Examples of the the word, debunk , in a Sentence Context

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  1. He wrote:" I am still skeptical of the occult beliefs CSICOP was created to, debunk , But I have changed my mind about the integrity of some of those who make a
  2. Entirely successful with it ..." But Obama also pointed to his own efforts to, debunk ,the allegations portrayed in The New Yorker cover through a website his
  3. Gordon that portrays some of his (supposed) weaknesses. Another attempt to, debunk ,Gordon was Anthony Nutting's Gordon, Martyr & Misfit (1966). In his "
  4. In 2007,to help raise funds to benefit sick and dying children, as well as to, debunk ,the notion that Don Imus was a racist, he recorded a guest track for The Imus
  5. Crescent City, California. The film has been subjected to many attempts both to, debunk ,and authenticate it. Most scientists have judged the film a hoax with a man in
  6. His considerable training, is not. She is initially assigned to the X-Files to, debunk ,Mulder's theories by supplying logical, scientific explanations for the
  7. Statements within a given“ song. ” However, the study does not necessarily, debunk ,Chomsky’s observation because it has not yet been proven that songbirds have
  8. Men. This documentary by Michelle Provost examines the 2002 murder, and aims to, debunk ,the so-called gay-panic (or trans-panic) defense. The 2011 novel The
  9. Natural explanation and demystify the world of superstition. Linnaeus tried to, debunk ,some of these creatures, as he had with the hydra; regarding the purported
  10. 1940s and initially presented at a symposium at Atlanta University, sought to, debunk ,British historiography on the region and to condemn as racist the nineteenth
  11. Director of Media Services, died a few months after appearing in the media to, debunk ,the Fox pro-Moon hoax television show cited above. His obituary claims he died
  12. A rare television appearance to try to protect Villein from the scandal and to, debunk ,allegations that Chiral himself had set up a Japanese bank account containing
  13. Press. ISBN 0-521-49679-9. By a leading American Hegel scholar; aims to, debunk ,popular misconceptions about Hegel's thought. * Rosencrantz, Karl,1844. Georg
  14. Are many examples of well-known factoids, and the facts which clarify or, debunk ,them. *Many residents of Mount ISA, Queensland believes that their city is the
  15. Idea and wrote an article entitled Are there Jews in Cornwall? Attempting to, debunk ,it. The idea continued to be discussed in later works, Albert Montessori
  16. Kramer, he and screenwriter William Rose intentionally structured the film to, debunk ,ethnic stereotypes; the young doctor, a typical role for the young Sidney
  17. To the ancestors who were held in bondage for centuries, exchange artifacts, debunk ,family myths, and stress responsibility and striving to be the best you can be.
  18. Urban legends The Internet makes it easier to spread urban legends, and also to, debunk ,them. Discussing, tracking,and analyzing urban legends is the topic of the
  19. Of the American Negro in 1935. " Duke Ellington stated" the times are here to, debunk ,Gershwin's lampblack Negro isms. " (Ellington's response to the Been revival
  20. Level. Randi has appeared on numerous TV shows, sometimes to directly, debunk ,the claimed abilities of fellow guests. In a 1981 appearance on That's My Line
  21. In the 1990s it branched out to become one of the leading think tanks trying to, debunk ,the science of climate change. " A 1990 report co-authored with Institute
  22. 2,000 feet while its flight controls were in the descend position. Attempts to, debunk ,the early reports of the incident were effectively refuted by researchers. The
  23. She is to break into an independent spy/theft's house, in order to prove or, debunk ,the suspicion that his children are also becoming involved in the illegal trade
  24. Harvard historian of the second half of the 19th century, attempted to, debunk ,Smith’s claims of heroism. He said that Smith’s recounting of the story of
  25. Significant detail describing how he became interested in exorcism in order to, debunk ,the" myth" of possession by evil spirits–only to be convinced otherwise after
  26. Exiled from his native city for defacing the currency, he moved to Athens to, debunk ,cultural conventions. Diogenes modelled himself on the example of Hercules. He
  27. Move was indeed his idea. Years later, when presented with the opportunities to, debunk ,this rumor, he neither confirmed nor denied it. The game became known as the
  28. Of peace '. " White Legend The term" White Legend" refers to the attempts to, debunk ,many of the distorted or exaggerated versions of Spanish history and describe
  29. The history of liberal and anarchist thought in the United States, seeking to, debunk ,the idea that radical thought was foreign to American history and culture and
  30. Show The Fall Guy sought to raise the profile of the stunt performer and, debunk ,the myth that film stars perform all their own stunts. Noted stunt coordinators
  31. As the Vatican. Following this the cathedral hosted discussions and displays to, debunk ,the book. In addition, Winchester Cathedral is possibly the only cathedral to
  32. And exaggerating his living conditions in Miami, which Ice later had to, debunk ,by himself. Van Winkle's second major release was the live album Extremely
  33. To take pictures of the lunar module bases remaining on the Moon, in order to, debunk ,the Apollo moon landing conspiracy theory that states that the Apollo moon
  34. Lines can be extended indefinitely and have infinite length),but failing to, debunk ,the acute case (although he managed to wrongly persuade himself that he had).
  35. The court with further evidence of multiple killers while attempting to, debunk ,the single bullet theory, proposes a Dealer Plaza shots scenario involving
  36. Carlin himself, when he was made aware of each of these bogus emails, would, debunk , them on his own website, writing:" Nothing you see on the Internet is mine
  37. Chinese people ", { {Lang|chant |, believes the shift is" necessary to, debunk ,the stereotype that they are an exclusive group" and also" promotes a sense
  38. Considered to be ahead of its time, both in its unapologetic willingness to, debunk ,figures of authority, and by virtue of its inherently surrealistic comedic vein
  39. Been created separately. Colons pointed to monuments and artifacts in Egypt to, debunk ,monogenism beliefs that all races came from the same stock. Ancient Egyptian
  40. Ernest Hemingway in her first memoir, An Unfinished Woman; and he was able to, debunk ,many of the myths Hellman had created about her imagined suffering as a result
  41. S" argument" though not his exact wording.: Chapter 1 – Austin intends to, debunk ,a theory of sense perception that dates back thousands of years (to Heraclitus
  42. Was the language of the streets, and Mayakovsky went to considerable lengths to, debunk ,idealistic and romanticized notions of poetry and poets. (From the prologue of
  43. Statistics, faulty science, and outright falsification in an attempt to, debunk ,Jacqueline’s claims. In an article for the pro-paranormal magazine Fate, he
  44. Mulder's closest friend was FBI partner Dana Sculls, who was assigned to ", debunk ,his work" by the conspirators and the FBI brass. But against their intentions
  45. Whereas other books, such as Young Allies use the inherent contradiction to, debunk ,similar claims. If a past storyline wherein a direct depiction of a
  46. Worked out how the Davenports did their act and re-created the tricks to, debunk ,the brothers' claims of psychic power. However, the re-creations did not
  47. The rise of Nazism in Germany, some scientists in Western nations worked to, debunk ,the regime's racial theories. A few argued against racist ideologies and
  48. Of several new Australopithecus species, the first paleo anthropologist to, debunk ,the hominid status of Ramapithecus, the leaders in the study of late
  49. To the 1950 UNESCO statement, The Race Question, an international project to, debunk ,racist theories had been attempted in the mid-1930s. However, this project had
  50. Israelite teaching that the Israelites are an unmixed race often attempt to, debunk ,the theory by asserting that the White British are mixed of many

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