Examples of the the word, spike , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spike ), is the 6251 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or CXCR4,but others are known to interact) on the cell surface. The gp160, spike , contains binding domains for both CD4 and chemokine receptors. DC's are one of
  2. Then a hundred were deployed. The riders of these elephants were armed with a, spike ,and hammer to kill the elephants in case they charged toward their own army.
  3. Cello is played while seated. Its weight is supported mainly by its end pin or, spike , which rests on the floor. The cello is steadied on the lower bout between the
  4. Years ago, the Baptista family of asteroids is thought to have caused a large, spike ,in the impact rate, perhaps causing the Chicxulub impact that may have
  5. Since they require a dry resting period between leaf growth and flower, spike ,production. From the dry ground in late summer (August in zone 7) each bulb
  6. Or surrender, the touch hole of the cannon would be plugged flush with an iron, spike , disabling the cannon (at least until metal boring tools could be used to
  7. Due to anti-Semitism. However, an examination of the box scores indicate this, spike ,in walks was due to a few games against Saint Louis Browns' pitchers with
  8. It has small 5–10 mm leaves. The flowers are dark pink, with a purple central, spike , produced on finely hairy stems. The fruit is a small pale pink berry, with a
  9. Even the LA Galaxy owners Auschwitz Entertainment Group (AEG) saw an immediate, spike ,in business. Involved on many business fronts worldwide, AEG was already
  10. Has taken several forms. The US FBI told ABC News that it was looking into a, spike ,in threatening emails sent to climate scientists, while a white supremacist
  11. S economy suffered. Alberta boomed once again during the 2003-2008 oil price, spike , In July 2008 the price of oil peaked and began to decline and Alberta's
  12. Cream sauce, and chocolate cake. A super bolus is a method of increasing the, spike ,of the standard bolus. Since the action of the bolus insulin in the blood
  13. Australia was in an economic slump. The 1973 oil crisis had caused prices to, spike , and according to government figures inflation topped 13 percent for over a
  14. And investors. Meanwhile, the province continued to grow. In 1914,the last, spike ,of a second transcontinental rail line, the Grand Trunk Pacific, linking
  15. To the cell begins through interaction of the turmeric envelope complex (gp160, spike , ) and both CD4 and a chemokine receptor (generally either CCR5 or CXCR4,but
  16. In many countries. Another likely ancestor of the banjo is the adopting,a, spike ,folk lute played by the Lola tribe of Senegambia, and the ubaw-akwala of the
  17. Or fantasy; this is based on the idea that a male's blood pressure will, spike ,dramatically when aroused. Blood libel Various religious and other groups have
  18. To classify, often being labelled harp-lutes. Another term for them is, spike ,harps. The West African Korea is the best known. The strings run from a string
  19. Objects. This principle is exploited in the lightning conductor, the sharp, spike ,of which acts to encourage the lightning stroke to develop there, rather than
  20. The lower end of the cello, and can have one or more fine tuners. The end pin or, spike ,is made of wood, metal or rigid carbon fiber and supports the cello in playing
  21. Incomplete forward pass to save loss of yardage or conserve time, except for a, spike ,to conserve time after a hand-to-hand snap. If he throws the ball away while
  22. Arm to a ' spike ' and the resonating chamber is attached to the base of the, spike , Asia In Asia, there are very few harps today, though the instrument was
  23. Seizures are typically nocturnal and confined to sleep. The EEG may demonstrate, spike ,discharges that occur over the centrotemporal scalp over the central Julius of
  24. From Infield, Ontario (previously called Cal lander Station) where the first, spike ,was driven into a sunken railway tie. Infield was inducted into Canadian
  25. Engine approximates constant volume during that phase, generating more of a, spike ,in a p-V diagram. The Idealized Diesel Cycle The image on the left shows a p-V
  26. The onset of the bolus. It is most similar to an injection. By pumping with a ", spike ," shape, the expected action is the fastest possible bolus for that type of
  27. Are important clues for the meteorologist as well. The three body scatter, spike ,is an example. This is the result of energy from the radar hitting hail and
  28. In the early morning after awakening. The EEG reveals generalized 4–6 Hz, spike ,wave discharges or multiple spike discharges. Interestingly, these patients are
  29. Spearhead was usually a curved leaf shape, while the rear of the spear had a, spike ,called a saunter ('lizard-killer' ) which was used to stand the spear in the
  30. Awakening. The EEG reveals generalized 4–6 Hz spike wave discharges or multiple, spike ,discharges. Interestingly, these patients are often first diagnosed when they
  31. Boundary there is a marked fall in the abundance of carbon-13,a" reverse, spike ," that paleontologists call an excursion. It is so widespread that it is the
  32. In need of re-assigning. Once a GSSP boundary has been agreed upon, a " golden, spike ," is driven into the geologic section to mark the precise boundary for future
  33. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures can occur. Often,3 Hz spike -wave or multiple, spike ,discharges can be seen on EEG. The prognosis is mixed, with some patients going
  34. Rises to pathological levels, producing EEG traces that show large wave and, spike ,patterns not seen in a healthy brain. Relating these population-level patterns
  35. Is undertaking significant construction. The city experienced a violent crime, spike ,in late 2007,and the city's growth is often cited as a contributing factor.
  36. To mark the precise boundary for future geologists (though in practice the ", spike ," need neither be golden nor an actual spike ). The first stratigraphic
  37. Though few countries have brought it back after abolishing it. However,a, spike ,in serious, violent crimes, such as murders or terrorist attacks, has prompted
  38. Columbia, making good on the original promise. Four days earlier, the last, spike ,of the Lake Superior section was driven in just west of Jack fish, Ontario.
  39. To great effect: For reasons that remain unclear, no attempt was made to, spike ,other allied guns while they were in French possession. In line with Wellington
  40. Of the entire work force. They laid the first rails in 1863. The" Golden, spike ,", connecting the western railroad to the Union Pacific Railroad at Promontory
  41. The DC Multiverse. A 1966 Batman TV show on the ABC network sparked a temporary, spike ,in comic book sales, and a brief fad for superheroes on Saturday morning
  42. As eye blinking or subtle chewing. The EEG finding in CAE is generalized 3 Hz, spike ,and wave discharges. Some go on to develop generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
  43. Phyla species (bladder, tadpole and phyla snails) * Melanizes transfer (, spike ,tailed trumpet snail) * Hitting semiotic (red onion or tire tracked ne rite
  44. Strap or shoulder harness attached to the top of the boot joint. Occasionally a, spike ,similar to those used for the cello or the bass clarinet is attached to the
  45. Of plants began with recolonization by fern species, represented as a fern, spike ,in the geologic record; this same type of fern recolonization was observed
  46. With the expectation of short-term profit. They may wish to take advantage of a, spike ,in demand for a particular coin (for example, during the annual release of
  47. A combination bolus/multiwave bolus is the combination of a standard bolus, spike ,with an extended bolus square wave. This shape provides a large dose of insulin
  48. As well as Greenwich Village, New York and in France, which contributed to his, spike ,in popularity in the late 1950s and 1960s. In 1997,Entertainment Weekly
  49. Though in practice the" spike " need neither be golden nor an actual, spike ,). The first stratigraphic boundary was defined in 1977 by identifying the
  50. Music downloads accounted for ninety-one percent of the Rumors sales. The, spike ,in sales for Rumors represented an uptick of 1,951 %. It was the highest chart

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