Examples of the the word, departments , in a Sentence Context

The word ( departments ), is the 8145 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Self-governance on the basis of their own uses y costumes. Bolivia's, departments ,and their capitals are as follows: Bolivia's nine departments received greater
  2. Police, business and political corruption. Departments and communes File: Benin, departments ,named. PNG|thumb|right|Departments of Benin rect 96 41 108 60 Alibi rect 43
  3. Elected councilmen as political and administrative directors. The 6 magistrate, departments ,of the city are the" Mayor's Magistrate "," Social and Employment Magistrate
  4. Susceptible to" routine and arrogance"—and no deputy older than 40. Over these, departments ,was a central planning committee headed by Speer, which took increasing
  5. And the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville). Police The National Police, departments ,are: Public Order, Criminal Investigation, Traffic and Transport, Investigation
  6. Within a university, for example a" School of European Languages" containing, departments ,for each language and also in the term" art school ". It is also the name of
  7. 1942," It is only Speer's word that counts nowadays. He can interfere in all, departments , Already he overrides all departments ... On the whole,Speer's attitude is to
  8. 1821,the region now comprising British Columbia existed in three fur trading, departments , The bulk of the central and northern interior was organized into the New
  9. Representation, and seven by the minority indigenous peoples of seven, departments , The Camera de Senadores (Chamber of Senators) has 36 members (four per
  10. Out in nationally funded research laboratories (CNRS) rather than academic, departments ,in universities. Other influential writers in the 1970s include Pierre Classes
  11. Départements),and subdivided into 77 communes. In 1999,the previous six, departments ,were each split into two halves, forming the current 12. The six new
  12. No person who denies the being of a God shall hold any office in the civil, departments ,of this State, nor be competent to testify as a witness in any Court. " However
  13. And economic woes. Bolivia is a Democratic Republic that is divided into nine, departments , Its geography is varied from the peaks of the Andes in the West, to the
  14. ACT Ministers implement their executive powers through the following government, departments ,and agencies: * the Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services *
  15. Created by statutes enacted by Congress exist outside the federal executive, departments ,but are still part of the executive branch. Congress has also created some
  16. Health care professionals as may be appropriate. " In Canada, public health, departments ,in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia regulate acupuncture. Legal
  17. To be held in 2011. Administrative divisions Bolivia is divided into nine, departments ,( departments ),which are further divided into 112 provinces (provincial)
  18. Reforms in the judicial system as well as increasing decentralizing powers to, departments , municipalities, and indigenous territories. Executive branch The executive
  19. The executive branch, led by the president, controls the federal executive, departments , which are led by secretaries who are members of the United States Cabinet. The
  20. In Bonn, with only the top officials in Berlin. There was no plan to move these, departments , and so Bonn remained a second, unofficial capital with the new title" Federal
  21. Were each split into two halves, forming the current 12. The six new, departments ,have not been assigned an official capital yet. #Alibori #Atakora #Atlantique
  22. Rect 98 206 117 224 Plateau rect 62 211 78 229 You Benin is divided into 12, departments , ( French: departments ),and subdivided into 77 communes. In 1999,the
  23. today's France. Their territory thus included the greater part of the modern, departments ,of Maine-et-Loire, Côte-d'Or and Never. Geography The country of the Abdul is
  24. Of FIPS 140 validated cryptographic modules in unclassified applications of its, departments , Although NIST publication 197 (" FIPS 197" ) is the unique document that
  25. Counts nowadays. He can interfere in all departments . Already he overrides all, departments ,... On the whole,Speer's attitude is to the point. " Goebbels would note in
  26. However. Roughly half of all government jobs were retained as many government, departments ,remained in Bonn and numerous sub-ministerial level government agencies
  27. Of biology or zoology; and from archaeology, which may be connected with, departments ,of Classics, Egyptology,and the like. In other countries (and in some
  28. For alcohol related problems amongst those attending Accident and Emergency, departments , It Concords well with the AUDIT questionnaire but is administered in a fifth
  29. Social Works and Institute of Energy. The Faculty of Science in Aswan has six, departments , Each department has one educational program: Chemistry, Geology,Physics and
  30. And physical benefits. A number of universities and hospitals have, departments ,of integrative medicine. Criticism of integrative medicine includes about
  31. Bolivia's departments and their capitals are as follows: Bolivia's nine, departments ,received greater autonomy under the Administrative Decentralization law of
  32. Consejerías). In the current legislature (2008–2012),there are 15 of these, departments , In order of precedence, they are Presidency, Governance,Economy and Treasury
  33. Professional Studies and Theology. Each faculty is further divided into, departments ,and schools specialized in areas of teaching and research. The Division of
  34. Shimmy nobility, which supplied the Port with functionaries in many important, departments ,of the state. Marriages and issue He married Amina (Mine) Mihr-î-Mâh Sultan
  35. The Cole DES Points et Chassés. He served as an engineer successively in the, departments ,of Vendée, Drôme and Ille-et-Vilaine; but having supported the Bourbons in 1814
  36. President presides over the council, which also includes the heads of various, departments ,(Consejerías). In the current legislature (2008–2012),there are 15 of
  37. From physical anthropology and climatology, which may be connected with, departments ,of biology or zoology; and from archaeology, which may be connected with
  38. System, no banks, no established credit, and no functioning government, departments , such as a treasury. The Congress tried to handle administrative affairs
  39. Not only in OED but, more importantly, vis-à-vis its interfaces with other, departments ,and offices in ADB, developing member countries, and the international
  40. These cuts, ASU underwent several rounds of reorganizations, combining academic, departments , consolidating colleges and schools, and reducing university staff and
  41. From taxpayers. Economist Dan Klein shows that the worldwide top-35 economics, departments ,pull 76 percent of their faculty from their own graduates. He argues that the
  42. The Development Effectiveness Committee, ADB Management, and the heads of ADB, departments ,and offices. The current thrusts are to: (i) improve the quality of
  43. The scientific research at these institutions is complemented by much research, departments ,of companies such as Siemens, Schering and Debris. Demographics As of March 2010
  44. The other member of the big three. These clubs also hold prominent basketball, departments ,; Panathinaikos and Olympia cos are among the top powers in European basketball
  45. A philosophical specialty or research area, with much literature and philosophy, departments ,dismissing her as a pop culture phenomenon rather than a subject for serious
  46. 2005,after long protests by the pro-autonomy department of Santa Cruz. The, departments ,of Maria, Beni, Pando and Santa Cruz are sometimes known as the" half moon "
  47. Science. Contemporary anthropology is an established science with academic, departments ,at most universities and colleges. The single largest organization of
  48. And much of Europe, these " subfields" are frequently housed in separate, departments ,and are seen as distinct disciplines - with the field corresponding to American
  49. Of the ministries are seated in Berlin, some of them, as well as some minor, departments , are seated in Bonn, the former capital of West Germany. The European Union
  50. Atari's Consumer Division (which included the console and home computer, departments ,) in July. As executives and engineers left Commodore to join Tramiel's new

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