Examples of the the word, repetition , in a Sentence Context
The word ( repetition ), is the 6246 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of the unusual GX1X2 character of collagen alpha-peptides. This kind of regular, repetition ,and high glycine content is found in only a few other fibrous proteins, such as
- Materials (particularly glass, stainless steel and the new plastics),and, repetition , modified by some Asian influences such as the use of silks and Middle Eastern
- Language, with difficulties either in auditory verbal comprehension or in the, repetition ,of words, phrases,or sentences spoken by others. Speech is easy and fluent
- 1010" in the previous example would be detected as correct). The advantage of, repetition ,codes is that they are extremely simple, and are in fact used in some
- This composition also stand out is the first-time use of string tremolo (fast, repetition ,of the same tone) and pizzicato (plucking strings with fingers) for special
- Harmonic patterns. A particular instance is the SARS, which results in a, repetition ,of a solar or lunar eclipse every 6,585.3 days, or a little over 18 years (
- The Summat Theologian in two volumes. The latter is in substance a more didactic, repetition ,of the former. Natural philosopher Albertus's knowledge of physical science
- Blocks are encrypted with the same key, which degrades security (because each, repetition ,in the plaintext becomes a repetition in the ciphertext). To overcome this
- That ensures that relevant memories are recalled. Forgetting can be reduced by, repetition ,and/or more elaborate cognitive processing of information. Reviewing
- Built on a subject (theme) that is introduced at the beginning in imitation (, repetition ,at different pitches) and recurs frequently in the course of the composition.
- All 150 psalms were used in the course of the week, these were said without, repetition , Those assigned to the Sunday Office underwent the least revision, although
- At night. Ice expands, thus,creating a wedge in the rock. Over time,the, repetition ,in the forming and melting of the ice causes fissures, which eventually breaks
- Told,'We need to go beyond the pleasure principle, the reality principle, and, repetition , compulsion to ... the fantasy principle' - 'not, as Freud did, reduce
- 1920s and 1930s was limited by international treaties designed to prevent the, repetition ,of the Dreadnought arms race of the early 20th century. The Washington Naval
- So-called rebaptism by some Christian denominations is not seen by them as a, repetition ,of an earlier valid baptism and is viewed by them as not itself repeatable.
- 1969; 1966). Portions of EG's memoirs arranged chronologically, omitting, repetition , * The English Essays of Edward Gibbon, ed. Patricia Braddock (Oxford:
- And" ranking" in computational mathematics. Number of combinations with, repetition ,A k-combination with repetition s, or k-multicombination, or multiset of size k
- What was overlooked in the design process. Likewise, a design may be a simple, repetition ,(copy) of a known preexisting solution, requiring minimal, if any, creativity
- Rows of buttons. The chromatic scale consists of two rows. The third row is a, repetition ,of the first row. So there is the same fingering in all twelve scales. These
- Being removed. Pius X was probably influenced by earlier attempts to eliminate, repetition ,in the Psalter, most notably the liturgy of the Benedictine congregation of St.
- Over again, an oscillator, with a precisely constant time interval between each, repetition , or 'beat '. Attached to the oscillator is a controller device, which sustains
- Of recursive calls. When subproblems are independent and there is no, repetition , memorization does not help; hence dynamic programming is not a solution for all
- Confession: If the sin was committed in distant past, and there has not been, repetition , leniency may be considered.: 8. Voluntary Confession: Did the person voluntarily
- Cults use indoctrination methods that" program" beliefs through hypnosis, repetition , and behavior modification techniques, he would reverse the process. He called
- Are processed on a block-by-block basis. Early examples of block codes are, repetition ,codes, Hamming codes and multidimensional parity-check codes. They were
- Occur in several situations, including draw by agreement, stalemate,threefold, repetition ,of a position, the fifty-move rule, or a draw by impossibility of checkmate (
- One point in space when compared to those areas with fewer atoms and less, repetition , Because of their highly ordered and repetitive structure, crystals give
- Both error correction and detection due to their simplicity. Repetition codes A, repetition ,code is a coding scheme that repeats the bits across a channel to achieve
- Were a deliberate technique to allow him to create" patterns of contrast, repetition , exaggeration" that gave his music the large-scale structure it required.
- Controversial issues. The aircraft is shielded by various means to prevent a, repetition ,of the vandalism that was attempted when it was first placed on display. A
- Ω and Ω are defined by: ω (n) = k, : Ω (n) = a1 + a2 + ... + AK. To avoid, repetition , whenever possible formulas for the functions listed in this article are given
- Machines such as Arthur Cherries' Enigma, in an attempt to minimize the, repetition ,that had been exploited to break the Genre system. In practice, frequency
- Together in treating aphasia. For the most part, treatment relies heavily on, repetition ,and aims to address language performance by working on task-specific skills.
- That conceals something quite primary, something determinate in the function of, repetition ,'. Fantasies thus both link to and block off the individual's unconscious
- Of their products or services through" Branding," which involves the, repetition ,of an image or product name in an effort to associate certain qualities with
- In attendance are invited to kneel for silent prayer, followed by the audible, repetition ,of the Lord's Prayer. The communion service is not held at The Mother Church.
- Which degrades security (because each repetition in the plaintext becomes a, repetition ,in the ciphertext). To overcome this issue, modes of operation are used to
- Memory are: # better memory representation (e.g. with mnemonic techniques) #, repetition ,based on active recall (esp. spaced repetition ) His premise was that each
- Typically 1-2 KV) is generated and applied to the specimen, with pulse, repetition ,rates in the hundreds of kilohertz range. The application of the pulsed voltage
- May be based on absurd legal theories, may involve a superabundance or, repetition ,of motions or additional suits, may be uncivil or harassing to the court, or
- Weak) diffraction features. Said more simply, areas with a higher density and, repetition ,of atom order tend to reflect more light toward one point in space when
- Rash foolishness" had occurred in undue haste but was" bond fide ", and since, repetition ,of incidental details was obvious on close inspection, it is unlikely to have
- To take it home together with equipment, uniform and weapon. In the" yearly, repetition ,course" the dragoons served with their horses, often riding from home to the
- And made as plain and simple as possible; sermons and songs often used, repetition ,to get across to a rural population of poor and mostly uneducated people the
- So-called AAB pattern, consisting of a line sung over the four first bars, its, repetition , over the next four, and then a longer concluding line over the last bars. Two
- Also known as countersubject) is the technical name in counterpoint for the, repetition ,or modification by one part or instrument of a theme proposed by another.
- Memory was not functioning, as was seen when H. M. completed the task of, repetition ,priming. His performance does improve over trials, however,his scores were
- Being formed by reduplication (e.g. higgledy-piggledy, namby-pamby), repetition , of the same word or essentially the same word (countercountermeasure
- Many of Ginsberg's early long line experiments contain some sort of anaphora, repetition ,of a" fixed base" ( for example" who" in" Howl "," America" in America)
- Infinite series of digits of an irrational number doesn't exhibit a pattern of, repetition ,; instead, the different digits succeed in a seemingly random fashion. The
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