Examples of the the word, schooling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( schooling ), is the 6258 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It preferred to allow children already enrolled in the program to finish their, schooling ,while closing the program to new entrants. However, its preference on this
  2. The chief controversies revolve around how to interpret the impact of, schooling , Economists Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gifts famously argued in 1976 that there
  3. About the Qur'an, and memorize it. Some parents specifically choose this early, schooling ,to offset French schools children usually attend later. Since independence and
  4. Remaining steadfast to his pedagogy, a forerunner of progressive and democratic, schooling , he alienated parents in a later" parlor school" by admitting an African
  5. Literacy: Definition: age 15 and over has completed five or more years of, schooling ,: Total population: 85.8 %: Male: NA %: Female: NA % (2003 est. ) Education
  6. Forms and institutions (public charter schools, private schools, home, schooling , ). Elementary schools There are forty-two public school jurisdictions in
  7. And even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of, schooling , Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage years. In the United
  8. Highly appreciated. They become semi-aggressive as they age, but are by nature, schooling ,fish, and a group of at least three is a good idea. However, it isn't
  9. From the father, inability to afford additional children, desire to provide, schooling ,for existing children, disruption of education, relationship problems with a
  10. women's rights. Born in Connecticut in 1799,Alcott had only minimal formal, schooling ,before attempting a career as a traveling salesman. Worried about how the
  11. Of 5 and 14,although those who live in isolated areas have limited access to, schooling , Primary schooling is followed by a two-year intermediate school and a
  12. Is more delicate in the North, where lack of autonomy and monolingual public, schooling ,in French exert great pressure on the Basque language. However, in Navarre
  13. Drawing and cartooning. This continued throughout his primary and secondary, schooling ,years when he drew cartoons for the school newspaper and yearbook. During this
  14. To libertarian principles, anarchists have also questioned the concept of, schooling ,per se. The term schooling was popularized by Ivan Tillich, who argued that
  15. Is free and compulsory. Students are required to complete ten years of, schooling , and may not leave school before the age of 16,after which students may
  16. An Erziehungsroman (" education novel" ) focuses on training and formal, schooling , while a Künstlerroman (" artist novel" ) is about the development of an
  17. Half of the school population attends a further two years of secondary, schooling ,leading to the award of the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education
  18. Of Angola, and especially since its“ effective occupation” in the mid-1920s, schooling , in Portuguese was slowly developed by the colonial state as well as by Catholic
  19. City. According to her diaries, Volume One,1931–1934,NIN abandoned formal, schooling ,at the age of sixteen years and later began working as an artist's model.
  20. Who advocated ambitious reforms partly along Platonic lines for public, schooling ,in Virginia. Another motivation for reform is the desire to address
  21. Education. In general, primary education consists of six or eight years of, schooling ,starting at the age of five or six, although this varies between, and sometimes
  22. Those who live in isolated areas have limited access to schooling . Primary, schooling ,is followed by a two-year intermediate school and a four-year secondary course
  23. Rates are far lower than their male counterparts. An increase in girls ', schooling ,has been observed because of the government's policy of making school cheaper
  24. Apply toward tuition at a private school (or, by extension, to reimburse home, schooling ,expenses),rather than at the state school to which their child is assigned.
  25. Burkina Faso is divided into primary, secondary and higher education. However, schooling ,costs approximately CFA 50,000 ($97 USD) per year, which is far above the
  26. Areas, teachers are poorly qualified, and only the five years' of primary, schooling ,are offered. The school year can extend from February to November or from
  27. In 1969,direct taxation was abolished and during this period the quality of, schooling ,and health care continued to improve. An electrification campaign was begun in
  28. To inspire a love of home and domestic pleasures ". She also maintains that, schooling ,should be co-educational, contending that men and women, whose marriages are "
  29. Learning and teaching is an important economic activity, and includes language, schooling , tourism spending, and publishing. There is no legislation mandating an
  30. School to work full time at the restaurant. Thomas, who considered ending his, schooling ,the greatest mistake of his life, did not graduate from high school until 1993
  31. Famously argued in 1976 that there was a fundamental conflict in American, schooling ,between the egalitarian goal of democratic participation and the inequalities
  32. Has similarly borrowed the term. Education (also called learning, teaching or, schooling ,) in the general sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on
  33. Because of the inherent differences: student voice is central to the daily, schooling ,experience because students spend all day there. Many educators today strive
  34. Trading, gathering food, religious practices, etc., formal education, and, schooling , eventually followed. Schooling in this sense was already in place in Egypt
  35. Of Francisco Franco in the twentieth century and the spreading of compulsory, schooling , Aragonite was regarded as a mere dialect of Spanish, and therefore was frowned
  36. Teachers didn't encourage knowledge or a positive attitude. " Alongside this, schooling , his father made him join the Boy Scouts, although he would later note that he
  37. Attended Quranic schools at some point in their lives, often before regular, schooling , Here, boys and girls are taught about the Qur'an, and memorize it. Some
  38. Education - education reforms did not become widespread until after organized, schooling ,was sufficiently systematized to be 'reformed. ' In the modern world, economic
  39. From the population of the value of lifelong learning, beyond the normal, schooling ,age, and that institutions can benefit financially from this by adopting
  40. As having had a very happy childhood. While she never received any formal, schooling , she did not lack an education. Her mother believed children should not learn
  41. Made a promise that he would freeze tuition and look into ways of reducing, schooling ,costs. So far, no plan has been released by the government of Alberta. Culture
  42. On Milk Street, in Boston, Massachusetts,on January 17, 1706 for Franklin, his, schooling , ended when he was ten. He then worked for his father for a time and at 12 he
  43. Under non-voucher education systems citizens who currently pay for private, schooling ,are still taxed for public schools, therefore they fund both public and private
  44. Is far above the means of most Suriname families. Boys receive preference in, schooling ,; as such, girls ' education and literacy rates are far lower than their male
  45. Is segregated within a secular and a religious segment. The secular branch of, schooling ,is controlled by the communities, the provinces, or the municipalities, while
  46. Related back to the work of Jacob Mincer, on how earnings are related to the, schooling ,and other human capital of the individual. This work has motivated a large
  47. Either University or a Fachhochschule). Of the 27,603 who completed tertiary, schooling , 44.4 % were Swiss men,31.1 % were Swiss women,13.9 % were non-Swiss men and
  48. To a baccalaureate, to intermediate vocational education, to intermediate-level, schooling ,in arts and design, to intermediate sports studies, or to the working world.
  49. S early education. Several historians believe he received his elementary, schooling ,from a church clerk until he was sent to one of Kiev's Orthodox fraternity
  50. Likely in Lviv, in the school founded by hetman Żółkiewski. He completed his, schooling ,by 1617 and acquired a broad knowledge of world history and learned Polish and

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