Examples of the the word, spur , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spur ), is the 6248 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Derived from a jawbone) and the panda's thumb (derived from a wrist bone, spur ,) are considered classic examples. A 2006 article in Nature demonstrates
  2. On several occasions, gambling entire battles on decisions made almost on the, spur ,of the moment and with incomplete information. He cited Rommel's counterattack
  3. Overall the new thoroughfares would include one (or two) loop freeways,a, spur ,into the city connecting the main freeway and the loop, east-west expressway
  4. The World Trade Organization in 2001. Although the PRC needs economic growth to, spur ,its development, the government has begun to worry that rapid economic growth
  5. The Sanctuary of Apollo, the site of the ancient Oracle. This semicircular, spur ,is known as Phaedriades, and overlooks the Plants Valley. Southwest of Delphi
  6. Go unnoticed by other comics companies. In 1961,with DC's JLA as the specific, spur , Marvel Comics writer-editor Stan Lee and legendary creator Jack Kirby ushered
  7. Since medieval times there have been a number of crossings of the Month (a, spur ,of mountainous land that extends from the higher inland range to the North Sea
  8. Had already played guitar in a folk group called The Islanders. One day, on the, spur ,of the moment, they asked a couple of football players in the school training
  9. Is based on David Burgher, runs the Great Court Run with Abrahams in order to, spur ,him on, and crosses the finish line just a moment too late. Since the film, the
  10. Shelf. Most of the fishing is carried out in water up to deep on this, spur ,or on the Burn wood Bank -another spur laying on an undersea ridge to the south
  11. Recent archaeological investigation of the rotunda floor, suggest that a narrow, spur ,of at least ten yards length would have had to jut out from the rock face if
  12. Acceleration called Program de Aceleração do Crescent, aiming to, spur ,growth. Brazil's transparency ranking status in the international world is
  13. Times The favorable location of Peter, on a dry ridge of land ending in a, spur ,that overlooks a navigable river that was teeming with fish, and with fertile
  14. Primarily simple parts to play, and in the case of a resident virtuoso group,a, spur ,to writing spectacular, idiomatic parts for certain instruments, as in the case
  15. By SAGA. Market impact The biggest effect of the Channel F in the market was to, spur ,Atari into releasing and improving their next-generation console which was then
  16. South, through the cities of Guelendeng, Bongor, Kelo and Mound, with a short, spur ,leading in the direction of Kosher, Cameroon,near N'Djamena. Expansion of
  17. Throughout the history of the genre. In the mid-1970s Judas Priest helped, spur ,the genre's evolution by discarding much of its blues influence; Motörhead
  18. And education purposes. GIANT link speeds range from 155 Bit/s on the slowest, spur ,links to 10 Bit/s in the core optical fiber network. The GIANT project began
  19. Of the station, while the Beckon depot is to the east of the line on a long, spur ,north-east of Gallons Reach station. Signalling technology Originally the DLR
  20. British spelling) used to express disapproval or pity, the thick! Used to, spur ,on a horse, and the clip-clop! Sound children make to imitate a horse trotting.
  21. A ban was enacted in 1912. Theaters City officials continue to seek ways to, spur ,economic development on the island, including the restoration of the historic
  22. A restructuring agency in 1999 and launched a revitalization program - to, spur ,the sale of firms to foreign companies. Key priorities included accelerating
  23. An expressway in China and Hong Kong **G4W Guangzhou–Macau Expressway,a, spur ,expressway from Guangzhou to Macau Television * G4 Canada, a Canadian
  24. Square kilometer Patagonian Shelf large marine ecosystem and are located on a, spur ,from the Patagonian Continental Shelf. Most of the fishing is carried out in
  25. Retaining a number of historically significant vacant buildings in order to, spur ,redevelopment; though the city has struggled with finances, it issued bonds in
  26. Commonality would be enjoyed here with the short separate proposal to provide a, spur ,from Mitch am Junction to Mitch am town center. From here, the Tooting projection
  27. Are also NP-complete; if these problems were efficiently solvable it could, spur ,considerable advances in biology. But such changes may pale in significance
  28. A relatively small number of traditional songs, singers add variations on the, spur ,of the moment. Musicologist Hirohito Ross adds the following characteristics (
  29. Was open for business on many floors on the following Monday. The crash helped, spur ,the passage of the long-pending Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946,as well as the
  30. White Mountains to the north and Manchester to the south. Interstate 393 is a, spur ,highway leading east from Concord and merging with U. S. Route 4 as a direct
  31. Security environment and an initial wave of foreign investment are helping to, spur ,economic activity, particularly in the energy, construction,and retail sectors
  32. Response, Hoover and the Congress approved the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, to, spur , new home construction, and reduce foreclosures. The plan seemed to work, as
  33. And there are also traces of town walls below. The temple site was on a low, spur ,of the hill, below the town. An early terrace wall supports a precinct in which
  34. Hunting lodge were smaller and more fixed in their level of ability. This was a, spur ,to having primarily simple parts to play, and in the case of a resident
  35. Extended to cope with the increase in passenger numbers. A dedicated freeway, spur ,links the M25 between junctions 14 and 15 to the terminal, which includes a
  36. In the film was fictitious, though Liddell's record win in that race did, spur ,Abrahams to train even harder. Abrahams also won a silver medal as an opening
  37. Org being brought online on the same day; project formally opens 15 Jan (", spur ,the appearance of breaking news stories on the homepage, as well as information
  38. And reconstruction of many sections. Two other national highways serve as, spur ,(DR-5) or alternate routes to destinations (DR-4). In addition to the
  39. And increasing amounts of anime material, from video to images, helped, spur , the growth of fandom. As the Internet gained more widespread use, Internet
  40. Carried out in water up to deep on this spur or on the Burn wood Bank -another, spur ,laying on an undersea ridge to the south the Falkland Islands and separated
  41. National highways the government has embarked in an expansive reconstruction of, spur ,secondary routes which connect smaller towns to the trunk routes. In the last
  42. As a midnight film, it screened around the country for six years, helping, spur , the popularity of reggae in the United States. While the midnight-movie
  43. Most of the area. Bishkek is connected to the Turkestan-Siberia Railway by a, spur ,line. Bishkek is a city of wide boulevards and marble-faced public buildings
  44. Is both an archaeological site and a modern town in Greece on the south-western, spur ,of Mount Parnassus in the valley of Phones. In Greek mythology, Delphi was the
  45. And San Francisco. To supplant this service, they offered twelve contracts for, spur ,routes to independent bidders. Some of the carriers that won these routes would
  46. Discs in his back, a spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement) and a bone, spur ,that interfered with the nerve, Agassi retired from professional tennis on
  47. Has eight motor freight carriers. Many local industrial sites have rail freight, spur ,service. The city is served by Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe
  48. Pass patterns, Hutson would lead the league in receptions eight seasons and, spur ,the Packers to NFL championships in 1936,1939 and 1944. An Iron Man, Hutson
  49. Terminus. This portion of Oregon Route 126 is also signed Interstate 105,a, spur ,route of Interstate 5. Oregon Route 126 continues west, a portion shared with
  50. The World Trade Organization in 2001. Although the PRC needs economic growth to, spur ,its development, the government has begun to worry that rapid economic growth

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