Examples of the the word, proxy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proxy ), is the 5956 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Soviet Union saw the new revolutionary government in Cuba as an excellent, proxy ,agent in areas of the world where Soviet involvement was not popular on a local
  2. As well as pairing-based signatures, signcryption, key agreement, and, proxy , re-encryption. Implementation considerations Although the details of each
  3. The Soviet presence as an attempt to take advantage of the situation and gain a, proxy ,state in sub-Saharan Africa. UN forces were ordered to block any shipments of
  4. Are not available before the 19th century, paleoclimates are inferred from, proxy ,variables that include non-biotic evidence such as sediments found in lake beds
  5. Leader Francisco Franco, while France and Russia supported the government (see, proxy ,war). Civil wars since 1945 In the 1990s,about twenty civil wars were
  6. To anesthesia. The body mass index (BMI),or Outlet index, is a heuristic, proxy ,for human body fat based on an individual's weight and height. BMI does not
  7. Periodically. Lately, the Idris Debt regime has been waging an intermittent, proxy ,war with Sudan. Aside from those two countries, Chad generally enjoys good
  8. To smallpox. They had no children. In Florence on 8 September 1787 (by, proxy ,) and again in Dresden on 18 October 1787 (in person),Anton married a second
  9. For HTTP access the application gateway is called a web- proxy or just a, proxy , Such web-proxies can inspect both the initial request and the returned web
  10. Activity of this sort has created interest in using Barnard's Star as a, proxy ,to understand similar stars. Photometric studies of its X-ray and UV emissions
  11. Pivoting is restricted to certain TCP and UDP ports that are supported by the, proxy , * VPN pivoting enables the attacker to create an encrypted layer 2 tunnels into
  12. While Freenet provides an HTTP interface for browsing free sites, it is not a, proxy ,for the World Wide Web; Freenet can only be used to access content that has
  13. One of the most common statistical indicators used in the literature as a, proxy ,for central bank independence is the" turn-over-rate" of central bank
  14. Anne, Duchess of Brittany, is married to Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor by, proxy , *1606 – The Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery depart England
  15. Which typically include the right to receive declared dividends and to vote the, proxy ,on important matters (e.g., board elections). The owners of both bonds and
  16. In honor of NEA Sultan" to support the democratic revolution in Iran" via, proxy ,servers, anonymizers, etc. He serves most prominently as the website's public
  17. Familial bonds. The most significant LDS ordinances may be performed via, proxy ,in behalf of those who have died. (See, e. g., baptism for the dead). The
  18. Many analysts like Amino Baikal describe the Taliban as developing into a, proxy ,force for Pakistan's regional interests which the Taliban decline. The Taliban
  19. The core application focuses on connecting to the network, and acts as a ", proxy ,", providing an open application interface named FCP (Freenet Client Protocol
  20. A policy of containment was adopted to limit Soviet expansion, and a series of, proxy ,wars were fought with mixed results. In 1991,the Soviet Union dissolved into
  21. Describes the practice channeling traffic through a compromised target using a, proxy ,payload on the machine and launching attacks from this computer. This type of
  22. In the Napoleonic Wars, and suffered several more defeats after Austerlitz. The, proxy ,marriage of state of his daughter Marie Louise of Austria to Napoleon on 10
  23. Women prefer creative but poor men as short-term mates. Creativity may be a, proxy ,for good genes. Research by Ganges tad et al. (2004) indicates that highly
  24. Hewlett, publicly opposed the deal, which resulted in an impassioned public, proxy ,battle between those for and against the deal. The merger was approved only
  25. Abdication immediately. Thereupon the commission by Gregory XII authorizing his, proxy ,to resign the Papacy on his behalf was read and Latest, acting in the name
  26. As FTP or telnet or HTTPS, conducting searches in a different language, using a, proxy ,server or a circumvent or such as Siphon. Also cached web pages returned by
  27. Similar to Tor's hidden services than to anonymous proxy software like Tor's, proxy , Many of the differences in how Freenet behaves at a user level are direct or
  28. Is also known as island hopping. Pivoting can further be distinguished into, proxy ,pivoting and VPN pivoting: * Proxy pivoting generally describes the practice
  29. In climate change has also been calculated over longer time periods using ", proxy ," datasets, such as tree rings. Models indicate that solar and volcanic
  30. Attend board meetings or received negative recommendations from Isometrics (a, proxy ,advisory firm). This evidence suggests that some shareholders express their
  31. With other churches. *The church has agreed not to baptize Holocaust victims by, proxy ,The church and the Information Age: This would include topics like how the
  32. Cache, but some internet service providers or organizations also use a caching, proxy ,server, which is a web cache that is shared among all users of that network.
  33. The previous assessment among cohorts of older people that this is a, proxy ,or marker for frailty occurring with age. The vast majority of doctors and
  34. In this way, it is more similar to Tor's hidden services than to anonymous, proxy ,software like Tor's proxy . Many of the differences in how Freenet behaves at a
  35. Soil erosion, soil formation and the development of lateritic soils, and as a, proxy ,for measurement of the variations in solar activity and the age of ice cores.
  36. Of Sardinia) but again nothing happened. In Turin on 29 September 1781 (by, proxy ,) and again in Dresden on 24 October 1781 (in person),Anton married firstly
  37. Since mineralized phyla generally have a benthic origin, they may not be a good, proxy ,for (more abundant) non-mineralized phyla. There are also suggestions that
  38. Main concept of hierarchical storage management. Web cache Web browsers and web, proxy ,servers employ web caches to store previous responses from web servers, such as
  39. Used nuclear weapons against each other, instead using conventional means or, proxy ,wars to settle disputes. If such a conflict did occur, presumably both
  40. The Soviet Union saw the new revolutionary government in Cuba as an excellent, proxy ,agent in areas of the world where Soviet involvement was not popular on a local
  41. Given a male heir an indisputable claim to the throne. The two were married by, proxy ,on 19 May 1499,and corresponded in Latin until Arthur turned fifteen and it
  42. A particular application. For example, browsers use DHCP Inform to obtain web, proxy ,settings via PAD. Such queries do not cause the DHCP server to refresh the IP
  43. A sample of other features include SSL and TLS support (mod_SSL),a, proxy ,module (mod_ proxy ),a URL rewriter (also known as a rewrite engine
  44. Of directors is voted upon by the shareholders in general meeting or through a, proxy ,statement. For publicly-traded companies in the U. S., the directors which are
  45. Agency (CIA) began using Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) as a, proxy ,network to recruit, finance and arm the multinational Mujahideen fighters
  46. Actions but to God alone ". Early reign On 11 May 1625,Charles was married by, proxy ,to Henrietta Maria in front of the doors of the Notre Dame de Paris, before his
  47. Full network access as if they were behind the firewall. Typically,the, proxy ,or VPN applications enabling pivoting are executed on the target computer as
  48. Journal of Chronic Diseases by Angel Keys, which found the BMI to be the best, proxy ,for body fat percentage among ratios of weight and height; the interest in
  49. Of what is now Australia. * 1770 – Marie Antoinette marries Louis XVI in a, proxy ,wedding. *1775 – American Revolutionary War: The war begins with an American
  50. Many analysts like Amino Baikal describe the Taliban as developing into a, proxy ,force for Pakistan's regional interests which the Taliban decline. On

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