Examples of the the word, chorus , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chorus ), is the 6250 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chorus and spoke to them as a separate character. Before Thespis,the, chorus ,narrated (for example," Dionysus did this, Dionysus said that" ). When
  2. And Joe Cocker to produce slow tempo songs often building to a loud and emotive, chorus ,backed by drums, electric guitars and sometimes choirs. He argues that the
  3. Added a second actor, allowing for greater dramatic variety, while the, chorus ,played a less important role. Though Aristotle gives this distinction to
  4. His period-instrument Orchestra DES Champs-Élysées and his Collegium Vocals, chorus ,for Harmonic Funds in 1999. Sir John Eliot Gardiner recorded his
  5. Living heart and hearthstone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the, chorus ,of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels
  6. Fantasy Opus. 80 (1808),basically a piano concerto movement, brings in a, chorus ,and vocal soloists near the end to form the climax. As in the Ninth Symphony
  7. Composer during this stage of his career, but he did compose an Alleluia for, chorus ,and orchestra in 1774,perhaps for his own wedding, or in thanksgiving for it.
  8. And its basin blue: Stands our noble alma mater: Glorious to view: Lift the, chorus ,: Speed it onward: Sing it loud and free: Hail to thee our alma mater: Acadia
  9. Rhodesia. New Year's tradition in Japan The Symphony No. 9,with accompanying, chorus , is traditionally performed throughout Japan during its New Year's
  10. In the original audience enjoyed comedy mainly for the spectacle and music. The, chorus ,gradually lost its significance as New Comedy began to develop. *Obvious
  11. The main theme again undergoes variations, this time for vocal soloists and, chorus , Vocal parts Those words written specifically by Beethoven (rather than
  12. Poisoning," off of Alkaline Trio's latest album," This Addiction ". In the, chorus ,of the song, Matt Skin sings" Lay my heavy head here down to sleep, and I
  13. They included solo motets and large-scale choral works for soloists, double, chorus , and orchestra. In 1704,the position of teacher of viola all'singles was added
  14. Made on behalf of his directors instead. Thus, for example a statement by the, chorus ,in The Albanians seems to indicate that the 'poet' had a close, personal
  15. Trilogy, The Myrmidons, focused on the relationship between Achilles and, chorus , who represent the Achaean army and try to convince Achilles to give up his
  16. By the band of bagpipes and horns, where in her version she is backed up by a, chorus , It hit number 1 in the UK singles chart, spending 24 weeks total on the charts
  17. Wall during Christmas 1989. This concert was performed by an orchestra and, chorus ,made up of many nationalities: from Germany, the Bavarian Radio Symphony
  18. For providing fire to humans. The god Hephaestus, the Titan Oceanus, and the, chorus ,of Ocean ids all express sympathy for Prometheus' plight. Prometheus meets Io
  19. S life, as they walked on stage in the first performance of the Eumenides,the, chorus ,of Furies were so frightening in appearance that they caused young children to
  20. Human rhythm. Dancers circle around a drum player while singing a soft, chorus , * A person performing the Ludwig dance places one hand behind his head and the
  21. Hanna Schwarz (mezzo),René Follow, and Kurt Moll (bass),with the, chorus ,of the Vienna State Opera. Sir Georg Solti recorded with the Chicago Symphony
  22. Of the ideas he proclaimed at the end of act 1. Jim is led off in chains as the, chorus , singing another stanza of" Life in Mahagonny ", returns to its pastimes.
  23. The 1998 Winter Olympic Games during the finale of the Opening Ceremony. The, chorus ,locations being New York City, Berlin,Cape Point, Sydney,and Beijing, with
  24. Slaves. A reworked version of the verses ended up in the musical Chess. The, chorus ,section of" Just Like That" was eventually released on a retrospective box
  25. With only three principal actors (a fourth actor, often the leader of the, chorus , was permitted to deliver short speeches). Songs and addresses to the audience
  26. Deep voice (entirely studio created) as well as performing the high falsetto, chorus , When the record was released as a single, it was credited to" Money M. ", a
  27. About what is really going on. To further this point, Jacob then dies and the, chorus ,sings of how happy he was while dragging out his corpse. This last twist of
  28. Alexandria is also home to the Red River Chorale, an auditioned community, chorus , This group is relatively new, but has already gained a reputation of fine
  29. The soloists sing for one last time the song of joy. In the ending climax,the, chorus ,softens quietly on the word" Götterfunken ". Then, the orchestra descends
  30. KCT) use the original lyrics. The only difference is that in the, chorus , instead of singing" These are men,America's best ", they sing" These are
  31. Such figures as Armor De Cosmos, John Robson, and Robert Beaten, led the, chorus ,pressing for the colony to join Canada, which had been created out of three
  32. Already expanded the cast to include an actor who was able to interact with the, chorus , Aeschylus added a second actor, allowing for greater dramatic variety, while
  33. Of Icarian. An apocryphal story says that Thespis stepped out of the dithyrambic, chorus ,and spoke to them as a separate character. Before Thespis, the chorus narrated
  34. 1721),as well as some noble specimens of church music, including a mass for, chorus ,and orchestra, composed in honor of Saint Cecilia for Cardinal Acquaint in
  35. Descends chords in arpeggio form, and in slow maestro tempo, the full, chorus ,sings," Tighter AUS Elysium, Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Götterfunken! ".
  36. In the" Turkish style ". Concludes with 6/8 variation of the main theme with, chorus , *Third" movement ": slow meditation with a new theme on the text" Sad
  37. As if he wanted to play all the instruments himself and sing for the whole, chorus , All the musicians minded his rhythm alone while playing ". When the audience
  38. Sunglasses and a bomber jacket. He also dubbed the voice for one of the German, chorus ,boys backing Madeline Kahn's performance of" I'm Tired ", speaking lines
  39. Designate the act by which the wealthy citizens of the Greek Polish financed the, chorus ,of ancient Greek theater. - Jareena (like in the articulated well-known form
  40. 1900. One by one, the Liebeslieders – five singers who comment like a Greek, chorus ,throughout the show – enter, tuning up. Gradually, their vocalizing becomes an
  41. 1992,he and Bjorn Slaves appeared with U2 at a Stockholm concert, singing the, chorus ,of" Dancing Queen ", and a few years later during the final performance of the
  42. A series of onboard dances with singing from both solo protagonists and the, chorus , A pattern to be imitated by later composers, most famously and successfully by
  43. For conflict amongst them; previously, characters interacted only with the, chorus , Only seven of his estimated seventy to ninety plays have survived into modern
  44. And Beijing, with two in Pagan: the Tokyo Opera Singers and a 2,000-member, chorus , in the Pagan Olympic Stadium. Daniel Barbie, who had recorded the work
  45. Dionysus did this, Dionysus said that" ). When Thespis stepped out from the, chorus , he spoke as if he was the character (for example," I am Dionysus. I did this
  46. Box"-style pedals and s became increasingly popular. Modulation effects like, chorus , flanging, phase shifting, and time effects such as delay and looping are less
  47. To Mahagonny. The music is surprisingly simple; just a simple solo with a short, chorus ,and sparse orchestration. The music is not some baroque contrapuntal scheme
  48. Mr. Branson and Mrs. Angstrom. A group of five singers that act as a Greek, chorus , (Prince said that these characters represent" people in the show who aren't
  49. Songs in Revelation (the new song, the song of Moses and the Lamb and the, chorus ,at 19: 6-8) each fall naturally into four regular metrical lines plus a coda.
  50. Situation that is to be resolved in the play;: *ProDOS - the arrival of the, chorus , dancing and singing, sometimes followed by a choreographed skirmish with one

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