Examples of the the word, disconnect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disconnect ), is the 8152 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then on the user's PC as new messages, delete them from the server, and then, disconnect , Other protocols, notably IMAP, ( Internet Message Access Protocol) provide
  2. Bottom you can easily shake the rope a few times, and the knot at the top will, disconnect , giving you nearly all your rope back. Remember, safety first. Never perform
  3. Transmission grid more fault-tolerant to weather and other disasters that can, disconnect ,distant suppliers. Long distance transmission allows remote renewable energy
  4. And the proximity of the operator to exposed live parts. Metal-enclosed safety, disconnect ,switches are used for isolation of circuits in industrial power distribution.
  5. The line or channel, and may initiate the process of clearing. See also, disconnect ,supervision. In telecommunication, on-premises wiring is customer-owned
  6. From the late 1970s to the early 1980s * Open Switching Interval, a type of, disconnect ,supervision * On-Site Inspection, an advanced measure technique combining
  7. Does not support the requested order, it must provide the first word and then, disconnect ,.: If a memory space is marked as" preferable ", then the target device must
  8. Between the silent film era and the era of talkies. Sunset Boulevard shows the, disconnect ,between the two eras in the character of Norma Desmond, played by silent film
  9. Set a limit on connection durations to allow sharing of resources, and will, disconnect ,the user—requiring reconnection and the costs and delays associated with it.
  10. Quoted as" Against the Gnostic's ". Platinum marks his arguments with the, disconnect ,or great barrier that is created between the nous or mind's Simenon (see
  11. And wide array of human rights organizations. Despite this vastly significant, disconnect ,between the regions, the Human Rights Watch continues to reproach Israel for
  12. Of Marx’s General: The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels, sums up the, disconnect ,between Engel's personality, and those Soviets who later utilized his works
  13. An emergency airlock, outside of HAL's control. In the novel, the orders to, disconnect ,HAL come from Dave and Frank's superiors on Earth. After Frank is killed while
  14. But on the client-side, there is no way to properly end the SSL connection and, disconnect ,the user except by waiting for the SSL server session to expire or closing all
  15. To deliver an extended and sober narrative. Feynman's account reveals a, disconnect ,between NASA's engineers and executives that was far more striking than he
  16. The active target to assert STOP# rather than TRY#, causing the initiator to, disconnect ,and retry the operation later. In the meantime, the cache would arbitrate for
  17. Of good shaft alignment / good coupling setup *it should be easy to connect or, disconnect ,the coupling. *it does allow some misalignment between the two adjacent shaft
  18. Avoided any mention of reducing emissions. Black concluded that was a, disconnect ,between the political process and the scientific imperative. Despite such
  19. Systems employed pulse dialing (Dial Pulse or DP in the U. S.) or loop, disconnect ,(LD) signaling to dial numbers. It functions by rapidly disconnect ing and
  20. Bowman goes to rescue Poole, he is locked out of the ship, and HAL proceeds to, disconnect ,the life support systems of the other hibernating crew members, killing them in
  21. Were more reliable due to the connections being more difficult to accidentally, disconnect , In addition, because it used the" outer" pair of the modular connector, it
  22. Both the internal and external disk drives. As a result, it is not possible to, disconnect ,the external drive without deleting content recorded after the external drive
  23. An Anglo-Indian, Leonowens never approved of her sister's marriage, and her, disconnect ,from the family was so complete that decades later, when a Pratt relative
  24. The filter may decide that the connection is to be filtered, and it will then, disconnect ,it buy injecting a TCP-Reset or similar faked packet. The two techniques can be
  25. Interlock connection at the removable back side of the receiver. This would, disconnect ,when the radio was opened, and so prevent a shock hazard. Technicians and
  26. Restore the systems to normal states before a crew arrives at the facility to ", disconnect ," his mind, killing him, to be replaced with a clone. Gameplay Suspended takes
  27. Caller ID). In extreme cases, the telephone service provider may temporarily, disconnect ,an overloaded line to reduce load. Call waiting and caller ID are often
  28. Switch first look for any free lines, and if all lines were in use, it would, disconnect ,any non-priority calls, and then any priority calls. Flash Override will kick
  29. The occupant is carrying items such as a box or a purse. Vehicle owners tend to, disconnect ,the motorized or door-affixed shoulder belt to alleviate the nuisance of
  30. The analog voltage at the input, and using an electronic switch or gate to, disconnect ,the capacitor from the input. Many ADC integrated circuits include the sample
  31. Is 4-connected,meaning that it takes the removal of four vertices to, disconnect ,the remaining vertices. It is one of only four 4-connected simplicity
  32. Cradle or hook, direct current ceases in that line, signaling the exchange to, disconnect ,the call. Calls to parties beyond the local exchange are carried over" trunk "
  33. Metonymy to call a variety of devices" switches" that conceptually connect or, disconnect ,signals and communication paths between electrical devices, analogous to the
  34. Of the anarchism without adjectives website anarchism. Net, note that the, disconnect ,among non-anarcho-capitalist anarchists is likely the result of an "
  35. The resolutions caused tremendous dissent within the church and a sharp, disconnect ,with the Jewish community. Leaders of several American Jewish groups
  36. Conductor, a short circuit will occur and operate a circuit breaker or fuse to, disconnect ,the faulted circuit. Note that the earth itself has no role in this
  37. S bedside—visited Arafat and declared that it was out of the question to, disconnect ,him from life support since, according to him, such an action is prohibited in
  38. Axles front and rear with 4.10 gears, a 4:1 transfer case, electronic sway bar, disconnect ,and heavy-duty suspension. Another benefit of solid axle vehicles is they tend
  39. Reductions. The sanitary sewer overflow problems have forced some residents to, disconnect ,their home drainage systems from the sanitary sewer system at significant cost
  40. Support means that the second device is available for use without having to, disconnect ,or disable the first. Directing originally allowed access to multiple mice as
  41. Equipment interprets these dial pulses to determine the dialed number. Loop, disconnect ,range was restricted by telegraphic distortion and other technical problems
  42. Granny" a blood cousin trumps a mother-in-law ". This underscored a familial, disconnect ,between Jethro and Granny; although they shared no bloodlines, Jethro still
  43. Be found in the original AT&T Publications. Pulse dialing, dial pulse, or loop, disconnect ,dialing, also called rotary or decade dialing in the United Kingdom (because
  44. It could be telling us as counterintuitive (but correct) and our impulse to, disconnect ,because of our limited and" intuitive" perceptions. Warwick's robots seemed
  45. During operation, however there are torque limiting couplings which can slip or, disconnect ,when some torque limit is exceeded. The primary purpose of couplings is to join
  46. Before the button or switch is fully engaged. * Normally-closed (NC) contacts, disconnect ,the circuit when the relay is activated; the circuit is connected when the
  47. Logitech, DSU,Impact Place an intercom call and press CAMP. Your phone will, disconnect ,from the attempted call. When the phone you rang is available, your phone will
  48. The RIAA, MPAA,Microsoft, SCO Group, and other targets of geek ire. * The, disconnect ,between Stef's market speak and the geek lingo of the rest of the cast
  49. Become something Paul could not remember having any link to, and he learns to, disconnect ,himself from his feelings. He feels he can't tell anyone about his experiences
  50. Electrical devices, analogous to the way mechanical switches connect and, disconnect ,paths for electrons to flow between two conductors. Since the advent of digital

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