Examples of the the word, buddhist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( buddhist ), is the 6247 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which described it thus: Ruins The ruins of Taxila contain buildings and, buddhist , stupas located over a large area. The main ruins of Taxila are divided into
  2. Religion Kawasaki peninsula has been called" Buddah's Village" and many, buddhist , statues and temples remain. Manoj Temple which was founded in 1352 is a place
  3. Is celebrated in several Theravada countries including Sri Lanka, India and in, buddhist , communities of other countries. Other religions Gautama Buddha is also
  4. On the wall of Byakue-den (白衣殿) chapel at Shaolin Temple. The style of the, buddhist , priests who are practicing the martial arts was very fresh and vital to him. He
  5. As the vehicle (of Vishnu). " * The statue and images of Garuda adorned many, buddhist , temples in Thailand, it also has become the cultural symbol of Thailand.
  6. Of the Indiana supercontinent. The Eastern Ghats is the homeland for many, buddhist , ruins from Odessa to south Andhra. Andhra Pradesh has 140 listed Buddhist sites
  7. And Buddhism and follow both religious traditions. There are three different, buddhist , traditions: Himalayan Buddhism, Buddhism of Kathmandu Valley (mostly Mahayana
  8. With Dravidian kingdoms, Sri Lanka, Java,Sumatra and Indonesia (A Sri Lankan, buddhist , king named Vijaya SIMCA was from Bengal region). Moreover, Bengal is very much
  9. Stu pa, with restored garden 2009. File: A Buddhist monastery at Sancho. JPG|A, buddhist , monastery at Sancho. File: Monks visiting the Sancho Stu pa. JPG|Monks visiting
  10. Heart Supra and various forms of piano are also chanted. There are Thai, buddhist , amulet Kathy. Mantra in Saigon Buddhism Dubai (774-835),a noted Buddhist
  11. Happy, but he may not demonstrate other signs, such as sharia and dreams. Few, buddhist , also have practiced the harder Pratyutpanna Sarah. The practice Mubarak
  12. Underlying the flux or phenomena, or whether this idea is an aberration of the, buddhist , insight of Anita. Some see the buddha-nature as the innate potential to become
  13. City was founded on March 31, 1954. The origin of the city name is Zentsū-ji, buddhist , temple. The city is the place where Dubai (also known as Kobe Dais hi) was
  14. Li Si, major proponent and practitioner of Legalism * Hooking, The 6th,Buddhist, patriarch of the Chan (Zen) School in China, he established the concept of "
  15. Andesite stones, the Sumatran temples were constructed from red bricks. Some, buddhist , statues such as Buddha and Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara were discovered in
  16. He combined in himself the complexity of a king and a simplicity of a, buddhist , monk. Because of these reasons he is known as the emperor of all ages and thus
  17. Twins Days. *On festival – (Oboe Festival) is a Japanese traditional, buddhist , custom,evolved into a family reunion holiday. Many Japanese manufacturers and
  18. Incense burners, bells,and platforms for placing offerings such as fruit. Some, buddhist , sects place" Thai," memorial tablets for deceased relatives, within or near
  19. Numerous monuments; such as the Alaskan, Sewu and Borobudur mandala. The, buddhist , temples dated from Srivijaya era in Sumatra are Munro Bambi, Muara Takes and
  20. Sancho Stu pa distant view. JPG|Sancho Stu pa, with restored garden 2009. File: A, buddhist , monastery at Sancho. JPG|A Buddhist monastery at Sancho. File: Monks visiting
  21. Relates to the Kushal kings. In addition to the ruins of the city, a number of, buddhist , monasteries and steps also belong to the Taxila area. Some important
  22. Like Tai Phase, Tai Anton, Khamyang, Turung, Singpho and Hampton are also, buddhist , by religion. They mainly inhabit Upper Assam and also Kari Angling. There is
  23. And stays for 6 months to study Sanskrit grammar. He reports over 1,000,Buddhist, monks in residence. * Villa seizes control of the former Bake capital of SBI
  24. Performed Kalahari initiations and build Kalahari stop in Karma Gun, buddhist , center in southern Spain. Another prominent Kalahari master is H. E. Peru
  25. 1990. Temples, shrines,and other historical sites * Shitennō-ji – The oldest, buddhist , temple in Japan, established in 593 AD by Prince Shook * Sumiyoshi Aisha One
  26. The end, he became indifferent to politics and entrusted that great task to the, buddhist , monk Shin Don (신돈, 辛旽 ). But after six years, Shin Don lost his position. In
  27. In" traditional Tamil areas ", and having favored the Buddhists by the, buddhist , temporalities act. The Soul bury Commission rejected the submissions by
  28. Of Andrew II of Hungary and saint (d. 1231) Deaths * June 17 – Kanji, Chinese,Buddhist, monk (b. 1130) __NOT__ Year 1206 (MC CVI) was a common year starting on
  29. Are in Dutch and in Chinese. Amsterdam Chinatown also has the first and biggest, buddhist , temple built in Chinese style. It is named" FO Gang Shan He Huey temple ". The
  30. Middle sky and the eight directions. Buddhism The Than are the heaven worlds in, buddhist , cosmology. Some Degas are also called Than. Taoism The number of vertical
  31. Within the enclosure. Just outside the eastern opera there is a modern, buddhist , temple. The pyramid itself has five levels and its base is 65 by 67 meters. It
  32. Java Shailendra court in the 8th century CE. The Mahayana reverence of female, buddhist , deity started with the cult of Tara enshrined in the 8th century Alaskan temple
  33. Hollow stop or the largest dome shape monument and an important place of Dali, buddhist , movement,is located in Nagpur. Every year on the day of Vijayadashmi i.e.
  34. Born from wisdom. The Shailendra dynasty was also the ruling family of Srivijaya, buddhist , empire in Sumatra. During the reign of the third Paley king Devapala (815-854)
  35. Become the More Sung, a service group entrusted with the protection of the, buddhist , teachings and the welfare of the community. 1975: Forms the organization that
  36. Retired emperors are called Diego Tenn or Joke. Those emperors who entered a, buddhist , monastic community became a Diego Too (太上法皇) or cloistered emperor. There
  37. Events which seems like God has connected with the Sufi alike to Vedic and, buddhist , enlightenment. For more see Fans (Sufism),Banana, Yaqeen, Kashf, Manzil
  38. Is a religious festival in relation with the Wesak full moon Goya day. In, buddhist , world it is celebrated in several Theravada countries including Sri Lanka
  39. Wylie: rang rig) is understood variously in different Yang, buddhist , schools,and practice lineages. These cosmetic differences are resolved in the
  40. Usually a" spirit altar" ( shōryōdana) is set up in front of the Batsman (, buddhist , family altar) to welcome the ancestors' souls. A priest is usually asked to
  41. In 1988 almost 93 % of the Sinhalese-speaking population in Sri Lanka were, buddhist , Sinhalese Buddhists include various religious elements from Hinduism in their
  42. For a study on a simple way of living of GRU Months Promote who had applied the, buddhist , virtues and non-materialism to his life. The Horn Museum Inside the museum
  43. Diamond Way Organization founded by Ole Nodal, who has founded more than 600,Buddhist, centers across the world. A number of groups and individuals have been
  44. But tend to be much less free and noticeably less elaborate. The range of, buddhist ," anointment" typically include sprinkling assembled practitioners with water
  45. And Korean artistic traits were superimposed. After the Chinese Northern Wei, buddhist , art had infiltrated a Korean peninsula, Buddhist icons was brought Japan by
  46. Van Varanasi Dharamshala TMN 20018446. JPG|Javanese batik painting depicting, buddhist , deity File: Sydney batik. JPG|Sydney Opera House (Artist - Aryan Mayan) File
  47. As the metal document in the hot, humid climate. In Burma, the karmadata, buddhist , manuscripts,were inscribed on brass, copper or ivory sheets, and even on
  48. Then. The brain-in-a-vat is a contemporary version of the argument given in, buddhist , Maya illusion,Plato's Allegory of the Cave,Zhuangzi's" Huangdi dreamed he
  49. Kens hi always salute with" gassho-rei" the greetings commonly used among, buddhist , pupils. Gassho-rei is also" gassho-gamae" stance, the both palms are put
  50. And spirituality whilst in the midst of, or in formulation of a battle. Being a, buddhist , most of what is written in the section concerning spirituality refers to

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