Examples of the the word, appointee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( appointee ), is the 12539 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Can have five appointee s attending the Naval Academy at any time. When any, appointee ,graduates or otherwise leaves the academy, a vacancy is created. Candidates are
  2. Been formulated not by UN Commissioner Burnt Carlsson but by the South African, appointee ,Louis Painter. The opposition Democratic Turntable Alliance received 29 % of
  3. Appointed by the monarch, on the advice of the Prime Minister, who chooses the, appointee ,from a list of nominees prepared by a Church Commission. The Crown's role in
  4. Of divine oracles. In the political sphere the king was understood as the, appointee ,and agent of Yahweh. Heterodox Racism is described by Miller as a mixture of
  5. In 1593. An eighth chair, in Medicine, was established in 1595 but received no, appointee ,for several years. In 1599 the number of students was approximately 150. In
  6. Has frequently criticized the bank's policies on interest rates. When German, appointee ,to the Governing Council and Executive board, Jürgen Stark, resigned in protest
  7. Authority of the Supreme Court and its Chief Justice John Marshall – an Adams, appointee ,who clashed with Jefferson over Adams' last-minute judicial appointments.
  8. Prosperous and prestigious rule of Vasily Lulu, who took the throne as a boar, appointee ,in 1637,and began battling his rival George Stefan, as well as the
  9. Pierre Duty, a diplomat, was named Commissioner General, after Diefenbaker, appointee ,Paul Benzene resigned from the post in 1963. One of the main responsibilities
  10. By many commentators to former Senate Majority Leader and then-Obama cabinet, appointee ,Tom Descale for failing to pay back taxes and interest on the use of a
  11. Anthony IV even cast an anathema over Moldavia after Roman I expelled his, appointee ,back to Byzantium. The crisis was finally settled in favor of the Moldavian
  12. The Great Seal of Maryland. Before exercising the duties of a notary public,an, appointee ,must appear before the clerk of one of Maryland's 24 circuit courts to take an
  13. And a judicial branch. The President shares executive power with his or her, appointee , the Prime Minister. The cabinet globally, including the Prime Minister, can be
  14. Large states further divide this effort by county, where a" Sealer" or other, appointee ,is responsible for the validity of most common commercial measurements such as
  15. Government had a Manchu and a Han Chinese assigned to it. The Han Chinese, appointee ,was required to do the substantive work and the Manchu to ensure Han loyalty to
  16. Lands as his personal secretary. Gresham had a long career as a political, appointee ,in the latter part of the 19th century; though he lost his only two bids for
  17. Nations. He worked closely with his new chief D. On Calluses, a political, appointee ,without diplomatic experience. After the Netherlands became a member of the
  18. Directors Since 1989,the director of NIST has been a Schedule-C Presidential, appointee ,and is confirmed by the United States Senate, and since that year the average
  19. position's authority was such that from then on it remained in the hands of an, appointee ,of the monarch. The position was usually given to someone of great importance
  20. Wishes to investigate them for possible wrongdoing," wrote Judge Smith,an, appointee ,of former President George W. Bush. He called it" a painful reminder of some
  21. The rules of Reid Mine in the early 17th century. Data Basra, a boar, appointee , brought a long period of relative peace (1632–1654),with the noted
  22. But a late-summer thunderstorm caused widespread fires and flooding. Machines ', appointee ,as urban prefect proved unable to repair the damage to the satisfaction of the
  23. Government collapsed after all ten opposition ministers and one presidential, appointee ,resigned due to tensions stemming from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which
  24. Aires an elective position (previously the office belonged to a presidential, appointee ,and was in control of a huge budget),to be lost to the opposition in 1996;
  25. To the Chancellor and advising the Reichstag on naval matters. The first, appointee ,was Rear Admiral Eduard Hester, followed shortly by Rear Admiral Friedrich on
  26. Strenuous efforts. The negotiations, however,were fatally neutralized by an, appointee ,of the king. Cranmer’s colleague, Edward Foe, who sat on Henry’s Privy Council
  27. As its border; Caucasian Iberia would pay allegiance to Rome under a Roman, appointee ,; Visible, now under Roman rule, would become the sole conduit for trade between
  28. In 1020. UHF Earl, the husband of his sister Astrid Svendsdatter, was his, appointee ,as regent of Denmark, with the entrusted of his young son by Queen Emma
  29. Control of the key energy, defense,interior and finance posts, while an SPLM, appointee ,became foreign minister. Vice President Salva KIR was reported to have backed
  30. The Egyptian commander, Field Marshal Abdul Hakim Amer, was purely a political, appointee ,with an alcohol problem who owed his position to his close friendship with
  31. In the taxation process; taxes were collected by the bailiff, a royal, appointee , In contrast to serfdom in Germany and Russia, the Finnish peasant was
  32. Resources and Environment in the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA),an, appointee ,of the President confirmed by the Senate. The Chief’s staff provides broad
  33. In 37 BC, he installed Herod as puppet king of Judea, replacing the Parthia, appointee ,Antigens. Antony then invaded Parthia territory with an army of about 100,000
  34. Lands. This system would later be called the Tetrarchy. Diocletian's first, appointee ,for the office of Caesar was Constantius; his second was Galleries, a native of
  35. Government collapsed after all ten opposition ministers and one presidential, appointee ,resigned due to tensions stemming from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which
  36. Knight of the Order, the Governor-General Sir John Kerr, became the first, appointee , ex officio. Menzies' was the first appointment made after this. * In 1984
  37. Hornblower, the head of a New York City law firm, was thought to be a qualified, appointee , but his campaign against a New York machine politician had made Senator David
  38. Which has as its members a vice chairman, the minister for national defense,an, appointee ,of this minister, the general troop inspector of the armed forces, and a
  39. Election, as opposed to the U. S. Attorney General who is a presidential, appointee , Zimbabwe The Attorney General is the chief legal advisor of the government of
  40. Atomic Energy Commission in 1971,he had served longer than any other Kennedy, appointee , Return to California Following his service as Chairman of the Atomic Energy
  41. And non-cabinet positions may be from either party. (The 2009 Attorney General, appointee ,is a Democrat. ) In federal elections, the state leans heavily towards the
  42. Minister exercising most of the power. Though the prime minister remains an, appointee ,of the president, the president must obey the rules of parliament, and select a
  43. Between governors general. The sovereign will also hold an audience with the, appointee ,and will at that time induct both the governor general-designate and his or her
  44. To the chancellor and advising the Reichstag on naval matters. The first, appointee ,was Rear Admiral Karl Eduard Hester, followed shortly by Rear Admiral
  45. And other officials are overthrown by a" mob" of Bostonians. Andres,an, appointee ,of James II, was disliked for his support of the Church of England and
  46. Kingdom's remaining overseas territories the governor is normally a direct, appointee ,of the British Government and plays an active role in governing and lawmaking (
  47. The State of Minnesota has appointed a Poet Laureate since 2007. The first, appointee ,to the position was Robert BLY. In 2011,BLY was succeeded by Joyce Zutphen.;
  48. For a sovereign to reign. By the Interpretation Act of 2005,no incumbent, appointee ,of the Crown is affected by the death of the monarch, nor are they required to
  49. Sportscaster * 1973 – Monica Guiding, American George W. Bush Administration, appointee ,* 1973 – Stuart O'Grady, Australian cyclist * 1973 – Karina Gore Schiff
  50. Murdoch—now Duke of Albany following his father's death in 1420—and his own, appointee ,Bishop William Lauder seemed to be under strain perhaps indicating an

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