Examples of the the word, lifelong , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lifelong ), is the 6263 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gay, bisexual,and transgender Christians, both those who are called to, lifelong ,celibacy and those who are partnered. " Al Sharpton, former Pentecostal
  2. Unexpected deaths of one of his two daughters and a beloved granddaughter. A, lifelong ,chain smoker, Capp died in 1979 from emphysema at his home in South Hampton
  3. Until 1911. Berg admired him as a composer and mentor, and they remained close, lifelong ,friends. Among Schoenberg's teaching was the idea that the unity of a musical
  4. Be punished, and virtue rewarded, either here or hereafter. Franklin retained a, lifelong ,commitment to the Puritan virtues and political values he had grown up with
  5. Budapest. There he met Zoltán Kodaly, who influenced him greatly and became his, lifelong ,friend and colleague. In 1903,Bartok wrote his first major orchestral work
  6. England, Chaplin was thought to be an agnostic for most of his life. Chaplin's, lifelong ,attraction to younger women remains another enduring source of interest to some
  7. Doctorate from Westfield State College, in 2008. As a singer, songwriter and, lifelong ,political activist, Guthrie carries on the legacy of his legendary father. He
  8. Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult that Crowley could have been a, lifelong ,agent for British Intelligence. While this may have already been the case
  9. Character in Aristophanes' comedy the Thesmophoriazusae. Marathon was the, lifelong ,companion of Ananias, with whom he appears in both the Symposium and in Plato
  10. Unlike Eakins, however,Certain believed in phrenology and Beau adopted a, lifelong ,belief that physical characteristics correlated with behaviors and traits. It
  11. By her new employers. Her charges, the Robinson girls, ultimately became her, lifelong ,friends. For the next five years, Anne spent no more than five or six weeks a
  12. His choice of material for the plot (as in his first opera),he manifested a, lifelong ,interest in subjects drawn from classic drama and literature. Salieri's first
  13. New York (now City College of the City University of New York). Bliss had a, lifelong ,interest in the organization, structure and philosophy of knowledge and was
  14. Double Leikin's and allowed him three times the space. Savoring was to become a, lifelong ,friend, perhaps Chekhov's closest. Before long, Chekhov was attracting
  15. Views on marriage typically regard it as instituted and ordained by God for the, lifelong ,relationship between one man as husband and one woman as wife, and is to be "
  16. Poetry. He also struck a note for gay marriage by listing Peter Trotsky, his, lifelong , companion,as his spouse in his Who's Who entry. Subsequent gay writers saw
  17. Her education at Roe Head, Mirfield, from 1831 to 32,where she met her, lifelong ,friends and correspondents, Ellen Nurse and Mary Taylor. In 1842, she and Emily
  18. That month. Bell converted to Catholicism in the summer of 1959 because of the, lifelong ,urging of his wife, a practicing Catholic. In 1958,Bell had been advised by
  19. Case for those men who were only" unmarried ". The terms confirmed bachelor or, lifelong ,bachelor can refer to men who show little interest in marriage or other types
  20. 1960s autism was established as a separate syndrome by demonstrating that it is, lifelong , distinguishing it from mental retardation and schizophrenia and from other
  21. Of Logic, then the leading English-language text on the subject. Thus began his, lifelong ,fascination with logic and reasoning. He went on to obtain the B. A. and M. A.
  22. Dedicated to the team called" All the Way ". Redder, a Chicago native, and, lifelong , Cubs fan, composed the song at the request of Ernie Banks. Pearl Jam has only
  23. Nobles back home approximately away robbed him of Farmhand. Samarkand, his, lifelong , obsession,was lost again. Escaping with a small band of followers from Fernand
  24. Sweetheart, Florence Conway, in 1917,he continually struggled to reconcile a, lifelong ,(though probably unconsummated) love affair with Phyllis Jones (who joined
  25. Lorenzo Pelosi, Direttore Perpetual of the Sistine Choir from 1898 to 1956 and a, lifelong ,opponent of castrate, thought he was a castrate. Mancini was in fact a
  26. And deposed the archbishop of Roams, Rigobert, replacing him with Milo,a, lifelong ,supporter. Consolidation of power After subjugating all Australia, he marched
  27. About 1825,Everest came to England for two or three years, and made a fast and, lifelong ,friendship with Herschel and with Babbage, who was then quite young. I would
  28. And his relationships with a number of men, including Peter Trotsky, his, lifelong , partner. Judge Clayton W. Horn ruled that" Howl" was not obscene, adding,"
  29. Saw his parents murdered by a mugger. He vows to avenge their deaths in a, lifelong ,battle against crime as the costumed vigilante Batman while concealing his
  30. Is to promote literacy and provide open access to resources which facilitate, lifelong ,learning. The library is a member of the Cedar Valley Library Consortium (CVLC
  31. Of Canada William Lyon Mackenzie King and Richard Bedford Bennett. Famous, lifelong ,bachelors from history include: Vincent van Gogh, King Ludwig II, James
  32. Tribunals soon changed his mind: Camus publicly reversed himself and became a, lifelong ,opponent of capital punishment. Camus played as goalkeeper for Racing
  33. The largest pension program in Denmark, eligibility begins at age 65 and is, lifelong ,after that * ATP Oil and Gas, a Texas-based oil and gas company that operates
  34. Nanny Lid Dose from Transylvania sing folk songs, sparking Bartok’s, lifelong ,dedication to folk music (Stevens 1993,22). When criticized for not
  35. Orderly interactions with the environment. This device was an example of his, lifelong ,ability to invent useful devices, which included whimsical devices in his
  36. Provided realistic feedback along with much-needed encouragement, and became a, lifelong ,friend. Miller retained strong ties to his alma mater throughout the rest of
  37. There including the modeling of the Domain car. It was the beginning of their, lifelong ,friendship. Geodesic domes Fuller taught at Black Mountain College in North
  38. German Social Democracy, a study in politics that was an early indication of a, lifelong ,interest in political and social theory. In 1896,he taught German social
  39. In September 1932. Before leaving, he met Milton Ca niff, and the two became, lifelong ,friends. Camp moved to Boston and married Catherine Win gate Cameron, whom he
  40. And almost immediately after they both arrive in England. He becomes Poirot's, lifelong ,friend and appears in many of the novels and stories. Poirot regards Hastings
  41. As having helped her through her addictions several times. Love has also been a, lifelong ,smoker. In a 2010 interview, she commented, saying:" Someone compared me to
  42. And otherwise his academic record was undistinguished. At Harvard, he began, lifelong ,friendships with Francis Ellinwood Abbot, Chauncey Wright, and William James.
  43. The bone deteriorates and there is an increased risk of fractures. While a, lifelong ,deficit can affect bone and tooth formation, over-retention can cause
  44. For Britain as a refugee. It was here, on 16 July 1916,that he again met his, lifelong ,friend, Captain Arthur Hastings, and solved the first of his cases to be
  45. Avignon, as well as other significant figures of the era. He also became a, lifelong ,friend of fellow student and noted pianist Isidro Philipp. After Debussy's
  46. Launch them on lives of Schweitzer-spirited service. The peer-supporting, lifelong ,network of" Schweitzer Fellows for Life" numbered over 2,000 members in 2008
  47. Research awarded Jensen its Lifetime Achievement Award. Jensen has had a, lifelong ,interest in classical music and was, early in his life, attracted by the idea
  48. World, founded as the Student Homophily League in 1967 by students including, lifelong ,activist Stephen Donaldson. Columbia University campus military groups include
  49. Exists in this case. NCRL’s essential mission is to promote reading and, lifelong ,learning. As NCRL maintains, it is reasonable to impose restrictions on
  50. SCA mission is to build a new generation of conservation managers by inspiring, lifelong ,stewardship of the environment and communities by engaging high school and

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