Examples of the the word, chop , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chop ), is the 6261 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Trade, or other) were often stamped with Chinese characters known as ", chop ,marks ", which indicated that that particular coin had been assayed by a
  2. Both swing the bat like a golf club to hit low pitches for deep home runs, and, chop , at high pitches for line drives. Five times, Berra had more home runs in a
  3. Suey and chow man eateries Often lit by neon signage, restaurants offering, chop ,sea or chow man, mainly for the benefit for non-Chinese customers, were
  4. And the direction of the stroke is straight down. The object of a defensive, chop ,is to match the topspin of the opponent's shot with backspin. A good chop will
  5. Feeding activity during such conditions. In addition to fishing the" Walleye, chop ,", night fishing with live bait can be very effective. " Walleye Jig" is
  6. The straight punch, palm heel strike, low punch, hammerfist, hook,uppercut, chop , overhand, as well as a variety of elbow strikes. Leg techniques: While KAV
  7. That it was impractical for salesmen to carry the vegetables they needed to, chop , The solution was to tape the demonstration. Once the demonstration was taped
  8. Such as the air Shaffer, were developed to deal with this. Combines generally, chop ,and disperse straw as they move through the field, though the chop ping is
  9. Decorative purposes (e.g., on mirrors, table tops, doors,windows, kitchen, chop , boards,etc.). A silver glass mirror is an ordinary mirror, coated on its back
  10. Sure he would film the script he was offered. He didn't want the censors to, chop ,up the film, nor did he want the film to be a regular Hollywood disaster movie
  11. Will commonly look for days and locations where there is a good" walleye, chop ," (i.e., rough water). This excellent vision also allows the fish to
  12. Features Many early Chinatowns featured large numbers of Chinese-owned, chop ,sea restaurants, laundry businesses, and opium dens, until around the mid-20th
  13. Drop-off and around shore slopes around or deeper than ten feet. " Walleye, chop ," is a term used by walleye anglers for rough water typically with winds of
  14. Up the family. In the remote, rugged community, she learned to hunt and to, chop ,wood. Sharon and Jerry's marriage was at times stormy, and from a young age
  15. They are blocking is in front of them and not engaged by another blocker (, chop ,block). Tackle is also the name of player positions of interior linemen on
  16. The holy tree. According to his early biographer William, Boniface started to, chop ,the oak down, when suddenly a great wind, as if by miracle, blew the ancient
  17. To" chop and mix ". Indeed, typical hash functions, like the mod operation,", chop ," the input domain into many subdomains that get" mixed" into the output
  18. Teeth. Its incisors are able to crop grass close to the ground, and its molars, chop ,and grind the grass. Since the two sides of the lower jaw are not joined
  19. Leave it in his study, but a brief nod of recognition of the intrusion of the, chop ,or cutlet was often the only result, and his thoughts went on soaring upwards.
  20. You have to be generous and allow your characters' eloquence," and not, chop ,them down to what you think is the right size ". Jonathan Rabin, highlighting
  21. Bun ***New England clam bake, also known as New England Clam Boil *American, chop ,sea (not to be confused with the American Chinese dish known as chop sea) *
  22. To chop ). Picture a woodsman approaching a tree with an axe, intending to, chop ,it down. He is Dakota (about to chop ) and the tree is Dakota (about to be
  23. How they've ruined my dress! " Gone are the old-time Broadway oyster bars and, chop ,houses that were the survivors of a tradition of their sporting patrons, the
  24. After all, he would be haunt and the tree Dakota (he, the one" who would, chop ,", and the tree, the one that" would be chop ped" ). This can also be
  25. The term" hash" comes by way of analogy with its non-technical meaning, to ", chop ,and mix ". Indeed, typical hash functions, like the mod operation," chop " the
  26. Groups also victimize individuals by car theft (either for dismantling at ", chop ,shops" or for export),art theft, bank robbery, burglary,jewelry theft
  27. Of the blade of a machete or cutlass. To strike with the sharpened edge is to ", chop ,". Throughout the Caribbean, the term 'cutlass' refers to a laborer' cutting
  28. Active and passive pairs can be illustrated with the transitive verb Heidi (to, chop ,). Picture a woodsman approaching a tree with an axe, intending to chop it down
  29. A tree with an axe, intending to chop it down. He is Dakota (about to, chop ,) and the tree is Dakota (about to be chop ped). While swinging the axe, he is
  30. From itself towards what are known as singularities. Perelman and Hamilton then, chop ,the manifold at the singularities (a process called" surgery" ) causing the
  31. Chop sea (not to be confused with the American Chinese dish known as, chop ,sea) * Apple pie (traditionally served with sharp cheddar cheese, often for
  32. The development of hybrid foods to accommodate for tourists such as American, chop ,sea, which is a sweet and sour sauce with crispy noodles, with a fried egg
  33. Some defensive players can also impart no-spin or side spin variations of the, chop , Block The block is a simple shot, but nonetheless can be devastating against
  34. To break down light into its constituent rainbow colors (dispersion), chop , it up into bright little pieces (scintillation),and deliver it to the eye (
  35. In smaller towns served what their customers requested, ranging from pork, chop ,sandwiches and apple pie to beans and eggs. They developed American Chinese
  36. In some cases having so much backspin that the ball actually rises. Such a, chop ,can be extremely difficult to return due to its enormous amount of backspin.
  37. An opportunity for a more powerful attack. Loop Perfected during the 1960s,A, chop ,is essentially a bigger, heavier push, taken well back from the table. The
  38. Chicken),Dachau, Macanese Chili Shrimps and stir-fry curry crab. Pork, chop ,bun, ginger milk and Portuguese-style egg tart are also very popular in Macau.
  39. Style of a fiddler, and also a percussive cording sound referred to as" the, chop ," for the sound made by the quickly struck and muted strings. He also perfected
  40. To Gdańsk. It was a standard procedure of Christian missionaries to try to, chop ,down sacred oak trees, which they had done in many other places, including
  41. Known as skank or the 'bang '. It has a very dampened, short and scratchy, chop ,sound, almost like a percussion instrument. Sometimes a double chop is used
  42. Chop is to match the topspin of the opponent's shot with backspin. A good, chop ,will float nearly horizontally back to the table, in some cases having so much
  43. At Panmunjom, North Korea,2 United States soldiers are killed while trying to, chop ,down part of a tree in the Korean Demilitarized Zone which had obscured their
  44. Typically try to have food representing 3-5 regions of China at one time, have, chop , suey, or have" fried vegetables and some protein in a thick sauce,"" eight
  45. Scratchy chop sound, almost like a percussion instrument. Sometimes a double, chop ,is used when the guitar still plays the off beats, but also plays the following
  46. The sauce can be served on the side. * Chop sea sandwich — Sandwich of chicken, chop ,sea on a hamburger bun (North Shore of Massachusetts — the only known
  47. The Treaty of Waiting, chiefs Hone Here, Kawiti and Māori tribe members, chop ,down the British flagpole for a fourth time and drive settlers out of
  48. Style was of bars made up of four triplets but was characterized by a guitar, chop ,on the off beat - known as an upstroke or skank - with horns taking the lead
  49. Date unknown * The first modern Polio horse race is held in Saint. * Puritans, chop ,down the original Glastonbury Thorn. * Captain James Hind makes an abortive
  50. Leaving, he amiably asks whoever he talks to not tell anyone or" Chop, chop , ", accompanied by a chop ping motion with his axe.; Bauer: Bauer (Thompson)

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