Examples of the the word, farther , in a Sentence Context

The word ( farther ), is the 6265 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Humans to have observed Earth from beyond low Earth orbit, and have traveled, farther ,from Earth than anyone else to date. The program succeeded in accomplishing one
  2. Materials available after World War I, resulted in a ball that traveled, farther ,when hit. The construction of additional seating to accommodate the rising
  3. Expanded from the mountain ranges towards the South, pushing the Moors, farther ,south in the Reconquista and spreading the Aragonite language. The dynastic
  4. In Attica leading to Plataea from Lutheran, just beyond Regard" and a little, farther ,on a rock. It is called the bed of Actaeon, for it is said that he slept
  5. From authentic materials: 18 near the entrance building and one, on its own, farther ,away. All that survives of the others are chimneys, remnants of a largely
  6. Stream the ground rises to Offs, the village which, together with Autre-Eglise, farther ,north, anchored Villeroy’s left flank. To the west of the Petite Greece rises
  7. Was damaged, allowing it to leak also. Design fixes included moving the tanks, farther ,apart, and removing the stirring fans. This required adding a third tank, so
  8. Of about above sea level. The peak of Mt. Chimborazo in the Ecuadorean Andes is, farther ,from the center of the Earth than any other location on the Earth's surface.
  9. Of y,100,1000,10,000 ..., become larger and larger. So the curve extends, farther ,and farther upward as it comes closer and closer to the y-axis. Thus, both the
  10. Presses and now with electronic media. The Neo-Aramaic languages are now, farther ,apart in their comprehension of one another than perhaps they have ever been.
  11. Force to besiege the heavily defended city of Ingolstadt,20 miles (≈30 km), farther , down the Danube. With Eugene's forces at Ronstadt on the north bank of the
  12. Of the Gulf of Bosnia, is about for land fast sea ice. The thickness decreases, farther ,south. Freezing begins in the northern extremities of Gulf of Bosnia typically
  13. Enclosed by the bases and several yards beyond them is the infield; the area, farther ,beyond the infield is the outfield. In the middle of the infield is a raised
  14. Bay of Bengal and waters the northern part of Rajasthan, but hardly penetrates, farther ,west than the longitude of Ajmer. On the varying strength of these two monsoons
  15. Had him beheaded. However, Wolfram points out that at the time" Clovis got no, farther ,than the Seine; only after several more years did the Franks succeed in
  16. When the continental air mass is weak, Mediterranean winds drop their moisture, farther ,inland. When there is a dominant continental air mass, cold air spills onto the
  17. A profile caused by the vertebral spines decreasing in height rapidly the, farther ,they are from the hips. Apatosaurus also had very long ribs compared to most
  18. To the south of the church lay the cloister-court, of immense size, placed much, farther ,to the west than is usually the case. On the south side of the cloister stood
  19. Coast and near rivers, due to comparatively harsh farming conditions in areas, farther ,from water. Pioneering groups had reached modern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa
  20. After he recovered, he made a second effort and went back into the desert to a, farther ,mountain by the Nile called Pippin, now Her el Me mun, opposite Crocodilopolis.
  21. Points This is a list of the extreme points of Burundi, the points that are, farther ,north, south,east or west than any other location. * Northern-most point -
  22. Subarctic oceanic climate in the southwest and a continental subarctic climate, farther ,north. The temperature is somewhat moderate considering how far north the area
  23. Muscle mass, which enables hitters to not only hit" mistake" pitches, farther , but it also enables hitters to adjust to" good" pitches such as a
  24. That had immediately surrounded it had been destroyed, whereas other colonies, farther ,away were normal. Fleming showed the contaminated culture to his former
  25. Explored the area using the first Lunar Rover, allowing them to travel much, farther ,from the Lunar Module lander than had previously been possible. They collected
  26. The Berlin Wall was more than long. In June 1962,a second, parallel fence some, farther ,into East German territory was built. The houses contained between the fences
  27. Adjacent to a triggering consonant, although in some it spreads a bit, farther ,: e.g. " Time ";" homeland ";" downtown" ( sometimes or similar). In a
  28. In 1991. More than half of the workers in Aarav live in the city's suburbs, or, farther , away in the surrounding area. This leads to a busy rush hour, and regular
  29. Rooms is" faster" ( i.e. provides less friction, allowing the balls to roll, farther ,across the table),and competition-quality pool cloth is made from 100 %
  30. Captured mainly from seaside villages in Italy, Spain and Portugal, and from, farther ,places like France, England,Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany,Poland, Russia
  31. The hypothesis was inspired by the existence of the ancient Kingdom of Iberia, farther ,east in the Mediterranean and further by some typological similarities between
  32. No human being has gone beyond low Earth orbit. They have, therefore,been, farther ,from the Earth than anyone else. They are also the only people to have directly
  33. And are connected with the bakehouse and brew house, which are placed still, farther ,away. The whole of the southern and western sides is devoted to workshops
  34. W. M. F. Metric found painted herds of Cretan style at Kahuna in the Fa yum, and, farther , up the Nile, at Tell el-Amarna, chanced on bits of no fewer than 800 Aegean
  35. Points This is a list of the extreme points of Botswana, the points that are, farther ,north, south,east or west than any other location. * Northernmost point - the
  36. Increasing religious fervor, aided by persecution, drove them farther and, farther ,away from the civilization into mountain solitude or lonely deserts. The
  37. Alabama for about south of its northern boundary, and in the middle stretching, farther ,south, is the Cumberland Plateau, or Tennessee Valley region, broken into broad
  38. The small cloister lay to the south-east of the larger cloister, and still, farther ,to the east we have the remains of the infirmary with the table hall, the
  39. At least 250 million years. Bodies around A would be able to orbit at slightly, farther ,distances due to A's stronger gravity. In addition, the lack of any brown
  40. Tend to direct balls that strike it back toward the fielders, while one that is, farther ,away may actually prompt more collisions, as outfielders run full speed to
  41. Syria and the Mesopotamian plain. The northern coast of Anatolia stretches, farther ,east than the central region, reaching all the way to the modern border with
  42. Clusters have an apparent velocity directly away from our vantage point: the, farther ,away, the higher the apparent velocity. If the distance between galaxy clusters
  43. Early-20th-century designs to ranch-style houses. Contemporary-style houses are, farther ,from the downtown district. The 19th century buildings and streets cape of the
  44. Orbits were stabilized in the model by the fact that when an electron moved, farther ,from the center of the positive cloud, it felt a larger net positive inward
  45. To the poor. Increasing religious fervor, aided by persecution, drove them, farther ,and farther away from the civilization into mountain solitude or lonely
  46. Molecules through an agarose matrix. Shorter molecules move faster and migrate, farther ,than longer ones because shorter molecules migrate more easily through the
  47. This is a list of the extreme points of Burkina Faso, the points that are, farther ,north, south,east or west than any other location. * Northern-most point –
  48. Of Saxony into the Zollverein in 1833 let trade, industry and traffic blossom, farther , Without surviving male issue, Anton was succeeded as King by his nephew
  49. 1000,10,000 ..., become larger and larger. So the curve extends farther and, farther ,upward as it comes closer and closer to the y-axis. Thus, both the x and y-axes
  50. Points This is a list of the extreme points of Africa, the points that are, farther ,north, south,east or west than any other location on the continent.: Africa *

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