Examples of the the word, springs , in a Sentence Context

The word ( springs ), is the 6257 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Walls of limestone caverns, or as a kind of travertine, similarly deposited in, springs ,of calcareous water. Its deposition in successive layers gives rise to the
  2. Bar had two steel coil springs placed on it and the bogie frame rested on the, springs , The effect was to allow the bar to act as a compensating lever between the two
  3. Orange groves, and lemon groves; numerous mud volcanoes and mineral, springs ,in the ravines of Houston Mountain near Baku; and coastal terrain that lies as
  4. Nelson ordered the fleet to slow down at 16:00 to allow his ships to rig ", springs ," on their anchor cables, a system of attaching the bow anchor that increased
  5. In the region on the day of the battle. In 1788,a local pointed out one of the, springs ,to Hutton as the one mentioned in the legend. A stone structure was later built
  6. And sea turtles. On São Miguel there are notable micro-habitats formed by hot, springs ,that host extremophile microorganisms. Climate The archipelago is spread out in
  7. Ramidus lived in" a mosaic of woodland and grasslands with lakes, swamps and, springs ,nearby," but further research is needed to determine which habitat
  8. The rest of the West Germanic speech area to the north. Aachen has the hottest, springs ,of Central Europe with water temperatures of 74 °C (165 °F). The water contains
  9. Of the 2nd century Justin Martyr takes issue with those pagans who erect at, springs ,images of More, whom he interprets as Athena:" They said that Athena was the
  10. Newly constructed, elegant resort hotels and spas planned around its natural, springs , considered to have healthful properties. The town's attractions included
  11. Almost every fastener in intricately laced patterns. Rather than bolt the, springs ,to the axles as most manufacturers did,Bugatti's axles were forged such that
  12. Contains 65 % copper and 35 % zinc, has a high tensile strength and is used for, springs , screws, and rivets. *Leaded brass is an alpha-beta brass with an addition of
  13. Charlemagne became ruler of the Germanic Franks. Since Roman times, the hot, springs ,at Aachen have been channeled into baths. There is some documentary proof that
  14. Weston-type meter movements can measure only milliamperes at most, because the, springs ,and practical coils can carry only limited currents. To measure larger currents
  15. The middle of the 17th century, not so much because of the effects of the hot, springs ,on the health of its visitors but because Aachen was then — and remained well
  16. Sandstone layers overlay shale, snow melt could accumulate and create seeps and, springs , which the Ancient Pueblo used as water sources. Snow also fed the smaller
  17. The clear orange crown and canopy) were molded in dark gray. The kit included, springs ,that enabled the slide-action Side Piles on the forearms to simulate the
  18. Such as those above. Lithium salts are extracted from the water of mineral, springs , brine pools, and brine deposits. The metal is produced electrolytically from a
  19. Motors. Phosphor bronze is particularly suited to precision-grade bearings and, springs , It is also used in guitar and piano strings. Unlike steel, bronze struck
  20. Is approximately $41,777. Tourism is significant, particularly for the hot, springs ,at Baden and Schinznach-Bad, the ancient castles, the landscape, and the many
  21. Solvent in cells. And possibly in subsurface environments such as hydrothermal, springs ,as well. At the Martian low temperatures and low pressure, liquid water is
  22. Analog computers The similarity between linear mechanical components, such as, springs ,and dash pots (viscous-fluid dampers),and electrical components, such as
  23. Star, named Wormwood, falls from heaven and poisons a third of the rivers and, springs ,of water. (8:10-11) ###Fourth Trumpet: A third of the sun, the moon, and the
  24. Ignored Bell's requests to move the president to a bed not fitted with metal, springs , Alternatively, although Bell had detected a slight sound on his first test
  25. Need to maintain axle box oil levels. The leaf springs were replaced by coil, springs ,(one per wheel) running vertically rather than horizontally. The advanced
  26. And Zoos Parish National Park is punctuated by well-marked paths, gorges, springs , torrents and caves dotting the protected area. Hiking and mountain-biking in
  27. ACF provides access to safe drinking water by drilling wells, tapping, springs , and installing water systems. They train local teams and communities to
  28. May be slightly less dense. Bronzes are softer and weaker than steel—bronze, springs , for example, are less stiff (and so store less energy) for the same bulk.
  29. Of the roads. Also, some tracts of the roads lead to natural features such as, springs , lakes, mountain tops and pinnacles. The Great North Road The longest and most
  30. A cast steel equalizer beam or bar resting on them. The bar had two steel coil, springs ,placed on it and the bogie frame rested on the springs . The effect was to allow
  31. On the axle ends, avoiding the need to maintain axle box oil levels. The leaf, springs ,were replaced by coil springs (one per wheel) running vertically rather than
  32. Would otherwise stick in the barrel. It is still widely used today for, springs , bearings, bushings,automobile transmission pilot bearings, and similar
  33. Resistance. These applications include the making of spot welding electrodes, springs , non-sparking tools and electrical contacts. The excellent elastic rigidity of
  34. Large lakes on the Black Sea coast and more than 2,200 dam lakes. Many mineral, springs ,exist, located mainly in the south-western and central parts of the country
  35. Are tough and typically used for bearings, clips,electrical connectors and, springs , Spring bronze weatherstripping comes in rolls of thin sheets and is nailed or
  36. Baths. There is some documentary proof that the Romans named the hot sulfur, springs ,of Aachen Aquis-Granum, and indeed to this day the city is known in Italian as
  37. Baden and Schinznach-Bad, while at Rheinfelden there are very extensive saline, springs , Just below Bragg the Reuse and the Limit join the AAR, while around Bragg are
  38. Form of this instrument was developed by Edward Weston, and uses two spiral, springs ,to provide the restoring force. By maintaining a uniform air gap between the
  39. Richard's Well. According to legend, Richard III drank from one of the several, springs ,in the region on the day of the battle. In 1788,a local pointed out one of the
  40. Not in the drinking-water, for that is brought in bottles from distant mineral, springs ,), in one's starched linen — everywhere. This is the impression one carries
  41. New Exodus, God will" make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land, springs ,of water" ( ISA 41:18). Trito-Isaiah (Isaiah 56-66)
  42. Of tin in copper. Alpha bronze alloys of 4–5 % tin are used to make coins, springs , turbines and blades. Historical" bronzes" are highly variable in composition
  43. Of borax as a flux in metallurgy. In 1777,boric acid was recognized in the hot, springs ,(coffin) near Florence, Italy,and became known as Sal sedative, with
  44. Also two small lagoons, Tres Palms and Couch. Along with a number of thermal, springs , Acapulco features a tropical wet and dry climate. The climate here is hot with
  45. Baku, is carved by deep ravines, from which bubble mud volcanoes and mineral, springs , Climate Temperature The climate varies from subtropical and humid in the
  46. System, constructing the physical system would require making or modifying the, springs ,and masses. This would be followed by attaching them to each other and an
  47. On a tungsten filament. Boron fibers and sub-millimeter sized crystalline boron, springs ,are produced by laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition. Translation of the
  48. Undulating tracts and well-wooded hills It contains the famous hot sulfur, springs ,of Baden and Schinznach-Bad, while at Rheinfelden there are very extensive
  49. S population is 19,062 (2001) (in 1901 it was only 4,556). The town's hot, springs ,and mud baths are the main economic resource. The waters have a temperature of
  50. To come under attack on that night, ordered each of his ships to also place, springs ,on their anchor cables and prepare for action. And a 35-year-old French map

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