Examples of the the word, ideally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ideally ), is the 6264 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Believe that sexual relationships are limited to heterosexual marriage, ideally ,between baptized believers. Rejection of some mainstream doctrines
  2. Coding" practices, nor is one practically achievable, insofar as the code (, ideally , read-only) and data (generally read/write) is Capabilities and access
  3. Relations with God, other people and the environment. The Speak Asian system is, ideally ,suited to the production of fair trade and organic coffee production. Arabica
  4. That this was the proper procedure. Sunnis further argue that a caliph should, ideally ,be chosen by election or community consensus. Shi'a Muslims believe that Ali
  5. The key is either K. In essence, for an n-bit non-linear function one would, ideally ,seek as close to 2- (n-1) as possible to achieve differential uniformity.
  6. Immortalizer mark 1931). The new design consisted of an oval piece of metal (, ideally ,steel, but in most cases aluminum alloy was used),roughly 40 by 50
  7. Depending on the embryo's internal conditions and the external temperature, ideally , Swimming and feeding behavior begin about 36 hours later. The sex of juveniles
  8. Will have given a clear instruction for initiating the ambush. An ambush is, ideally ,initiated by the most effective casualty-producing device available to the
  9. But sometimes their nature can be quite easily understood. For instance, in, ideally , bonded amorphous silica all Si atoms have 4 bonds to O atoms and all O atoms
  10. With the training which CERT members receive. Each course of instruction is, ideally ,facilitated by one or more instructors certified in the CERT curriculum by the
  11. Hours or days. Removable adhesives are designed to form a temporary bond, and, ideally , can be removed after months or years without leaving residue on the adhered.
  12. Of people than a contestant normally interacts with. Indeed, the format is, ideally ,suited to such analysis because the viewer is afforded the opportunity to see
  13. As well as the creation of new institutions such as a World Parliament, which, ideally , would enhance public control over, and accountability in, international
  14. Sources. They also are a point source of light. These properties made them, ideally ,suited to search lights, follow spots and film projector lights. Their need for
  15. For 2 N users talking half of the time. In other words, asynchronous CDMA is, ideally ,suited to a mobile network where large numbers of transmitters each generate a
  16. Change between operating systems. An instruction set simulator (which would, ideally ,be written in an assembler language) can, in theory, process the object code/
  17. That is, by reading the definition only, it should, ideally ,not be possible to refer to any other entity than the definiendum; *reflecting
  18. Polish, and Hindi. His love of sounds pushes him to strive to minimize, and, ideally , get rid of, any foreign accent. Le Ton beau de Tarot: In Praise of the Music of
  19. And, when entropy S, ΔS 0 for any adiabatic process. Pure substances can (, ideally ,) form perfect crystals as T → 0. Max Planck's strong form of the third law of
  20. Armoured penetrations were often avoided or resulted in failure. Terrain would, ideally ,be flat, firm,unobstructed by natural barriers or fortifications, and
  21. Or more parties. Cabinets based on a coalition with majority in a parliament, ideally , are more stable and long-lived than minority cabinets. While the former are
  22. Members to obtain CPR training. Each unit of Citizen Corps CERT training is, ideally ,delivered by professional responders or other experts in the field addressed by
  23. And small molecules. The short wavelength of these matter waves makes them, ideally ,suited to study the atomic crystal structure of solids and large molecules like
  24. C. The latter flame, in addition, offers a more reducing environment, being, ideally , suited for analytes with high affinity to oxygen. Liquid or dissolved samples
  25. It is that agents of the free market do not distribute services and products, ideally ,for the society, and that a universal survey of needs has to be done by the
  26. The groups, not between them. Cluster elements within a cluster should, ideally ,be as heterogeneous as possible, but there should be homogeneity between
  27. A diver must not be dangerously close, should not be too far away, but should, ideally ,be within of the platform) * the properly defined body position of the diver
  28. This is in contrast to most high-level programming languages, which, ideally , are portable. A utility program called an assembler is used to translate
  29. So the apex ball of the rack is located on the. The balls in the rack are, ideally ,placed so that they are all in contact with one another; this is accomplished
  30. Grooves running the length of the bridge's underside, an environment, ideally ,suited for raising their young. Every evening around sunset, the bats emerge in
  31. Primate, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The status of full communion means, ideally , that there is mutual agreement on essential doctrines, and that full
  32. Been replaced by the advent of digital cameras. All of this is done so that, ideally ,all related shots can match, despite perhaps parts being shot thousands of
  33. Answered theologically with the Catholic concept of extra-legal tyrannicide, ideally ,ratified by the Pope. The Pope assumed at times, due to the non-existence of
  34. Or conjecture to be considered scientific, it must meet at least most, but, ideally , all,of the above criteria. The fewer which are matched, the less scientific it
  35. A newly recruited and diverse army of thugs (which Lamar characterized as, ideally ,consisting of" rustlers, cutthroats,murderers, bounty hunters, desperadoes
  36. To be successful, an ambush patrol must deploy into the area covertly, ideally ,under the cover of darkness. The patrol will establish secure and covert
  37. And updating function. Transaction mechanism A database transaction mechanism, ideally ,guarantees ACID properties in order to ensure data integrity despite concurrent
  38. As well as UI validation elements (if need be). Acceptance test cards are, ideally ,created during sprint planning or iteration planning meeting, before
  39. Story or stories 'played' during any sprint/iteration. These tests are created, ideally ,through collaboration between business customers, business analysts, testers
  40. The identification of the best methods of teaching each particular child, ideally ,begins soon after birth through early intervention programs. Cognitive
  41. Cargo was more valuable, or for passenger routes. The small, fast ships were, ideally ,suited to low-volume, high-profit goods, such as tea, opium,spices, people
  42. As otherwise it would count as murder or assisted suicide. Cryonics procedures, ideally ,begin within minutes of cardiac arrest, and use cryoprotectants to prevent ice
  43. In recent times. The bassoon's wide range and variety of tone colors make it, ideally ,suited to grouping in like-instrument ensembles. Peter Schickele's" Last
  44. These are long lines of anapests, trochees or iambs (where each line is, ideally ,measured in four diodes or pairs of feet),used in various situations within
  45. Part of the divine intent of bringing about an age of peace and sanctity where, ideally ,a faithful life and good deeds should be ends in themselves, not means. See
  46. To enter into this covenant with God. They view their divine purpose as being, ideally ,a" light upon the nations" and a" holy people" ( i.e., a people who live
  47. Products. A multiplier (which is a nonlinear device too) will generate, ideally ,only the sum and difference frequencies, whereas an arbitrary nonlinear block
  48. By many to be the ultimate test of boomeranging skills. The boomerang should, ideally ,cross the circle and come right back to the center. Each thrower has five
  49. Or bactericide, abbreviated Bridal, is a substance that kills bacteria and, ideally , nothing else. Bactericides are disinfectants, antiseptics or antibiotics.
  50. Would restore healthy cell structure and chemistry at the molecular level, ideally ,before warming. More radically, mind transfer has also been suggested as a

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