Examples of the the word, adversary , in a Sentence Context
The word ( adversary ), is the 8148 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To win any future war; and was therefore the sole means necessary to deter an, adversary ,from launching a Pearl Harbor like surprise attack or war against the United
- Its own nemesis by making them a much more sophisticated and dangerous, adversary , The fact that Rome needed to generate ever greater revenues to equip and
- Be employed in various ways to gain a strategic or tactical advantage over an, adversary , either by threat or by actual deployment. Like some chemical weapons
- Of the film concerning the background that MacNamara and his pro-nuclear-war, adversary ,U. S. General Curtis Le May had shared together during World War II, director
- With the Red Brotherhood (Red Nails). *Yard — An evil wizard and an, adversary ,of Conan (The Tower of the Elephant) who enslaved Yag-Kosha, an
- University, said " It amazes me that people don't think there is a clear, adversary ,out there, and that our adversary does not have a strategic approach. " Osama
- children's book A Kangaroo Court. Naomi Novak includes bun yips as a dangerous, adversary ,in the Australian outback in Tongues of Serpents, the sixth installment of her
- Vilnius in 451; Leo in 787; Peter, friend of the Patriarch Ignatius, and, adversary , to Michael, in the ninth century. In the 10th century Trots is given as a
- The prosecution against the defense. Justice is done when the most effective, adversary ,is able to convince the judge or jury that his or her perspective on the case
- Of a single computer is not the only factor to consider. An, adversary ,can use multiple computers at once, for instance, to increase the speed of
- Lincoln became an able and successful lawyer with a reputation as a formidable, adversary ,during cross-examinations and closing arguments. He partnered with Stephen T.
- In system design or execution can allow successful attacks. Sometimes an, adversary ,can obtain unencrypted information without directly undoing the encryption. See
- The purpose of searching out men's sins and acting as their accuser. " The, adversary ," occurs in the framing story alone—he is never clearly alluded to in the
- Or Islam. In Hebrew, the biblical word Satan (השָׂטָן) means" the, adversary ," or the obstacle, or even" the prosecutor" ( recognizing that God is viewed
- Disk lock will deter a casual attacker, it is not secure against a qualified, adversary , External parallel ATA devices It is extremely uncommon to find external DATA
- Have been composed by Zoroaster himself, the poet does not mention a manifest, adversary , Ahura Mazda's Creation is" truth ", asha. The" lie" ( drug) is manifest
- And Sheol are mentioned throughout the central poem. Job does speak of an, adversary ,on several occasions within the central poem, but it is doubtful that he is
- And returning to the charge or, after pouring in a volley of darts on some huge, adversary , able to retreat out of shot with speed. Antony had hoped to use his biggest
- Between parties of unequal bargaining power. " The adversarial system (or, adversary ,system) is a legal system where two advocates represent their parties '
- Officially reacted by stating" we will counter-attack by upturning the, adversary ,'s strength to our own profit, as a judo would do. " As of July 2011,an
- Unwittingly manipulated by one so that significant facts are withheld from the, adversary , Peddlers, fabricators,and others who work for themselves rather than a
- Of old age. Satan in the Book of Job" The Satan ", meaning literally" the, adversary ,", appears in the prose prologue of Job: he is not the devil, as he becomes in
- Assumes precedence over 'Christ our brother' ". In this case, a common, adversary , namely, Arianism,had profound, far-reaching effects, in the orthodox reaction
- Stand before God in the heavenly court. As a member of a divine council" the, adversary ," observes human activity with the purpose of searching out men's sins and
- Boyd perceived maneuverability as the primary means of getting" inside" an, adversary ,'s decision-making cycle, a process Boyd called the" SODA loop" ( for "
- Apocalypse, and in Serbian mythology, Diocletian is remembered as Dublin,the, adversary ,of God. Later life Illness and abdication Diocletian entered the city of Rome
- Insanely jealous of Mozart, going so far as to renounce God for blessing his, adversary ,;" Amadeus" means love of God, or God's love, and the play can be said to be
- Ability to focus on more than one adversary and to face empty-handed an armed, adversary , A series of rolls and acrobatics (like the Cartwheels called AU) allows the
- Such as the Earl of Manchester and Oliver Cromwell, each a notable wartime, adversary ,of the King. Conversely, one of the leading drainage contractors, the Earl of
- And then killed in an explosion set by the Joker, but later returns as an, adversary , Tim Drake, the third Robin, first appeared in 1989 and went on to star in his
- In service with the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps as an, adversary ,trainer. The N-156T was selected by the United States Air Force as a
- Light on another opponent of Antaeus. The scroll 4Q390 was written by an, adversary ,of Antaeus seeking popular support to overthrow the Tasmanian King. The author
- Thus, any secret embedded in JavaScript could be extracted by a determined, adversary , and the application author cannot assume that his JavaScript runs as intended
- Espionage and clandestine operations, and also a great vulnerability when the, adversary ,has sophisticated SIGINT detection and interception capability. Agents must
- The hero, or protagonist, is Jesus. Satan is the antagonist, the ultimate, adversary , The setting presents elements that are external to the main character
- Well as" Soviet and Yugoslav revisionism ", both equally part of a" dual, adversary ," theory. Yugoslavia was viewed as a" special detachment of U. S. imperialism
- Including the limited use of actual force to back up the threat, to induce an, adversary ,to behave differently than it otherwise would. " However, coercion does not
- Quick and unpredictable counter-attacks, the ability to focus on more than one, adversary ,and to face empty-handed an armed adversary . A series of rolls and acrobatics (
- Injecting a fundamental instability in the world. " Kissinger, his bureaucratic, adversary , would later pay him a different sort of compliment, pronouncing him Private
- Eventually attacks Lee with broken bottles. Lee defeats O'Hara and kills his, adversary ,as an act of revenge for his involvement in his sister's suicide. Announcing
- Of the fighting is a significant success for our forces against a much stronger, adversary ," as part of their communiqué to the press, the British Admiralty had said "
- As a pardon for their sins. The" sons of God" and Satan (literally" the, adversary ,") present themselves to God, and God asks Satan his opinion on Job. Satan
- Him from becoming a coldly calculating professional like Bellicose – or his, adversary , Hipper. Beatty’s flamboyant style included wearing a non-standard uniform
- On her life. She becomes a romantic interest for Bruce Wayne and a deadly, adversary ,for Batman. * Christopher Walken as Max Shrek: A powerful, sociopathic and
- Me that people don't think there is a clear adversary out there, and that our, adversary ,does not have a strategic approach. " Osama bin Laden was the most historically
- Delphi and Apollo Delphiniums and a male serpent Typhoon (τύφειν: smoke),the, adversary ,of Zeus in the Titanomachy, who the narrators confused with Python. Python was
- Shadow. Though some of his teachers had thought it to be nameless, Ged and his, adversary ,speak at the same moment, each naming the other" GED ". So GED embraces his
- Are often used to avoid invoking the power or drawing the attention of the, adversary , The most famous in the latter category is the expression what the dickens and
- Loans *Prohibition against wives making a groin attack on their husband's, adversary , *Regulations on the taking of wives from among beautiful female captives. *
- To condemn as irrational the practice of devouring the heart and liver of an, adversary ,while yet warm. For the highest spiritual working one must choose that victim
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