Examples of the the word, aboriginal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aboriginal ), is the 6262 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Trepanation. When the Spanish arrived in South America, most at first ignored, aboriginal ,claims that the leaf gave them strength and energy, and declared the practice
  2. Label themselves lesbians. Colonization of Africa resulted in a cultural shift;, aboriginal ,sexuality was no longer seen as fluid and dynamic but binary and set for life.
  3. Nature spirits) and tibicenas (evil genies),as well as the demon Guayama (, aboriginal ,god of evil) that, like the Arabic, is sometimes identified with a genie. Jinn
  4. Dravidian, Indo-European,Northeast Caucasian, and several Australian, aboriginal ,languages such as Tribal. It is usually absent in the Altaic, Austronesian
  5. Lennon is also the producer of the documentary called WhaleD reamers about an, aboriginal ,tribe in Australia and its special relationship to whales. It also touches on
  6. The Andaman is a collective term to describe the peoples who are the, aboriginal ,inhabitants of the Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands, located in the Bay of
  7. And 'cocoons' ) should develop within their respective communities, white or, aboriginal , according to their dominant parentage. In the first half of the 20th century
  8. Just above the" Silicon Valley" area of California ($602,000). Culture The, aboriginal ,culture of Hawaii is Polynesian. Hawaii represents the northernmost extension
  9. Colored Minority, a text outlining his plan for the biological absorption of, aboriginal ,people into white Australia. Brazil The idea of Social Darwinism was wide
  10. Of eight aboriginal " Names of clubs" in 1798. A 1790 anonymous manuscript on, aboriginal ,languages of New South Wales reported" Boo-mer-rit" as" the Scimitar ". In
  11. States. This term does not include the Métis and Inuit, however; the term, aboriginal ,peoples (and sometimes spelled with a capital" A ":" Aboriginal peoples" )
  12. Indigenous people have worked, since the 1980s,for bettering the life of the, aboriginal ,peoples. Change, however,has been elusive as these peoples still face violence
  13. Of 73 points,18.17 (125) to 6.16 (52). Best for the Dons included pacy, aboriginal ,halfback flanker Norm McDonald, ruckman Bob McClure, and rovers Bill Hutchinson
  14. Carried out a program of what we would now call 'genocide' against the, aboriginal ,Herero people. One of the German officials enacting this program was Heinrich
  15. A high population density; at the time of European contact, nearly half the, aboriginal ,people in present-day Canada lived in the region. During the 1770s,smallpox
  16. Former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. *1833 – Noon gar Australian, aboriginal ,warrior Pagan, wanted for the murder of white colonists in Western Australia
  17. Early immigrants. The name originates from the Mankato language of the local, aboriginal ,tribe and translates as" bamboo forest ". The Dutch established Fort Zeeland
  18. Disputed by leading cultural anthropologists. *In the Canary Islands (Spain), aboriginal , Guanches professed an animistic religion. *Shinto, the traditional religion of
  19. Of the whaling industry ". It governs the commercial, scientific,and, aboriginal ,subsistence whaling practices of fifty-nine member nations. It was signed by 15
  20. Followed this success with other allegorical fantasy critters, including the, aboriginal ,and masochistic" Pygmies," who craved abuse (a story that began as a veiled
  21. Credit on Spanish colonial administration in those days. Their treatment of the, aboriginal ,inhabitants, whom they are accused of having practically exterminated, Morales
  22. However, that some bones discovered in Florida may be the result of, aboriginal ,trading. ) When they did run, it was awkwardly and with short steps in a
  23. And the effects of diseases brought by the settlers completely destroyed the, aboriginal ,population, which was rapidly replaced by free settlers and the convict
  24. The Kalahari Desert. Sri Lankan dances goes back to the mythological times of, aboriginal ,Pyongyang twins and" Hakka" ( devils). According to a Sinhalese legend
  25. Language group of the same language family, indicative of their ties to the, aboriginal ,peoples inhabiting what is now Connecticut and Rhode Island. In 1609,the
  26. Unknown, perhaps never will be known and therefore is likely to have been, aboriginal , Ptolemy, who must come the closest to representing indigenous names, lists the
  27. Beaded doll makers. The widespread popularity of glass beads does not mean, aboriginal ,bead making is dead. Perhaps the most famous Native bead is wampum, a
  28. Game with a ball is found portrayed on Egyptian monuments, and is played among, aboriginal ,tribes at the present day. In Homer, Nausicaa was playing at ball with her
  29. AD) and China until the 17th century. It was also typically held in the, aboriginal ,cultures of the Americas, and a flat Earth domed by the firmament in the shape
  30. History. AN CSA was intended to resolve the long-standing issues surrounding, aboriginal ,land claims in Alaska, as well as to stimulate economic development throughout
  31. long-faced a petrol (gasoline) sniffing problem, in isolated and impoverished, aboriginal ,communities. Although some sources argue that sniffing was introduced by United
  32. A little-known tribe of southwest Bhutan. The Bhutanese believe them to be the, aboriginal ,inhabitants of the country, although this claim has not been substantiated by
  33. For personal reasons or as a matter of tradition (such as among Canadian, aboriginal ,groups, especially the matrilineal Haida and Gibson); it is increasingly
  34. Promised to the native peoples was not always given; this led to efforts by, aboriginal ,groups to assert rights to the land through aboriginal land claims, many of
  35. During a tribal skirmish: David Collins listed" Wo-mur-rāng" as one of eight, aboriginal ," Names of clubs" in 1798. A 1790 anonymous manuscript on aboriginal languages
  36. In prairie cities than elsewhere in the country and certain elements of, aboriginal ,speech in English are sometimes to be heard. Similarly, the linguistic legacy
  37. Other group that is known to predominantly belong to haplogroup D are the Ainu, aboriginal ,people of Japan. Male Great Andaman, unlike the One and the Tarawa, have a
  38. Area during the Iron Age. Following the Roman conquest of Britain in AD 43,the, aboriginal ,Catuvellauni quickly submitted and adapted to the Roman life; resulting in the
  39. Used human skulls as drinking vessels. According to one historical account, aboriginal ,tribes of Australia were most certainly cannibals, never failing to eat persons
  40. Blankets, called Hudson's Bay point blankets, for the beaver pelts trapped by, aboriginal ,hunters. The number of indigo stripes (aka points) woven into the blankets
  41. It represents the phoneme which in some dialects is ex and in some l). Many, aboriginal ,Australian languages have a series of three or four lateral approximate, as do
  42. Canadian culture, but some also see Canada as a collection of several regional, aboriginal , and ethnic subcultures. While French Canadian culture is the most obvious
  43. To Parliament during the subsequent debate, arguing that anyone who encouraged, aboriginal ,Canadians to act against the state could not escape justice. This speech was
  44. To persons who would be called American Indians in the United States. Northern, aboriginal ,persons are Inuit and mixed-race (First Nations – European) are Métis.
  45. With 19,980 (0.62 %); and Vietnamese, with 19,350 (0.60 %). The most common, aboriginal ,language is Cree 17,215 (0.53 %). Other common mother tongues include Italian
  46. Diefenbaker appointed the first female minister to his Cabinet and the first, aboriginal ,member of the Senate. During his six years as Prime Minister, his government
  47. Throughout Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and eastern New Brunswick dominate, aboriginal ,culture in the region, compared to the much smaller population of the Manifest
  48. Canadian, but there is a significant Franco-Manitoban minority and a growing, aboriginal ,population. Manitoba's capital and largest city, Winnipeg,is Canada's
  49. Native to the Aegean, wrote that the island was occupied by the Alleges, aboriginal ,Greeks themselves reported to be subject to the Minoans on Crete. They were
  50. Act was signed into law by President Nixon, which abrogated Native claims to, aboriginal ,lands. In return, they received up to of land and were paid $963 million. The

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