Examples of the the word, depressed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( depressed ), is the 8146 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. France, the book brought about the final split with Sartre. The dour reception, depressed ,him and he began to translate plays. Camus's first significant contribution to
  2. Secrets of the Drug Trials, focuses on three GSK pediatric clinical trials on, depressed ,children and adolescents. Upon ejection the kinetic energy of the Auger
  3. BS) refers to a category of mood disorders that feature abnormally elevated or, depressed ,mood. These disorders range from bipolar I disorder, featuring full-blown manic
  4. The Italian opera of Donizetti and Verdi not to his taste. Debussy was often, depressed ,and unable to compose, but he was inspired by Franz Liszt, whose command of the
  5. The airline industry has varied from reasonably profitable, to devastatingly, depressed , As the first major market to deregulate the industry in 1978,U. S. airlines
  6. Area. Advocates such as Jane Jacobs argue that this enables an economically, depressed ,region to pull itself up, by giving the people living there a medium of
  7. These he encountered a diseased man, a decaying corpse, and an ascetic. These, depressed ,him, and he initially strove to overcome aging, sickness,and death by living
  8. Kryptonite, but instead of weakening or killing him it drives him crazy, depressed , angry, and casually destructive, committing crimes which range from petty acts
  9. Except New York. The Cincinnati Gazette contended that the voters were ", depressed ,by the interminable nature of this war, as so far conducted, and by the rapid
  10. i.e. efficacious antidepressant effect can cause those that are severely, depressed , to the point of severe psychomotor inhibition, are rendered more alert and
  11. Available, or the cost can be prohibitive. For people who are feeling, depressed ,and withdrawn, the prospect of having to speak to someone about their innermost
  12. The San Joaquin Valley was characterized as one of the most economically, depressed ,regions in the U. S., on par with the region of Appalachia. Many coastal cities
  13. During the Cenozoic era. During the Pleistocene epoch, continental ice sheets, depressed ,the land surface (see Hudson Bay),scooped out thousands of lake basins, and
  14. Fuel the negative schema. This is the negative triad. Also, Beck proposed that, depressed ,people often have the following cognitive biases: arbitrary inference
  15. Abnormally elevated (manic or hypomanic) and, in many cases, abnormally, depressed , states for periods of time in a way that interferes with functioning. Not
  16. Jumped. Consumer spending and foreign investment dropped dramatically and, depressed ,growth in 2010 to 0.3 %. Unemployment remains stubbornly high around 10 %. New
  17. World prices for export commodities, and reduced employment in the coca sector, depressed ,the Bolivian economy. The public also perceived a significant amount of public
  18. Glass beads in the area dates back to the 14th century, though production was, depressed ,under communist rule. Because of this long tradition, their workmanship and
  19. Is Aaron Beck's cognitive theory of depression. His theory states that, depressed ,people think the way they do because their thinking is biased towards negative
  20. And success. Finally, Aphrodite claimed that the stress of caring for her son, depressed ,and ill as a result of Psyche's unfaithfulness, had caused her to lose some of
  21. Increased light levels, regular exercise) found to improve a clinically, depressed ,mood. Inert placebos can have significant antidepressant effects, and so to
  22. Fresh water. Averaging at least 1.6 km thick, the ice is so massive that it has, depressed ,the continental bedrock in some areas more than 2.5 km below sea level;
  23. Resident Jean-Francois Bison, reported the positive effect of isoniazid on, depressed ,patients. For reasons unrelated to its efficacy, isoniazid as an antidepressant
  24. Often bipolar is inconsistent among patients because some people feel, depressed ,more often than not and experience little mania whereas others experience
  25. For passenger cars. The spring pressure is released when the clutch pedal is, depressed ,thus either pushing or pulling the diaphragm of the pressure plate, depending
  26. Extending from the back of the valve. When the third (or fourth) valve is, depressed ,in combination with another one, the air is routed through both the usual set
  27. Sleepy, or fall into a stupor. Ultimately, the respiratory system becomes, depressed , and the person will stop breathing. The most important thing for friends who
  28. Of unipolar and postpartum depression indicating low blood levels of omega-3 in, depressed ,patients. A recent review of clinical studies of the effect of omega 3 fatty
  29. This especially impacted BSC since it was a major employer in a number of, depressed ,regions. One of the arguments aired in favor of nationalization was that it
  30. Time, the majority of new arrivals were migrants from the" extraordinarily, depressed ,rural areas" of Appalachia, who would soon account for more than a third of
  31. The Tramp Migratory and does not work where he travels. Down on his luck and, depressed ,about his situation. Emmett Kelly was the preeminent clown of this type. Others
  32. And his mother had the same dreams. Since dreams were usually prophetic, this, depressed , him,so his mother Frigga made every object on earth vow never to hurt Bald.
  33. Thinking is biased towards negative interpretations. According to this theory, depressed ,people acquire a negative schema of the world in childhood and adolescence as
  34. Who then had the highest reputation; but he came away from their lectures so, depressed ,and full of sadness that he told his trouble to one of his friends. The friend
  35. Was known as a" clutch ". The trigger may be an actual trigger lever which is, depressed ,by a finger or thumb (positive),or held then released (negative) but there
  36. Copyrighted blues composition. In lyrics the phrase is often used to describe a, depressed ,mood. Form The blues form is a cyclic musical form which repeating progression
  37. Individuals are commonly misdiagnosed. An individual may appear simply, depressed ,when they are seen by a health professional. This can result in misdiagnosis of
  38. The dimples would cause either one, two or three of the hexagonal buttons to be, depressed ,at the same time, forming a chord that would be unique to that symbol. With
  39. Low-lying and sandy: a coral island surrounded by a narrow fringing reef with a, depressed ,central area devoid of any lagoon with its highest point being above sea level.
  40. Lower average wages and family incomes within the region. Property values are, depressed , resulting in a smaller tax base for these three provinces, particularly when
  41. Or Cartridge these bones are in close contact at their lower ends, the tail is, depressed , expanded and scaly, and their habitats are aquatic. The two species are not
  42. In bipolar disorder, the term refers to the cyclic episodes of elevated and, depressed ,mood which generally last weeks or months. The term in borderline personality
  43. Or his sullen character. The term has the meaning of one being crestfallen, depressed , despondent, downcast,gloomy, sullen and evidently frowning, scowling. A
  44. S relationship as he is posing as a professor at Oxford at the time. Deeply, depressed ,when Moira broke off their engagement without explanation, Xavier began
  45. High cholesterol or have heart disease. Individuals with arthritis also become, depressed ,and have fear of worsening symptoms. Diagnosis is made by clinical
  46. Boyfriend Joseph MacTaggert, who abuses her. Traveling after the army Deeply, depressed ,when Moira broke off their engagement without explanation, Xavier began
  47. Throes of its pain" he was, at first, almost stupefied, and then aloof, cold, depressed , extremely suspicious, impatient of the slightest crossing, and subject to
  48. Insecure. His early support dissolved in the wake of heightened tax rates and, depressed ,trade; riots broke out in Rome and Carthage; and Domitian Alexander was able to
  49. The negative schemata and cognitive biases of the person; Beck theorized that, depressed ,individuals make negative evaluations of themselves, the world, and the future.
  50. Monarch, he returned to Portugal in 1477 in very low spirits. Disillusioned and, depressed , he fell into a deep melancholy and abdicated in favor of his son, John II.

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