Examples of the the word, stereotype , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stereotype ), is the 5957 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The titles at the end of each one in the hope that listeners would not make, stereotype ,images as they listened. Larger scaled works included his orchestral piece
  2. Women as the pure goddess virgin and move black women to the seductive whore, stereotype ,formerly placed on all women. This has justified the devaluation of black
  3. Klansmen as ignorant farmers. Detailed analysis from Indiana showed the rural, stereotype ,was false for that state: Indiana's Klansmen represented a wide cross-section
  4. Active Freemason. Crime LaGuardia loathed the gangsters who brought a negative, stereotype ,and shame to the Italian community. His first action as mayor was to order the
  5. Viii; but this number is raised to twenty or twenty-one, if mere reprints from, stereotype ,plates and the minor editions of his great critical texts are included;
  6. Resulting book, widely cited for decades, allegedly created the Jewish mother, stereotype , a mother intensely loving but controlling to the point of smothering, and
  7. Some distinguishing feature and be portrayed as having a particular personality, stereotype , such as" the baby,"" the bad boy," or" the nice boy. " While managing the
  8. And most of the peninsula south of Florence generally fit the Mediterranean, stereotype ,(Köppen climate classification CSA). Conditions on peninsular coastal areas
  9. And about sounds like a boat (though never like a boot, as in the American, stereotype ,of Canadian raising). Canadian raising is found throughout western and central
  10. Mandeville and Karl Marx. " Despite the honey bee's painful sting and the, stereotype ,of insects as pests, bees are generally held in high regard. This is most
  11. Self-deprecating or self-effacing humor is superficially similar to racial and, stereotype ,jokes, but involves the targets laughing at themselves. It is said to maintain
  12. The everyday constraints of society. Loner spy personalities may have been a, stereotype ,of convenience for authors who already knew how to write loner private
  13. The 1984 film Revenge of the Nerds Robert Carrying worked to embody the nerd, stereotype ,; in doing so, he helped create a definitive image of nerds. Additionally, the
  14. Illness Awareness Week. The public have been found to hold a strong, stereotype ,of dangerousness and desire for social distance from individuals described as
  15. Abner and Snuff Smith, and radio programs such as Sum and Abner brought the, stereotype ,of lazy, simple-minded hillbillies into American homes. Film and television
  16. This section being a combination of the symbol for Mars as the definitive male, stereotype ,of a warrior, and Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Hopewell Center is a
  17. Populace. The French sometimes referred to English people as LES Robbins, as a, stereotype ,to suggest that English food is unsophisticated or crude. The cuisine of
  18. Can be a bad influence. " Members of the goth subculture took offense at the, stereotype , *A researcher from the University of Copenhagen discovered that for years
  19. Of their writing to their sex, in words that do little to reinforce the, stereotype ,of Anne as meek and gentle. The increasing popularity of the Bells' work led
  20. As undertaking hazardous missions, exploring ruins, and slaying monsters. This, stereotype ,is strong enough that the adventurers can often be used as a synonym for the
  21. And has become harder to see than the original film. Lang epitomized the, stereotype ,of the tyrannical German film director such as Erich von Stromal and Otto
  22. The" French people's favorite clown ". Liking Lewis has long been a common, stereotype ,about the French in the minds of many English-speakers, and is often the object
  23. To be sure ", the famous Irish stereotype phrase. (But note that the other, stereotype ,of" Sure and … " Is not actually used in Ireland. ) Or" Sure, I can just go
  24. To show that the width of the gay world cannot be described by a tired, stereotype , but goes from leather gays on parade-wagons to suit-and-tie yuppies on the
  25. Celts. Patterns of settlement varied from decentralized to urban. The popular, stereotype ,of non-urbanised societies settled in hill forts and. Slavery, as practiced by
  26. Translating as but/and/well. Can be used as" to be sure ", the famous Irish, stereotype ,phrase. (But note that the other stereotype of" Sure and … " Is not actually
  27. Theory, takes form as mental categorization of minorities and the use of, stereotype , This theory describes difference as deviance from the norm, which results in
  28. Group is headed by Derek Sc haul. More recently, the bleachers have had the, stereotype ,of being populated by attractive and lightly dressed women. Prior to the 2006
  29. The" printer" is here referred to as such, its primary purpose is to produce, stereotype ,plates for use in printing presses; Babbage's intention being that the Engine
  30. Under their own names during Eliot's life, but she wanted to escape the, stereotype ,of women only writing lighthearted romances. An additional factor in her use of
  31. Or screw in a light bulb. Generally, the punch line answer highlights a, stereotype ,of the target group. There are numerous versions of the lightbulb joke
  32. And steamships. By 1914 there were 1,000,000 coal miners in Scotland. The, stereotype ,emerged early on of Scottish colliers as brutish, non-religious and socially
  33. Such as that in the 1880s between the Hatfield's and McCoy's, the hillbilly, stereotype ,developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The" classic" hillbilly
  34. Brain for the punch line.: *Why jokes often rely on stereotype s: the use of a, stereotype ,links to familiar expected behavior, thus saving time in the set-up.: *Why
  35. City of the Jade Empire. His character is essentially a British colonialist, stereotype ,who refers to the people of the Jade Empire as savages in need of enlightenment
  36. Barbary in this sense is pejoratively known as ambulance chasing from the, stereotype ,of an attorney who stops at the scene of a car accident or follows an ambulance
  37. Whose cape conceals a" rubbish," saying," He's a bumbling, nebbish Jewish, stereotype , He's Woody Allen. " Ironically, it is also in the Reeve films that Clark Kent
  38. Deficient and murderous. In the Appalachian and Ozark regions, the hillbilly, stereotype ,formed the basis for financially lucrative commercial interpretations of
  39. Eschewed in the past because of what he perceived as an inherent hackneyed, stereotype , However,2002's Vapor Trails was heavily devoted to speaking about Peart's
  40. 5 on dice or cards. In French, always spelled cine.;; trite through overuse; a, stereotype ,; clique: a small exclusive group of friends; always used in a pejorative way in
  41. Limehouse's activities. Cultural impact The character of FM Manchu became a, stereotype ,often associated with the Yellow Peril. FM Manchu has inspired numerous other
  42. Developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The" classic" hillbilly, stereotype ,- the poor, ignorant,feuding family with a huge brood of children tending the
  43. Hitmen employed by Sega and Sony, respectively,are associated with a Japanese, stereotype ,that all Americans are heavily armed. Characters in Megaton usually speak
  44. More authenticity to Lorre's battered look. His wearing a monocle added to the, stereotype , At the end of 1932. Lang started filming The Testament of Dr. Abuse. Adolf
  45. Even a well-connected abbess and acknowledged prophet does not fit the usual, stereotype ,of this time. She conducted four preaching tours throughout Germany, speaking
  46. All races and colors as well as more recently being a frequent young Asian male, stereotype ,in North America. Portrayal of" nerd girls ", or Bluestockings, in films such
  47. In Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature that there was much more to Kafka than the, stereotype ,of a lonely figure writing out of anguish, and that his work was more
  48. To the common trinity of maid, wife,or widow, with whores alone outside the, stereotype , In this analysis, the essence of Hamlet is the central character's changed
  49. Little' Abner and films such as Ma and Pa Kettle made the" hillbilly" a common, stereotype , The period of Appalachian out-migration, roughly from the 1930s through the
  50. Affect black women today. She argues that slavery allowed white society to, stereotype ,white women as the pure goddess virgin and move black women to the seductive

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