Examples of the the word, goodness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( goodness ), is the 6255 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It is difficult to agree to whether concepts like God, the number three, and, goodness , are real, abstract,or both. An approach to resolving such difficulty is to use
  2. Credit what are or really seem great achievements, if he cares for truth and, goodness , ought to write the story of his own life in his own hand; but no one should
  3. Preservation) requires retention of their original are (excellence, virtue, goodness , ). “ Phil’s Rule” imparts intellectual and aesthetic appreciation of“ the
  4. Belief, angels and saints are beings sent to help us achieve the path towards, goodness , Buddhist theology According the general teachings of the Buddha," evil "
  5. Without; of the nobles. In modern use: holding strong republican views.;:, goodness ,me; sauté: lit. Jumped; quickly fry in a small amount of oil.;: those who can
  6. Associated with Confucius. Mencius (4th century BC) articulated the innate, goodness ,in human beings as a source of the ethical intuitions that guide people towards
  7. See the rejection of the belief in the supremacy of nature and the fundamental, goodness ,of man as typically espoused by the romantics and expressed by them in
  8. Right, are not so obvious. A great novel is considered to be a good thing;, goodness ,may be said to be a property of that novel. Paying one's debts and telling the
  9. February 07 On This Day in Canada ---- Faith is trust, hope and belief in the, goodness , trustworthiness or reliability of a person, concept or entity. It can also
  10. To undercut the importance of the belief in resurrection of the dead and the, goodness ,of created matter, and is in opposition to this orthodox view. Docetism was a
  11. Measuring and improving the Euclid algorithms Elegance (compactness) versus, goodness ,(speed): With only 6 core instructions," Elegant" is the clear winner
  12. In these schools to view evil in terms of matter which is markedly inferior to, goodness , evil as lacking spiritual insight and goodness , rather than to emphasize
  13. Based on the naturalistic fallacy had been discarded, questions of intrinsic, goodness ,could only be settled by appeal to what he (following Sedgwick) called "
  14. Also marvels when he sees how the faithful God (who, after all, overflows with, goodness ,) raises from the dead several such brothers and sisters of Christ after they
  15. Hatov, ( literally," the good inclination ", in some views, a tendency towards, goodness , in others, a tendency towards having a productive life and a tendency to be
  16. Prayer is condemned as 'pagan ', and instead a simple trust in God's fatherly, goodness ,is encouraged. Elsewhere in the New Testament this same freedom of access to
  17. Are our fellow sufferers. Compassion for animals is intimately associated with, goodness ,of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he, who is cruel to
  18. Of virtue. As all sin has its root in ignorance, so the knowledge of God and of, goodness ,is followed by well-doing. Against the Gnostic's Clement emphasizes the freedom
  19. Oneself is forbidden under normal Jewish law as being a denial of God's, goodness ,in the world, under extreme circumstances when there has seemed no choice but
  20. And Health with Key to the Scriptures, Eddy argues that given the absolute, goodness ,and perfection of God, sin,disease, and death were not created by Him, and
  21. He retained a strong faith in a God as the wellspring of morality and, goodness ,in man, and as a Providential actor in history responsible for American
  22. Or the rightness of an action. A difficult question Moore did not consider, goodness ,and rightness to be natural properties, i. e., they cannot be defined in terms
  23. Does not mean that it is supernatural or divine. It does mean, however,that, goodness ,cannot be reduced to natural properties such as needs, wants or pleasures.
  24. The very least, any moral theory needs to define the standpoint from which the, goodness ,of the consequences are to be determined. What is primarily at stake here is
  25. As unqualified Being, who can not be defined in too abstract a way. Though his, goodness ,operated in the creation of the world, yet immutability,self-sufficiency
  26. Hand, it is not immediately clear how to physically see, touch or measure the, goodness ,of a novel or the rightness of an action. A difficult question Moore did not
  27. Being postulated in (5) has omniscience and omnipotence combined with perfect, goodness , Thus, it will ensure that the pursuit of a virtuous state is possible through
  28. E. Moore," Goodness is a simple, undefinable,non-natural property. " To call, goodness ," non-natural" does not mean that it is supernatural or divine. It does mean
  29. Enemies. (See and 1 Samuel 12:18. ) Divinity always carries connotations of, goodness , beauty, beneficence,justice, and other positive, pro-social attributes. In
  30. Savior Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His, goodness , raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes
  31. Voskresensky—Voskresenskaia, Christian virtues: * philomaths (one who loves, goodness ,) → Dobrolubov—Dobrolubova, Dobrolubsky—Dobrolubskaia, * philosophes (one who
  32. Was identical to the moral sense, beauty just is the sensory version of moral, goodness , For Ludwig Wittgenstein aesthetics consisted in the description of a whole
  33. 10:5) Contents Chapters 1:1-2:2 show the majesty and might of God the LORD in, goodness ,and severity. Chapters 2:3-3:19 describe the fall of Nineveh in 612 BCE.
  34. Out of some building with a vase, and you see it 20 times, and you think," My, goodness , were there that many vases? " (Laughter. )" Is it possible that there were
  35. A" man" — a physical body — is part of existence? Do abstractions such as, goodness , blindness, and virtue exist in the same sense that chairs, tables,and houses
  36. Monsters. The Asphodel Fields simply existed. Those whose sins equalled their, goodness , lived and did nothing in life, or were not judged. The Fields of Punishment
  37. God. Christian Science believes that evil arises from a misunderstanding of the, goodness ,of nature, which is understood as being inherently perfect if viewed from the
  38. Bring, so cultivation is needed. In Mencius' view, all men are born to share, goodness ,such as compassion and good heart, although they may become wicked. The Three
  39. 18). According to Moore, a moral actor cannot survey the “, goodness ,” inherent in the various parts of a situation, assign a value to each of them
  40. several algorithms ". Unfortunately there may be a tradeoff between, goodness ,(speed) and elegance (compactness)—an elegant program may take more steps to
  41. In fact, were simply not" other," but absolutely and entirely the same with, goodness , (http://fair-use.org/g-e-moore/principia-ethica/s.10#s10p3 § 10 ¶ 3)
  42. Materialists in philosophy of mind). Good as indefinable Moore contended that, goodness ,cannot be analyzed in terms of any other property. In
  43. Good. In his initial argument, Moore concluded that any similar definition of, goodness ,could be criticized in the same way. External links *
  44. Sin, denounced democracy and the idea of progress and of man's natural, goodness , and Poe held a disdainful aristocratic attitude similar to Baudelaire's dandy
  45. Which is markedly inferior to goodness , evil as lacking spiritual insight and, goodness , rather than to emphasize portrayals of evil as an equal force. These schools
  46. Of what he referred to as" the naturalistic fallacy. " Moore claimed that, goodness ,is" indefinable ", i. e., it cannot be defined in any other terms. This is the
  47. In performing an act may include all of its foreseen consequences. The, goodness ,of the intention then reflects the balance of the good and evil of these
  48. Governor of the universe. His power called the world into being; His wisdom and, goodness ,guide its destiny. Of all the living creatures we know, humanity alone, created
  49. Obligation, duty "; and,-logic) is an approach to ethics that determines, goodness ,or rightness from examining acts, or the intentions of the person doing the act
  50. Varieties of ethical naturalism. Hedonism, for example, is the view that, goodness ,is ultimately just pleasure. Criticisms Ethical naturalism has been criticized

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