Examples of the the word, sibling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sibling ), is the 6266 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A system of rotation. Very often a brother (or sister) followed the elder, sibling ,even in the case of the predecessor leaving children. The" turn" of the next
  2. Home Entertainment, NBC Universal's Universal Pictures, and former corporate, sibling ,Warner Home Entertainment Group. (abbreviated as AD or A. D.) and Before
  3. Child of N, and the right child of N' is the node corresponding to N's next, sibling ,--- that is, the next node in order among the children of the parent of N. This
  4. Heritage or mysterious nature. In many novels the hero is an orphan or unusual, sibling , often with an extraordinary talent for magic or combat. He begins the story
  5. The first element of the right sibling ## Append the first child of the right, sibling ,as the last child of the deficient node # Otherwise, if the left sibling has
  6. 3 distinct people (if A is a sibling of B and C is a sibling of B, then A is a, sibling ,of C, provided A is not C),it is not reflexive (A cannot be a sibling of A)
  7. With the last element of the left sibling ## Insert the last child of the left, sibling ,as the first child of the deficient node # If both immediate sibling s have only
  8. World. A character might state he was an only child, yet later mention a, sibling , In the TV show Cheers, Frasier Crane's wife Lilith mentions Frasier's
  9. A) and transitive on any 3 distinct people (if A is a sibling of B and C is a, sibling ,of B, then A is a sibling of C, provided A is not C),it is not reflexive (A
  10. A is a sibling of C, provided A is not C),it is not reflexive (A cannot be a, sibling ,of A). Connections to other relations *A partial order is a relation that is
  11. Was the subject of much gossip and insinuation, was imitating his stylish, sibling , The linguistic variation of o for Au was characteristic of the Brian
  12. Same sire, but different dams are simply said to be" by the same sire ", and no, sibling ,relationship is implied. " Full" ( or" own" ) sibling s have both the same
  13. Although sibling hood is symmetric (if A is a sibling of B, then B is a, sibling ,of A) and transitive on any 3 distinct people (if A is a sibling of B and C
  14. Counterpart. Canada and the United States are often inevitably compared as, sibling ,countries, and the perceptions that arise from this oft-held contrast have gone
  15. Offspring itself because the same number of alleles are passed on. Helping a, sibling ,for example (in diploid animals),has a coefficient of ½, because (on
  16. Running from RAM. History The Electron was developed during 1983 as a cheap, sibling ,for the BBC Micro with the intention of capturing the low-cost Christmas sales
  17. Nile's' relationship is often also turbulent; while very close, their intense, sibling ,rivalry frequently results in chaos. Other recurring themes include the
  18. Node ## Replace the separator in the parent with the last element of the left, sibling ,## Insert the last child of the left sibling as the first child of the
  19. Is not an equivalence relation. Although sibling hood is symmetric (if A is a, sibling ,of B, then B is a sibling of A) and transitive on any 3 distinct people (if A
  20. At that point, then this defines an equivalence relation. * The relation" is a, sibling ,of" ( used to connote pairs of distinct people who have the same parents) on
  21. Called" Buddy" by his family. Older brothers Travis and Larry taught their, sibling ,to play a variety of instruments, including the guitar, four-string banjo and
  22. Node ## Replace the separator in the parent with the first element of the right, sibling ,## Append the first child of the right sibling as the last child of the
  23. Of ½, because (on average) an individual shares ½ of the alleles in its, sibling ,'s offspring. Ensuring that enough of a sibling ’s offspring survive to
  24. A problem. The algorithm to rebalance the tree is as follows: # If the right, sibling ,has more than the minimum number of elements ## Add the separator to the end of
  25. Then B is a sibling of A) and transitive on any 3 distinct people (if A is a, sibling ,of B and C is a sibling of B, then A is a sibling of C, provided A is not C)
  26. The F-35 appears to be a smaller, slightly more conventional, single-engine, sibling , of the sleeker, twin-engine Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, and indeed drew
  27. Offered. " Vocabulary: See the, the free dictionary and Wikipedia's, sibling ,project. Only a few hundred words of the Etruscan vocabulary are known with
  28. All. A pattern might also be broken to name a newborn after a recently deceased, sibling , aunt or uncle. An example of a naming tradition from England, Scotland and
  29. One-third the size of modern France. Eleanor had only one other legitimate, sibling , a younger sister named Elite but always called Petronelli. Her half brothers
  30. Other concepts and return either true or false. For example #$ sibling s is the, sibling ,relationship, true if the two arguments are sibling s. By convention, truth
  31. Distinguished Spanish-Roman Senatorial family. Hadrian’s elder sister and only, sibling ,was Amelia Domitian Paulina,married to the triple consul Lucius Julius URSS
  32. A relative displacement or an absolute address that points to the next oldest, sibling , The code field pointer will be either the address of the word which will
  33. Right sibling as the last child of the deficient node # Otherwise, if the left, sibling ,has more than the minimum number of elements ## Add the separator to the start
  34. Because DOM supports navigation in any direction (e.g., parent and previous, sibling ,) and allows for arbitrary modifications, an implementation must at least
  35. One of its sibling s, and the separator in the parent between the two combined, sibling ,nodes ## Remove the separator from the parent, and replace the two children it
  36. Of a general order tree is sometimes also referred to as a left child-right, sibling ,binary tree (LCRS tree),or a doubly chained tree, or a Filial-Heir chain.
  37. Left edges representing first child and the blue right edges representing next, sibling , The leaves of the tree on the left would be written in Lisp as:: (( (N O) I
  38. Child right away. Aubrey told In Touch magazine," I'd like Nahla to have a, sibling ,in 2009. " On April 30, 2010,it was reported that Berry and Aubrey had
  39. Of individuals with ASD have greater risk of negative well-being and poorer, sibling ,relationships as adults. Classification Autism is one of the five pervasive
  40. His elder brother, Tom,was already a physician and suggested to his younger, sibling ,that he follow the same career, and so in 1903,the younger Alexander enrolled
  41. Is named User, which he changes to Uterpendragon after the death of the elder, sibling , This is probably a confusion that entered oral tradition from Wace's Roman de
  42. Was incompatible with its acceptance of internal mental states. However,the, sibling ,field of cognitive neuroscience has provided evidence of physiological brain
  43. A scientist named Dr. Hero created several cyborgs, including villain Cell, sibling ,cyborgs Android 17 and Android 18,as well as Android 20,who was built from
  44. Role of the older, conservative brother who competes with his younger playboy, sibling ,(William Holden) for the affection of the Cinderella-like Sabrina (Audrey
  45. Are unable to donate. Biologic relative in this setting means mother, father, sibling , grandparent, aunt,uncle or children. (For complete listing, please go to
  46. And Louie's female counterparts. The girls are the children of Daisy's other, sibling , an unnamed sister. Daisy is a close friend of Clara belle Cow and Clara Cluck
  47. With ASD report greater admiration of and less conflict with the affected, sibling ,than sibling s of unaffected children or those with Down syndrome; sibling s of
  48. Frederick William would frequently mistreat Fritz (he preferred his younger, sibling ,August William). After the prince attempted to flee to England with his tutor
  49. Jewish parents who fled the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. His only, sibling ,was Simone Was, a famous philosopher. Was studied in Paris, Rome and
  50. Wearing their opposite sex's clothing as children, using the clothes of a, sibling , parent, or friend. Some parents have said they allowed their children to

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