Examples of the the word, noisy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( noisy ), is the 8151 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Amount of noise permitted, but allows operators to choose to operate fewer, noisy ,aircraft or a greater number of quieter planes; Regulation As BAA own Heathrow
  2. The efficiency and reducing the net error rate of data communication over a, noisy ,channel to near the limit that Shannon proved is the maximum possible for that
  3. Possible use for this type of interrupt is to minimize spurious signals from a, noisy ,interrupt line: a spurious pulse will often be so short that it is not noticed.
  4. And plural first-person pronouns me and NI may be difficult to distinguish in a, noisy ,environment, so Do has me and NI instead. Do also distinguishes between
  5. Ritter von EPP. General on EPP in turn reported to Ribbentrop, who used the, noisy ,agitation of the Reichskolonialbund to press for Germany's" inalienable "
  6. Algorithms closely related to or extending binary search exist. For instance, noisy ,binary search solves the same class of projects as regular binary search, with
  7. Tube at the front and a total of three torpedoes. The early engines were, noisy ,and smokey, so that a considerable boost to the usefulness of the submarine
  8. To have supersonic exhaust to support their top speeds, making them especially, noisy ,even at low speed. Events * 622 – The beginning of the Islamic calendar. *1054
  9. Theory is the engineering problem of the transmission of information over a, noisy ,channel. The most fundamental results of this theory are Shannon's source
  10. Hydrogen peroxide for use in submarines while submerged; it was found to be too, noisy ,and require too much maintenance compared to diesel-electric power systems.
  11. Revealed that the F-35 was not as loud as first reported, being " only about as, noisy ,as an F-16 fitted with a Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200 engine" and" quieter
  12. Wrote Bernard a sharp letter of remonstrance stating," It is not fitting that, noisy ,and troublesome frogs should come out of their marshes to trouble the Holy See
  13. At Lambert to defend himself. The preliminaries were not yet finished when a, noisy ,mob gathered with the purpose of saving him; the king's mother, Joan of Kent
  14. Lower muzzle report compared to more powerful rifles; because they are less, noisy ,when fired, they are less likely to cause permanent hearing damage when fired
  15. The bilabial, dental,and lateral releases, on the other hand, are typically ", noisy ,": they are longer, lip- or tooth-sucking sounds with turbulent airflow, and
  16. Source coding theorem; * the mutual information, and the channel capacity of a, noisy ,channel, including the promise of perfect loss-free communication given by the
  17. Coding theorem, which states that reliable communication is possible over, noisy ,channels provided that the rate of communication is below a certain threshold
  18. Conspiracy to make Canada part of the United States was confined to a small and, noisy ,minority within the opposition party. In March 1893,Thompson travelled to
  19. That include all elements of stochastic outcomes, adversaries,and partial or, noisy ,observability (of moves by other players) have also been studied. The" gold
  20. In the North Pacific, North Atlantic and Arctic oceans. They form large, dense, noisy , colonies during the summer reproductive period, often sharing habitat with
  21. Secondary image or spurious signal. The synonym is a German word, literally a ", noisy ,ghost ", for a spirit said to manifest itself by invisibly moving and
  22. On in many statistical methods that are equipped to deal with, noisy ,systems. When a natural or artificial system is intrinsically hierarchical, the
  23. That was only randomly generated. This category covers random sources such as, noisy ,diodes and radioactive decay. Although the term is used in pseudo-scientific
  24. At low speeds where propeller efficiency is high, but become increasingly, noisy ,and inefficient at high speeds. Turbo shaft engines are very similar to
  25. Correction) needed to transmit the data efficiently and faithfully across a, noisy ,channel. This division of coding theory into compression and transmission is
  26. Often degrade quality. How much information can one hope to communicate over a, noisy ,(or otherwise imperfect) channel? Consider the communications process over a
  27. The Bartlett method; the general subject of estimating the power spectrum of a, noisy ,signal is called spectral estimation. A final source of distortion (or perhaps
  28. In particular, the term was used to describe its eccentric redundancy and, noisy ,abundance of details, which sharply contrasted the clear and sober rationality
  29. From the Tower of London),to be sure" ... it will be most excessive, noisy ,". Saul and Israel in Egypt both from 1739 head the list of great, mature
  30. The same energy. We let the composite system evolve in time, interacting with a, noisy ,environment. Because the | 0\range and | 1\range states are energetically
  31. Per element in the search space. ) Optimal algorithms for several classes of, noisy ,binary search problems have been known since the late seventies, and more
  32. Of a nineteenth century factory, powered by steam, pushing gears and rods, noisy ,and clamorous. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),known informally
  33. Longtime personnel manager and friend, Brown had been sick and suffering with a, noisy ,cough since he returned from a November trip to Europe. However, Brown remained
  34. Were a noisy , unmelodic, heavy metal-leaden shit-rock band with the loud and, noisy ,parts beyond doubt. There were a couple of nice songs ... and one monumental
  35. Seldom seen not wearing the order. Ennoblement Linnaeus felt Uppsala was too, noisy ,and unhealthy, so he bought two farms in 1758: Mammary and Save. The next
  36. Methods, methods in communication theory for decoding code words sent over a, noisy ,channel * Digital signal processing, the study of signals in a digital
  37. Was rocked and shaken. The gyroscopes used to stabilize his rig were very, noisy , and most of the film had to be dubbed as the location sound was unusable.
  38. Given data points but also for regression, i. e., for fitting a curve through, noisy ,data. In the biostatistics community Gaussian process regression is also known
  39. By staring, hissing,and growling, and if that does not work, by short but, noisy ,and violent attacks. Despite some cats cohabiting in colonies, cats do not have
  40. With finding such nearly optimal codes that can be used to transmit data over a, noisy ,channel with a small coding error at a rate near the channel capacity. Capacity
  41. Been known since the late seventies, and more recently, optimal algorithms for, noisy ,binary search in quantum computers (where several elements can be tested at
  42. Takes the form of large synchronized waves, where in the waking state it is, noisy ,and desynchronized. Levels of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and
  43. Qc, respectively. There are a few less well attested articulations, such as a, noisy ,lamina denti-alveolar lateral release (triple pipe in an ad hoc transcription
  44. Upon the string quartet, the harpsichord being reserved exclusively for the, noisy ,instrumental citronella. In his opera Theodora (1697) he originated the use of
  45. Maps of their home ranges which they use to repeatedly locate food resources. A, noisy ,group of animals, like birds or other primates, may direct a chimp to a new
  46. Is a unipolar device, depending only upon majority current flow. * It is less, noisy ,and is thus found in FM tuners for quiet reception. * It exhibits no offset
  47. At all, and that every man must act solely on his impulses. At last, in one, noisy ,debate, the individual impulse of a certain Ciancabilla directed him to shoot
  48. That Humble Pie could be boring in lots of different ways. Here they were a, noisy , melodic, heavy metal-leaden shit-rock band with the loud and noisy parts
  49. Cramped working conditions, management interference, lack of privacy and, noisy ,) The net-net of these concerns is that call centers as a business process
  50. A base for the men to fit comfortably. Modern practice Kendo training is quite, noisy ,in comparison to other martial arts or sports. This is because Mendoza use a

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