Examples of the the word, qualitative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( qualitative ), is the 6256 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chemist),Gustav Pagenstecher, and Rudolf Fischer. These were largely, qualitative ,experiments in which selected participants sought to identify a concealed
  2. That what people call pain is only an exaggerated perception; that there is no, qualitative ,difference but only a quantitative difference between pain and ordinary
  3. i. e., analytically ), but approximations for them still gave many good, qualitative ,predictions and results. Most quantitative calculations in modern quantum
  4. As solid lines. While the idea of shared electron pairs provides an effective, qualitative ,picture of covalent bonding, quantum mechanics is needed to understand the
  5. A large organic ligand. Analysis The presence of aluminum can be detected in, qualitative ,analysis using aluminum. Applications General use Aluminum is the most widely
  6. Point. There are also many other discrete dynamical systems. Local dynamics The, qualitative ,properties of dynamical systems do not change under a smooth change of
  7. Триж (thrice); Adverbs can sometimes be reduplicated to emphasize the, qualitative ,or quantitative properties of actions, moods or relations as performed by the
  8. The risk-benefit balance of spinal manipulation can't be positive. A 2006, qualitative , review found that the research literature suggests that chiropractic obtains at
  9. Often in informal, non-technical language, concentration is described in a, qualitative ,way, through the use of adjectives such as" dilute" for solutions of
  10. Who expresses him- or herself through a medium ". The word is also used in a, qualitative ,sense of, a person creative in, innovative in, or adept at, an artistic
  11. Was based on classical mechanics, while Eddington speculated broadly about the, qualitative ,and quantitative consequences of possible proton-electron annihilation and
  12. That is, it is not related to quantity. Chemical tests There are numerous, qualitative ,chemical tests, for example, the acid test for gold and the Kastle-Meyer test
  13. Acid) → + 2 Pearson definition In 1963 Ralph Pearson proposed an advanced, qualitative ,concept known as Hard Soft Acid Base principle, later made quantitative with
  14. A substantial share of that growth has been in government services, and the, qualitative ,level of services varies greatly. The Bulgarian banking system, which was weak
  15. It can be used to prove the Hartman-Grobman theorem, which describes the, qualitative ,behavior of certain differential equations near certain equilibrium. Similarly
  16. Of qualitative impairment in social interaction, at least one symptom of, qualitative ,impairment in communication, and at least one symptom of restricted and
  17. Language Strategy project commissioned research to provide quantitative and, qualitative ,evidence for the number of Cornish speakers: due to the success of the revival
  18. Is varied, the dynamical systems may have bifurcation points where the, qualitative ,behavior of the dynamical system changes. For example, it may go from having
  19. Change.:" Merely quantitative differences, beyond a certain point, pass into, qualitative ,changes. " --Karl Marx, Capital,Vol. 1. * All things contain within themselves
  20. As exhibiting at least six symptoms total, including at least two symptoms of, qualitative ,impairment in social interaction, at least one symptom of qualitative
  21. Gunners and grenadiers prepared for house-to-house combat. Despite enjoying, qualitative ,superiority against the VVS and possessing 80 % of the Luftwaffe's resources on
  22. A smooth change of coordinates (this is sometimes taken as a definition of, qualitative ,): a singular point of the vector field (a point where v (x) = 0) will
  23. In social structure. The law of the passage of quantitative changes into, qualitative ,changes can also be applied to the process of social change and class conflict.
  24. Augury. Divination that ranks a set of given possibilities. It can be, qualitative ,(such as shapes, proximities, etc.): for example, dowsing (a form of
  25. Accounts, the embodied, collaborative,dialogic, and improvisational aspects of, qualitative ,research are clarified” ( Lindley & Taylor,2002,p. 53). Often, the term "
  26. And several other sciences. Aristotle's writings on science are largely, qualitative , as opposed to quantitative. Beginning in the 16th century, scientists began
  27. Gold and the Kastle-Meyer test for the presence of blood. Flame test Inorganic, qualitative ,analysis generally refers to a systematic scheme to confirm the presence of
  28. Salts can also lead to explosive products: such mixtures are often formed in, qualitative ,chemical analysis, and should be lightly acidified but not concentrated (<6 %
  29. Exactly. However, almost every aspect of chemistry can be described in a, qualitative ,or approximate quantitative computational scheme. Molecules consist of nuclei
  30. Insignificant and imperceptible quantitative changes lead to fundamental, qualitative ,changes. Qualitative changes occur not gradually, but rapidly and abruptly, as
  31. Three ways: to identify the components of a particular chemical compound (, qualitative ,analysis),to identify the proportions of components in a mixture (
  32. Force and that parallel to the trajectory as the tangential force. From a, qualitative ,standpoint, the path can be approximated by an arc of a circle for a limited
  33. Wave whose amplitude, and therefore intensity varies randomly. Patterns Several, qualitative ,observations can be made of diffraction in general: *The angular spacing of the
  34. It would return if left undisturbed. The four elements of the Greek were mostly, qualitative ,aspects of matter, not quantitative, as our modern elements are. " ... True
  35. Finite element and boundary element methods. Systems It is possible to obtain a, qualitative ,understanding of many diffraction phenomena by considering how the relative
  36. Use separations such as precipitation, extraction,and distillation and, qualitative ,analysis by color, odor,or melting point. Quantitative analysis is achieved by
  37. Structure of a phase space of a dynamical system can be well understood. In the, qualitative ,study of dynamical systems, the approach is to show that there is a change of
  38. And space and not lose them in utterly idealized abstractions. Remember that, qualitative ,effects of context and interaction may be lost when phenomena are isolated ".
  39. Conflict of opposites; # The law of the passage of quantitative changes into, qualitative ,changes; # The law of the negation of the negation The first law was seen by
  40. Phase space will also depend on this parameter. Small changes may produce no, qualitative ,changes in the phase space until a special value μ0 is reached. At this point
  41. System within one class. Classifying all possible trajectories has led to the, qualitative ,study of dynamical systems, that is, properties that do not change under
  42. Established a research program based on Kahlbaum's proposal for a more exact, qualitative ,clinical approach, and his own innovation: a quantitative approach involving
  43. BO Diddle" inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame as a recording of lasting, qualitative ,or historical significance. *2000: Inducted into the Mississippi Musicians Hall
  44. Essence of industrialism by determining that division of labor represents a, qualitative ,increase in productivity. His example was the making of pins. Unlike Plato
  45. Expressed confidence that his clinical method, involving analysis of both, qualitative ,and quantitative data derived from long term observation of patients, would
  46. Undergraduate analytical chemistry educational labs. Qualitative analysis A, qualitative ,analysis determines the presence or absence of a particular compound, but not
  47. Across the country. The quantitative gains have not always been matched by, qualitative ,ones. Primary schools in particular still lack resources, and the teachers are
  48. Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is a spectroanalytical procedure for the, qualitative ,and quantitative determination of chemical elements employing the absorption of
  49. Of 100 degrees and steam of 100 degrees (the effect latent heat) there is a, qualitative ,change.:" Merely quantitative differences, beyond a certain point, pass into
  50. Love Is Strange" was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame as a recording of, qualitative ,or historical significance, and he was inducted into the Blues Foundation's

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