Examples of the the word, quota , in a Sentence Context

The word ( quota ), is the 6249 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Those clubs that have 2 non-EU players, are awarded 1 quota and 1 conditional, quota , which is awarded after: 1) Transferred 1 non-EU player abroad, or 2) Release
  2. Those who do not share the ethos of the school, in a case where a school's, quota ,has already been reached. Culture Literature Ireland has made a significant
  3. Have triggered default clauses in the country’s sovereign bonds. A member’s, quota ,in the IMF determines the amount of its subscription, its voting weight, its
  4. Stations that have launched since, as well as on the BBC and in ITV (where a, quota ,of 25 % minimum of total output has been imposed since the 1990 Broadcasting
  5. Central African tax and custom reform codes. The reform included elimination of, quota ,restrictions and reductions in the range and amounts of tariffs. The CEMAC
  6. To Honduras's small independent producers, who had added most of Nicaragua's, quota ,to their own during the United States embargo of Nicaragua. Higher costs for
  7. Per annum and is now reflected as a separate entry in the tables below. License, quota ,policy and revenue With the establishment of the FICA, the Falklands Fisheries
  8. Season, following provisional measures Concurrent with the abolishment of the, quota , FIG had investigated footballers that used fake passports. Alberto and Warley
  9. Form of a“ membership resolution. ” These recommendations cover the amount of, quota ,in the IMF, the form of payment of the subscription, and other customary terms
  10. Package of reforms to enhance the institution's governance that would shift, quota ,and voting shares from advanced to emerging markets and developing countries.
  11. In July, authorizing a militia draft within a state when it could not meet its, quota ,with volunteers. When the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect in January
  12. Tickets within six weeks in order to re-enter the NFL. That 15,000-ticket, quota , was reached in four weeks and three days. On January 23, 1953,under the
  13. The size of the inmates’ ration depended on the percentage of the work, quota ,delivered. Naphtali Frankel is credited for the introduction of this policy.
  14. Per year, is a significant contributor to its population growth – a daily, quota ,of 150 Mainland Chinese with family ties in Hong Kong are granted a" one way
  15. Producers. Honduras, in fact, consistently produced more than its international, quota ,until growers began to withhold the crop in the 1980s in an attempt to
  16. Players as available on domestic transfer. But since the 2003–04 season a, quota ,has been imposed on each of the clubs limiting the number of non-EU, non-EFTA
  17. Were sometimes applied to prisoners that were too enfeebled to meet production, quota ,), they instituted a number of positive incentives intended to boost
  18. Of an officer's rank. Conscription of peasants and townspeople was based on, quota ,system, per settlement. Initially it was based on the number of households
  19. Are experienced everywhere in Europe, the government has increased working visa, quota ,for non-EEA citizens, although it has nevertheless been criticized for being
  20. Was reached with the European Union (EU) to increase Honduras's banana, quota ,to the EU, the large banana companies were avid for additional land for
  21. Part of Iceland's economy since 1997. In early 2010,Iceland's proposed, quota ,in killing fin whales was much larger than the amount of whale meat the
  22. Quota to the United States, seemed bleak in 1993. Restoration of the sugar, quota ,to Nicaraguan growers has been a major blow to Honduras's small independent
  23. And 1979),hurricanes (in 1979 and 1980),and slumping world prices and, quota ,allocations for sugar (since 1985). In 1999,agricultural production was 0.4
  24. Quota quickies ': poor quality, low cost films, made in order to satisfy the, quota , Some critics have blamed the quickies for holding back the development of the
  25. A candidate to earn either an absolute majority (single member district) or a, quota ,(multi-member district),respectively. Moderation Some other voting systems
  26. Would no longer require its customer service representatives to meet a minimum, quota ,for customer retention in order to receive a bonus. On June 13, 2006,a man
  27. And QC/16) cannot be scheduled for operation. In addition, during the night, quota ,period (23:30–06:00) there are three limits: * A quota count system which
  28. Already had multiple production units, and so had no difficulty meeting their, quota , but in 1908 Biography lost their one working director. They offered the job of
  29. And Russia, the Make tribe of Washington claimed four whales from the IWC, quota ,established at the 1997 meeting. Except a single gray whale
  30. As well as nodes it receives from other clients, until it reaches a certain, quota , It connects to only that many nodes, locally caches the addresses it has not
  31. From Chief (first two) and Employ respectively. On 2 July 2010,the, quota ,reduced back to 1 and received the quota only after transferred a non-EU player
  32. The 1980s when Honduran producers were allowed to fill Nicaragua's sugar, quota ,to the United States, seemed bleak in 1993. Restoration of the sugar quota to
  33. During the night quota period (23:30–06:00) there are three limits: * A, quota ,count system which limits the total amount of noise permitted, but allows
  34. The new Stainable boulevard in East Berlin rioted against a 10 % production, quota ,increase. Initially a labor protest, it soon included the general populace
  35. And agriculture then available to support it. The city contributed the largest, quota ,in taxes to the States of Holland which in turn contributed over half the quota
  36. An act authorizing a militia draft within a state when it could not meet its, quota ,with volunteers. This state-administered system failed in practice and on March
  37. Economic base for the region's native population. Currently, the annual, quota ,for the gray whale catch in the region is 140 per year. Pursuant to an
  38. Quota in taxes to the States of Holland which in turn contributed over half the, quota ,to the States General. Amsterdam was also one of the most reliable in settling
  39. September 2005 the IMF’s member countries agreed to the first round of ad-hoc, quota ,increases for four countries, including China. On March 28, 2008,the IMF’s
  40. Never said who is normal or not, they can arrest anyone at random until the, quota ,is filled. Fay tries to get Hap good to expose the miracle, but he warns her no
  41. A success, with audiences for British films becoming larger than the, quota ,required. But it had the effect of creating a market for ' quota quickies ':
  42. The 2011–12 season. Players Non-EU players Unlike La Liga, which imposed a, quota ,on the number of non-EU players on each club, Serie A clubs could sign as many
  43. In 2001,the People’s Republic of China was prevented from increasing its, quota ,as high as it wished, ensuring it remained at the level of the smallest G7
  44. At that moment, Cora receives a telegram from the governor warning that if the, quota ,of forty-nine cookies is not filled, she will be impeached. Scrub tells her
  45. Players in their squad (previously only newly promoted clubs could have 3, quota , ); Clubs that have one non-EU player have 2 quota s. Those clubs that have 2
  46. Quotas, but releasing two non-EU players as free agent, will only have 1, quota , instead of 2. Serie B and Legal Pro clubs cannot sign non-EU player from abroad
  47. Player have 2 quota s. Those clubs that have 2 non-EU players, are awarded 1, quota , and 1 conditional quota , which is awarded after: 1) Transferred 1 non-EU
  48. Of a double dissolution election by Prime Minister, Bob Hawks. This reduced the, quota ,necessary to win a seat to 7.7 %. In NSW (Paul McLean),Victoria (Janet
  49. And sometimes causing the death of persons unable to fulfill high production, quota , Immediately after the German attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941 the
  50. For an obligation of military service much heavier than the usual conscription, quota , The policy had the triple benefit, from the Roman point of view, of weakening

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