius never landed on the Moon, however,so Lovell kept the, plaque , In his book Lost Moon (later renamed Apollo 13),Lovell states that apart
  36. Plaques had black lettering on polished stainless steel while the Apollo 12, plaque , had the lettering in polished stainless steel while the background was brushed
  37. Ap16 rover. Ogg|John Young driving the Lunar Rover. Image: A16- plaque . JPG|The, plaque ,left on the Moon by Apollo 16. Image: Apollo 16 LM Orion. JPG|John Young works
  38. Vale, London,where Alan Turing was born on 23 June 1912,as recorded by a blue, plaque ,on the outside of the building, later the Colonnade Hotel. He had an elder
  39. After the collapse of the Communist government in 1989,the, plaque ,at Auschwitz State Museum was removed and the official death toll given as 1.1
  40. Robinson: Robinson chose to have the Baltimore Orioles cap displayed on his, plaque , although he had played ten seasons with the Cincinnati Reds and six seasons
  41. Carlton Fisk: Fisk went into the hall with a Boston Red Sox cap on his, plaque ,in 2000 despite playing with the Chicago White Sox longer and posting more
  42. In Texas, Ryan entered the Hall in 1999 wearing a Texas Rangers cap on his, plaque , although he spent only five seasons with the Rangers, while having longer and
  43. Vinegar or brandy and found that living organisms remained in the dental, plaque , He concluded—correctly—that the mouthwash either did not reach, or was not
  44. Is briefly depicted in the opening scene of the film Apollo 13. *The memorial, plaque ,is briefly depicted in a scene from the movie Armageddon. *The movie Star Trek
  45. In lunar orbit, took multi-spectral photographs of the surface. The lunar, plaque ,attached to the descent stage of Intrepid is unique in that unlike the other
  46. Won his only championship with the 1986 New York Mets, and wanted his induction, plaque ,to depict him wearing a Mets cap, even though he had spent twelve years (
  47. The neighboring buildings. It serves today as a" Symbolic House of God ". A, plaque ,in the entrance serves as a memorial to the synagogue and to Jewish residents
  48. Stood for ten months in 2004 and 2005 before it was removed. File: Berlin Wall, plaque , JPG|An example of a cobblestone run signifying where the wall once stood. The
  49. Disabled children were injected with the drug Luminal and killed that way. A, plaque ,was erected in their memory in 1988 in the local hospital at No. 38
  50. Islam includes a ban on Muslims flying in and out of the UK. The BNP erected a, plaque ,in Old ham in memory of a 19-year-old white man who was killed by Asian Muslims

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