Examples of the the word, anthropology , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anthropology ), is the 7571 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Organization and culture? " And so forth. In the United States, contemporary, anthropology , is typically divided into four subfields: cultural anthropology also known as
  2. Were so detailed that they earned for Polo the name" the father of modern, anthropology , " Another candidate for one of the first scholars to carry out comparative
  3. Widespread practical application in diverse fields. This is known as applied, anthropology , Thus, military expeditions employ anthropologists to discern strategic cultural
  4. Observed by compiling many local observations remain fundamental in any kind of, anthropology , whether cultural, biological,linguistic or archaeological. Biological
  5. Four subfields, each with its own further branches: biological or physical, anthropology , social anthropology or cultural anthropology , archaeology and anthropological
  6. Germanic peoples. Herodotus first formulated some persisting problems of, anthropology , Medieval scholars may be considered forerunners of modern anthropology as well
  7. Social, and natural sciences are forced to confront one another. As such, anthropology ,has been central in the development of several new (late 20th century)
  8. The globe. Hundreds of other organizations exist in the various subfields of, anthropology , sometimes divided up by nation or region, and many anthropologists work with
  9. Linguistics, semiotics,discourse analysis, and narrative analysis. Linguistic, anthropology ,is divided into its own subfields: descriptive linguistics the construction of
  10. The study of kinship and social organization is a central focus of cultural, anthropology , as kinship is a human universal. Cultural anthropology also covers economic
  11. Of Classics and Egyptology informed both archaeology and eventually social, anthropology , as did the study of East and South Asian languages and cultures. At the same
  12. And physical (or biological) anthropology . The four-field approach to, anthropology ,is reflected in many American undergraduate textbooks and anthropology programs
  13. Colonies are not unlike studying the flora and fauna of those places. Early, anthropology ,was divided between proponents of unilateralism, who argued that all societies
  14. Of a non-European culture Marco Polo's systematic observations of nature, anthropology , and geography are another example of studying human variation across space.
  15. The" culture concept," which is central to the discipline. Institutionally, anthropology ,emerged from the development of natural history (expounded by authors such as
  16. One culture being better or worse than another culture. Ethical commitments in, anthropology ,include noticing and documenting genocide, infanticide,racism, mutilation
  17. Of writing, and other physical remnants of human cultural activity. Linguistic, anthropology ,(also called anthropological linguistics) seeks to understand the processes
  18. Of anthropology . Medieval scholars may be considered forerunners of modern, anthropology ,as well, insofar as they conducted or wrote detailed studies of the customs of
  19. It took Immanuel Kant 25 years to write one of the first major treatises on, anthropology , his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. Kant is not generally
  20. With the evolution of the parts of the brain that deal with language. Because, anthropology ,developed from so many enterprises (see History of Anthropology)
  21. The field corresponding to American sociocultural anthropology being simply, anthropology , The social and cultural subfield has been heavily influenced by structuralist
  22. Field of philosophy. He did, however,begin teaching an annual course in, anthropology ,in 1772. Anthropology is thus primarily an Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment
  23. Focus of cultural anthropology , as kinship is a human universal. Cultural, anthropology ,also covers economic and political organization, law and conflict resolution
  24. Food, festivals,and language (which is also the object of study in linguistic, anthropology ,). Archaeology is the study of human material culture, including both artifacts
  25. Production of knowledge came to occupy a central place in cultural and social, anthropology , In contrast, archaeology and biological anthropology remained largely
  26. Each with its own further branches: biological or physical anthropology , social, anthropology , or cultural anthropology , archaeology and anthropological linguistics. The
  27. Kinds of comparative method, a central part of their science. Contemporary, anthropology ,is an established science with academic departments at most universities and
  28. To In Khaldun's work in the 14th century. Most scholars consider modern, anthropology ,as an outgrowth of the Age of Enlightenment, a period when Europeans attempted
  29. Remained largely positivist. Due to this difference in epistemology, anthropology ,as a discipline has lacked cohesion over the last several decades. Overview
  30. Like Marvin Harris, indicate two major frameworks within which empirical, anthropology ,has arisen: interest in comparisons of people over space and interest in
  31. Branches: biological or physical anthropology , social anthropology or cultural, anthropology , archaeology and anthropological linguistics. The study of kinship and social
  32. Anthropology also known as sociocultural anthropology , archaeology,linguistic, anthropology , and physical (or biological) anthropology . The four-field approach to
  33. Societies in those disciplines as well. History The first use of the term ", anthropology ," in English to refer to a natural science of humanity was apparently in 1593
  34. Did he study any cultures besides his own, and in fact, describes the need for, anthropology ,as a corollary field to his own primary field of philosophy? He did, however
  35. Into four subfields: cultural anthropology also known as sociocultural, anthropology , archaeology, linguistic anthropology , and physical (or biological)
  36. Should be viewed as relative to each other. There should be no notions, in good, anthropology , of one culture being better or worse than another culture. Ethical commitments
  37. Cultural relativism, which has an influence on all the subfields of, anthropology , This is the notion that particular cultures should not be judged by one
  38. In cultural and social anthropology . In contrast, archaeology and biological, anthropology ,remained largely positivist. Due to this difference in epistemology
  39. These disciplines and informed the development of the social sciences, of which, anthropology ,was a part. Developments in the systematic study of ancient civilizations
  40. And the relationship between language and culture. It is the branch of, anthropology ,that brings linguistic methods to bear on anthropological problems, linking the
  41. Tend to unite anthropological work. One of the central characteristics is that, anthropology ,tends to provide a comparatively more holistic account of phenomena and tends
  42. Distinct disciplines - with the field corresponding to American sociocultural, anthropology ,being simply anthropology . The social and cultural subfield has been heavily
  43. To discern strategic cultural footholds; marketing professionals employ, anthropology ,to determine propitious placement of advertising; and humanitarian agencies
  44. Because of the holistic nature of anthropological research, all branches of, anthropology ,have widespread practical application in diverse fields. This is known as
  45. Thus primarily an Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment endeavor. Historians of, anthropology , like Marvin Harris, indicate two major frameworks within which empirical
  46. Archaeology, linguistic anthropology , and physical (or biological), anthropology , The four-field approach to anthropology is reflected in many Americans
  47. Or her own culture ends and another begins, and other crucial topics in writing, anthropology ,were heard. It is possible to view all human cultures as part of one large
  48. Contemporary anthropology is typically divided into four subfields: cultural, anthropology ,also known as sociocultural anthropology , archaeology,linguistic anthropology
  49. To anthropology is reflected in many American undergraduate textbooks and, anthropology ,programs. At universities in the United Kingdom, and much of Europe, these "
  50. On anthropological insights as means to fight poverty. Examples of applied, anthropology ,are ubiquitous. Focused on a positive light, Anthropology is one of the few

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