Examples of the the word, bomber , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bomber ), is the 6260 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That" Ephedrine won the Battle of Britain" according to one report. American, bomber ,pilots use amphetamine (" go pills" ) to stay awake during long missions. The
  2. RAF by the end of 1942 and served with No. 2 Group, the RAF's tactical medium, bomber ,force. The first RAF operation with the Mitchell II took place on 22 January
  3. And the Isles of Silly ends. *2006 – Sami Hammed, a Palestinian suicide, bomber , detonates an explosive device in Tel Aviv, killing 11 people and injuring 70.
  4. Would not become public until much later, stated that the foiled millennium, bomber , Ahmed Essay, had confessed that Abu Zubaydah had not only encouraged him to
  5. 89.9 % of the popular vote. *1940 – First flight of the B-25 Mitchell medium, bomber , *1942 – World War II: Operation Jubilee – the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division
  6. Aside from the dirt)—all of whom found their way onto the painted noses of, bomber ,planes during World War II and the Korean War. Perhaps Capp's most popular
  7. Used the intermediate-range Tu-22M 'Backfire'in the 1970s,but their Mach 3, bomber , project came to naught. The Mach 2 Tu-160 'Blackjack' was built only in tiny
  8. Statements" in a sexual harassment civil lawsuit. *2002 – A female suicide, bomber ,detonated at the entrance to Jerusalem's Mahan Neruda open-air market
  9. With the first possible replacements becoming operational in 2018. After this, bomber ,the U. S. is also thinking of another bomber in 2037. The 2018 bomber will be
  10. Plans in the U. S. and Russia for successors to the current strategic, bomber ,force remain only paper projects, and political and funding pressures suggest
  11. Was phased out; the last of which left service in 1983. The French Mirage IV, bomber ,version was retired in 1996,although the Mirage 2000 N and the Rafael have a
  12. Variations, such as the United States Navy's and Marine Corps' PBJ-1 patrol, bomber ,and the United States Army Air Forces' F-10 photo reconnaissance aircraft.
  13. 2,000 armored vehicles,2,500 large caliber artillery systems,300 fighter and, bomber ,aircraft,100 trainer aircraft, more than 40 combat and 40 transport
  14. To ram it. Holmes bailed out. Both aircraft crashed. In fact the Dorkier Do 17, bomber , was empty. It had already been damaged, two of its crew had been killed and the
  15. S Mahan Neruda open-air market, killing 7 and wounding 104. *2007 – A suicide, bomber ,penetrated the Green Zone and detonated in a cafeteria within a parliament
  16. Appears in a cameo as one of Heyday Lamarr's toughs, wearing sunglasses and a, bomber ,jacket. He also dubbed the voice for one of the German chorus boys backing
  17. Delivered each month from that date onwards. The A-1s are the main attack/, bomber ,aircraft of the FAB. There are three squadrons operating the A-1,one of them
  18. And the strategic position had changed. The development of the strategic, bomber ,meant that the navy was no longer the only method of projecting power overseas
  19. Place. B-52 is the common name of the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, a strategic, bomber ,aircraft designed and built by Boeing for the U. S. Air Force. B-52 or B52 may
  20. Perhaps the one meaningful distinction at present is the question of range: a, bomber ,is generally a long-range aircraft capable of striking targets deep within
  21. To as close air support for the global war on terror (CAS for GOT). The 2018, bomber , would thus be able to stay for extended periods on a same location (called
  22. Plotting attacks against America and our allies. ” In addition," Christmas Day, bomber ," Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab said al-Awlaki was one of his al-Qaeda trainers
  23. Operational in 2018. After this bomber the U. S. is also thinking of another, bomber ,in 2037. The 2018 bomber will be made in small quantities as it will be a
  24. Quantities as it will be a transition aircraft for this 2037 bomber . The 2018, bomber , was,however, required to provide an answer to the fifth generation defense
  25. Britain Day, an RAF pilot, Ray Holmes of No. 504 Squadron RAF rammed a German, bomber ,he believed was going to bomb the Palace. Holmes had run out of ammunition and
  26. Of Malta – its people and defenders" by King George VI. *1943 – An Allied, bomber ,attack misses the Minerva automobile factory and hits the Belgian town of
  27. 1944 – Freckle ton Air Disaster – A United States Army Air Forces B-24 Liberator, bomber ,crashes into a school in Freckle ton, England killing 61 people. *1946 –
  28. The type was ordered into production, along with the Army's other new medium, bomber , the Martin B-26 Marauder. Early production An improvement of the NA-40B
  29. The enemy lines and immediate hinterland. The world's first four-engined, bomber ,was the Russian IL'ya Markets created in 1914 and successfully used in World
  30. The foreseeable future. In the U. S., current plans call for the existing USAF, bomber ,fleet to remain in service until the mid-to-late 2020s,with the first possible
  31. Air Corps for evaluation. This aircraft was originally intended to be an attack, bomber ,for export to the United Kingdom and France, both of which had a pressing
  32. Elevated levels of americium were also detected at the crash site of a US B-52, bomber , which carried four hydrogen bombs, in 1968 in Greenland. In other regions, the
  33. Cruisers and are sunk southwest of the island. *1943 – World War II: American, bomber ,aircraft accidentally cause more than 900 civilian deaths, including 209
  34. Demands for the release of several prisoners, including 1993 World Trade Center, bomber ,Ramzi Yousef and $2.4 million. In July, a Filipino television evangelist and 12
  35. At 4:00 the next morning and finally completed on June 23. *1983 – A suicide, bomber ,destroys the United States embassy in Beirut, Lebanon,killing 63 people. *1988
  36. Be made in small quantities as it will be a transition aircraft for this 2037, bomber , The 2018 bomber was, however,required to provide an answer to the fifth
  37. Bombers. To operate them, the US Marine Corps established a number of, bomber ,squadrons, beginning with VMB-413,in March 1943 at Cherry Point, North
  38. The Palace. It then crashed into the forecourt of London Victoria station. The, bomber ,'s engine was later exhibited at the Imperial War Museum in London. The British
  39. For extended periods on a same location (called persistence). Also, the 2018, bomber , and later bomber s could be automated. Cue sports (sometimes written cue sports
  40. The spotlight when the Army Air Corps evaluated it for use as a medium, bomber , Unfortunately, the NA-40B was destroyed in a crash on 11 April 1939.
  41. Ground Center Commander, Brig. Gen. Robert H. Warren, who in turn presented the, bomber ,to Valparaiso, Florida Mayor Randall Roberts on behalf of the
  42. Berkeley) The North American B-25 Mitchell was an American twin-engined medium, bomber ,manufactured by North American Aviation. It was used by many Allied air forces
  43. Two in an upper turret, two in the waist, and a pair in the tail. No other, bomber ,of World War II carried as many guns. However, the first 555 B-25Js (the
  44. On March 7,1998,Daniel Rudolph, the elder brother of the 1996 Olympics, bomber ,Eric Robert Rudolph, videotaped himself cutting off one of his own hands with
  45. This bomber the U. S. is also thinking of another bomber in 2037. The 2018, bomber , will be made in small quantities as it will be a transition aircraft for this
  46. And bloody chunks of human flesh. " Later it was learned there was a third, bomber ,in the crowd. Ivan Emiliano stood ready, clutching a briefcase containing a
  47. Combined with the desire for accuracy and other operational factors, bomber ,designs tended to be tailored to one particular role. By the start of the war
  48. In France and Belgium. Operators USAAF The B-25 first gained fame as the, bomber ,used in the 18 April 1942 Doolittle Raid, in which 16 B-25Bs led by the
  49. Canto XXI, Dante places narrators in the Eighth Circle, fifth Borgia of Hell. A, bomber ,is a military aircraft designed to attack ground and sea targets, by dropping
  50. He said. " They gave my name and my date of birth, but I am not a suicide, bomber , I am here. I am alive. Furthermore, I have no idea how to fly a plane. Furthermore, I had nothing to do

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