Examples of the the word, jenny , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Daughter "; Other * Spinning jenny , device used in the textile industry, where, jenny , is possibly a corruption of engine * Curtis's JN-4" Jenny ", biplane flown
  2. On a wheel, and even this was limited by the need to card by hand. The spinning, jenny ,was superseded by the spinning mule. The jenny was adapted for the process of
  3. Lippi, purple flowering Mazes, grey Ammonia, creeping serums, and creeping, jenny , Other alternatives to lawns include meadows, drought tolerant periscope
  4. Upright and side by side, several threads might be spun at once. The spinning, jenny ,was confined to producing cotton weft, it was unable to produce yarn of
  5. And increasing the spindle count dramatically. However, unlike the spinning, jenny , the water frame could only spin one thread at a time until Samuel Compton
  6. In the mfr. Of cotton, among which was the invention (1767) of the" spinning, jenny ," which was invented in nearby Oswaldtwistle by James Hargreaves, who died in
  7. To produce a mule. A male horse can be crossed with a female donkey (jennet or, jenny ,) to produce a Ginny. A female donkey in the UK is called a mare, or jenny .
  8. Supply, and the one-thread spinning wheel could not keep up. Spinning, jenny ,The idea for the spinning jenny is said to have come from the inventor seeing a
  9. To card by hand. The spinning jenny was superseded by the spinning mule. The, jenny ,was adapted for the process of clubbing, being the basis of the Clubbing Billy.
  10. Of 1788 that the equipment for the mill was complete, consisting of a spinning, jenny , a carding machine, warping machine, and other tools. That same year the mill
  11. Adjoining former fish and chip shop. Exhibits include a hand loom and a spinning, jenny , invented by James Hargreaves. In the loom chamber, spinning room, weavers
  12. Club, an Italian football (soccer) team based in Genoa * Genoa (sail) or, jenny , a type of sail being named after the city of Genoa * The" Genoa" was a 4-4-0
  13. 1775. His spinning frame was a significant technical advance over the spinning, jenny ,of James Hargreaves. After this, Arkwright returned to his home county and took
  14. Warp. High quality warp was later supplied by Arkwright's spinning frame. The, jenny ,was initially welcomed by the hand spinners, but when the price of yarn fell
  15. To the family resources by spinning yarn. The defects of the spinning, jenny ,imbued him with the idea of devising something better, and for five or six
  16. And a mare. A related hybrid, a Ginny, is a cross between a stallion and a, jenny ,(female donkey). Other hybrids include the horse, a cross between a zebra and
  17. U. S. - radio control *James Hargreaves, ( 1720–1778),England — spinning, jenny ,*John Harrington, ( 1561–1612),England — the flush toilet *John Harrison, (
  18. In the textile industry. Without some earlier ones, such as the spinning, jenny ,and flying shuttle in the textile industry and the smelting of pig iron with
  19. In the Doctor Who is a episode," The Doctor's Daughter "; Other * Spinning, jenny , device used in the textile industry, where jenny is possibly a corruption of
  20. Cottage industry in the region. James Hargreaves, inventor of the spinning, jenny , was a weaver in Blackburn. The most rapid period of growth and development in
  21. Soon supplanted by the spinning mule (a cross between a water frame and a, jenny ,) invented by Samuel Compton. Mules were later constructed in iron by Messes.
  22. Hybrid that is the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey (called a, jenny ,). It is similar to the more common mule, which is the product of a female
  23. Shuttle that upset this balance. The subsequent invention of the Spinning, jenny ,Water frame re-dressed the balance but required water power to operate the
  24. Or anything that is perceived to be fake or phony. * Kenny (pronounced ", jenny ,") - A huge generator that powers some or all of the midway * Green Help -
  25. And a mare. A related hybrid, the Ginny, is a cross between a stallion and a, jenny ,(female donkey). Most other hybrids involve the zebra (see Zeroed). With
  26. Apart when it was learned he had already sold several in the past. The spinning, jenny ,succeeded because it held more than one ball of yarn, therefore making more
  27. Helicopter, whirligig,poly nose, or,in the north of England, a spinning, jenny , Some species that normally produce double Samara, such as Acer pseudoplatanus
  28. As in the case of stallion x jennet). The lower progesterone production of the, jenny ,may also lead to early embryonic loss. In addition, there are reasons not
  29. Or jenny ) to produce a Ginny. A female donkey in the UK is called a mare, or, jenny , Horse-donkey hybrids are almost always sterile because horses have 64
  30. Condensor. In 1764,James Hargreaves is credited as inventor of the spinning, jenny ,which multiplied the spun thread production capacity of a single worker —
  31. Prompted development of powered spinning machines, beginning with the spinning, jenny ,and the water frame, and culminating in the spinning mule, which could produce
  32. And latent heats are described by Joseph Black Technology * The spinning, jenny , a multi-spool spinning wheel, is invented by James Hargreaves in Stan hill
  33. An endangered domestic breed. Fanciers are unlikely to devote a Mammoth, jenny ,'s valuable breeding time to producing sterile Ginny hybrids when Mammoth
  34. In the town that a local man, Thomas Highs, was the inventor of a spinning, jenny ,and the water frame in the 1760s,the latter invention being pirated by Richard
  35. Europe and North America after the invention of the cotton gin and the spinning, jenny , displacing hand spun linen for many uses. Crochet technique consumes more
  36. Technology * July - James Hargreaves obtains a British patent for the spinning, jenny , Awards * Copley Medal: William Hamilton Births * April 9 - Thomas Johann
  37. In the textile industry. Without some earlier ones, such as the spinning, jenny ,and flying shuttle in the textile industry and the smelting of pig iron with
  38. Of the country. Samuel Compton of Bolton combined elements of the spinning, jenny ,and water frame in 1779,creating the spinning mule. This mule produced a
  39. Spinning wheel could not keep up. Spinning jenny The idea for the spinning, jenny ,is said to have come from the inventor seeing a one-thread wheel overturned
  40. Rollers that traveled at different speeds. Later, the invention of the spinning, jenny ,in 1764 and Richard Arkwright's spinning frame (based on the roller spinning
  41. Yarn demand by the weavers by doubling their productivity, and now the spinning, jenny ,could supply that demand by increasing the spinners' productivity even more.
  42. Was a revolution of textiles technology: the cotton gin, the spinning, jenny , and the power loom mechanized production and led to the Luddite rebellion.
  43. Repaired, gave him a dog, sent him vegetable seeds, and gave him a spinning, jenny , Captain Jefferson, as Randolph was called, inherited the plantation Snowden
  44. In the late 18th century, the English textile industry had adopted the spinning, jenny , water frame, and spinning mule which greatly improved the efficiency and
  45. With guests and vendors and music is played throughout the event. The Genoa or, jenny ,was originally referred to as the 'overlapping jib' or the Genoa jib, being
  46. Return for a minimum of three years. " Roster Team affiliations The spinning, jenny ,is a multi-spool spinning frame. It was invented c. 1764 by James Hargreaves in
  47. Yarn in a shorter amount of time while reducing the overall cost. The spinning, jenny ,wouldn't have been such a success if the flying shuttle hadn't been there
  48. Breeding large whinnies is an even bigger challenge, as it requires stock from a, jenny ,of Mammoth donkey (Budget de Poitou or American Mammoth Jack). Mammoth donkey
  49. The rib frames. *1764 – James Hargreaves or Thomas Highs invents the spinning, jenny ,(patented 1770). *1768 – Josiah Crane invents the hand-operated warp knitting
  50. Leading country. In the following decade James Hargreaves invented the spinning, jenny ,and James Watt, the steam engine. Richard Arkwright’s water frame spinning

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