Examples of the the word, validation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( validation ), is the 6252 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. FIPS 197 validated modules separately on its public website. Instead, FIPS 197, validation , is typically just listed as an" FIPS approved: AES" notation (with a
  2. Carl Schroeder claims to be in the lineage of Hildegard with the support and, validation ,of reincarnation author Walter Semi. Before Hildegard’s death, a problem
  3. When Equatorial Guinea applied to extend the deadline for completing EISTI, validation , the EISTI Board did not agree to grant Equatorial Guinea an extension.
  4. To the client, and obfuscated code can be reverse-engineered. * JavaScript form, validation ,only provides convenience for users, not security. If a site verifies that the
  5. Malice credits seeing De Palma's early films on college campus tours as a, validation ,of independent film, and subsequently switched his attention from philosophy to
  6. Applications. To criteria outlined in ANSI/JAMI/ISO 14937 may be used as a, validation ,guideline. San yo was the first manufacturer to use the process in situ in a
  7. Or" document. Forms0. Elements0 ". The Legacy DOM enabled client-side form, validation ,and the popular" rollover" effect. Intermediate DOM In 1997,Netscape and
  8. The structure of organic material and consequently formed the first definitive, validation ,of Jacobus Hendricks van't Hoff's theories of chemical kinetics and the
  9. For the validation of documents in the standalone mode of these parsers: the, validation ,of all external entities referenced by notations is left to the application
  10. Will also check the uniqueness of notation name declarations, and will report a, validation ,error if some notation names are used anywhere in the DTD or in the document
  11. Field has been measured numerous times using atomic clocks, while ongoing, validation ,is provided as a side effect of the operation of the Global Positioning System
  12. Correct implementation of the AES algorithm at a reasonable cost. Successful, validation ,results in being listed on the NIST validation s page. This testing is a
  13. TBG5 has published a free http://www.tbg5-finance.org/? Ibancheck. Shtml IBAN, validation ,service in 31 languages for all 50 countries that have adopted the IBAN
  14. Numerous legal challenges, with rulings which varied by jurisdiction, from full, validation ,of Marconi's tuning patent to complete nullification. In 1943,a lawsuit
  15. FPGA are also widely used for systems validation including pre-silicon, validation , post-silicon validation , and firmware development. This allows chip companies
  16. Block-mode capability which would transmit a screen at a time, with some form, validation ,capability. Modern applications are sometimes built upon legacy 3270
  17. The interpretation of the validated document using them. XML DVDs and schema, validation ,The XML DTD syntax is one of several XML schema languages. However, many of them
  18. Pre-requisite for the FIPS 140-2 module validation described below. FIPS 140-2, validation , is challenging to achieve both technically and fiscally. There is a
  19. Speed IO logic and embedded memories. FPGA are also widely used for systems, validation ,including pre-silicon validation , post-silicon validation , and firmware
  20. Display the site's security information in the address bar. Extended, validation ,certificates turn the address bar green in newer browsers. Most browsers also
  21. CAMP)http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cavp/index.html allows for independent, validation ,of the correct implementation of the AES algorithm at a reasonable cost.
  22. External entities, but these unpaused entities are not needed for the, validation ,of documents in the standalone mode of these parsers: the validation of all
  23. From the same account and branch numbers that would satisfy the generic IBAN, validation ,rules. In particular cases where 00 is a valid check digit,97 will also be a
  24. Used for systems validation including pre-silicon validation , post-silicon, validation , and firmware development. This allows chip companies to validate their design
  25. Analysis, simulation,and other verification methodologies. Once the design and, validation ,process is complete, the binary file generated (also using the FPGA company's
  26. Through its own procedures of spiritual investigation, no intersubjective, validation ,is possible by conventional scientific methods; it thus cannot stand up to
  27. The NIST Computer Security Division develops standards, metrics,tests and, validation ,programs as well as publishes standards and guidelines to increase secure IT
  28. Claim. To construe evidentiary in validation of the denial as evidentiary, validation ,of the original claim is fallacious (on several bases, including
  29. Flexible but regular format sufficient for account identification and contains, validation ,information to avoid errors of transcription. The standard IBAN now carries all
  30. Testing, QA testing, application testing, confidence testing, final testing, validation ,testing, or factory acceptance testing. Software developers often distinguish
  31. Use quirks mode. The original purpose of the DOCTYPE was to enable parsing and, validation ,of HTML documents by SGML tools based on the Document Type Definition (DTD).
  32. Near Douro (French Guiana). The launch of the first four in-orbit, validation ,(IOV) satellites is currently planned for the 2nd half of 2011,while the
  33. S essential that these tests include both business logic tests and UI, validation ,elements (if need be). Acceptance test cards are ideally created during
  34. For the old bank account numbers is not required from 1 January 2010. IBAN, validation ,features One of the design aims of the IBAN was to enable as much validation as
  35. Centered primarily on the criticism of the fossil evidence for evolution and, validation ,of the creation myth of the Bible, this new work posed whether
  36. In 1908 by French physicist Jean Person, thus providing additional, validation ,for particle theory (and by extension atomic theory). Discovery of subatomic
  37. Validations page. This testing is a prerequisite for the FIPS 140-2 module, validation ,described below. FIPS 140-2 validation is challenging to achieve both
  38. 98 will also be a valid check digit, similarly with 02 and 99. Online IBAN, validation ,There is many IBAN validators on the internet. Some are specific
  39. Integrating opposites' and balancing tension, rather than seeking a priori, validation ,or certainty. Like the existentialists and phenomenologists, he sees the
  40. System support covering industrial services required by ESA for integration and, validation ,of Galileo System was awarded to Thales ALENA Space. Thales ALENA Space
  41. Using formal methods and using rigorous testing (often called compiler, validation ,) on an existing compiler. Related techniques Assembly language is a type of
  42. While the US government maintains that the cashing constitutes an official, validation ,of the treaty. The remaining checks, made out to" Treasurer General of the
  43. Recently, there has been increased use of vaporized hydrogen peroxide in the, validation ,and bio-decontamination of half-suit and glove-port isolators in pharmaceutical
  44. Passing the massive, language-conformance-testing,government-required" CVC ", validation ,suite that was required in another novel feature of the Ada language effort.
  45. The AES encryption. http://news.ycombinator.com/item? Id=1937902 NIST/CSEC, validation ,The Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) is operated jointly by the
  46. Can be checked both by hand and through automated software verification. This, validation ,of the proof verifier is needed to give confidence that any derivation labeled
  47. Assessing likely virulence of mutations in viral coat particles, and, validation , of proposed peptide-based drug treatments. Early techniques relied mainly on
  48. Validation features One of the design aims of the IBAN was to enable as much, validation ,as possible to be done at the point of data entry. In particular, the computer
  49. Perpetuates the restrictions of the female role, but also gives the comfort of, validation , " (Jones,1990:243) In early modern England In Early Modern England the word
  50. Validators read the DTD in order to properly parse the document and to perform, validation , In modern browsers, a valid DOCTYPE activates standards mode as opposed to

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