Examples of the the word, es , in a Sentence Context

The word ( es ), is the 8160 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Es Salaam. This surge of foreigners from the W es t has put more pr es sure on DAR, es , Salaam officials to implement laws which would better accommodate the growing
  2. Aden, Yemen – Oct 12, 2000 5. Nairobi, Kenya – Aug 7,1998 6. DAR, es , Salaam,Tanzania – Aug 7,1998 Al-Qaeda has carried out a total of six major
  3. Du rum (1971,Barclay) *"Vows ma lady ", duet with Laurent Verge, and " Tu, es , venu Mon amour" ( 1973,Barclay) Books Bar dot has also written five books:
  4. Go with it. One key challenge is the management of municipal solid waste. DAR, es , Salaam,a city which is projected to have over 5 million inhabitants within the
  5. Although there is no racial hostility, the various ethnic communiti es of DAR, es , Salaam do not tend to mix heavily. The edg es of Dar es Salaam are spreading
  6. Neighbouring country of Zambia. The Central Line (Railway) runs w es t from DAR, es , Salaam to Sigma on Lake Tanganyika via Dodoma. Culture Downtown Dar es Salaam
  7. Electricity, which is rationed around the country. In the past 10 years, Dar, es , Salaam has literally had a face-lift, however the major infrastructural
  8. The country's the rich es t city and a regionally important economic center. DAR, es , Salaam is actually an administrative province within Tanzania, and consists of
  9. A fair trial under the law. Because of this and many other factors, Dar, es , Salaam has become an exceptional city when it com es to safety, whether it be
  10. In the city and the country. One important thing to keep in mind about DAR, es , Salaam and other Tanzanian citi es is that in the past few years there has been
  11. South-African agents kept an ear on the important ANC bas es in Lusaka and DAR, es , Salaam watched the war in Mozambique, in which SA played an active role. The
  12. Dar es Salaam to Sigma on Lake Tanganyika via Dodoma. Culture Downtown DAR, es , Salaam includ es many small busin es s es , many of which are run by traders and
  13. Named after the country's first Pr es ident. The TAMARA Railway connects DAR, es , Salaam to the neighboring country of Zambia. The Central Line (Railway) runs
  14. Used for website:" Something special online. ", Spanish variant:" To-do, es , es pecial,TU airs es pecial. ") *1982 – late 1980s –" En American, tenemos lo
  15. Aimed to create a national culture, which str es sed the importance of music. DAR, es , Salaam became the new music center in Tanzania, with the local radio exposing
  16. Com es to safety, whether it be fear or simply a culture of peace. Education DAR, es , Salaam is also the educational center of Tanzania. The city is home to many
  17. Large citi es in East Africa. Homicid es are rare, even in the poor areas of DAR, es , Salaam. Chain snatching is relatively common in the Kyriakos area. Although
  18. Which fall during October and November. Population DAR, es , Salaam is the larg es t city in Tanzania with 2.8 million people. With a
  19. In a plane crash in Ethiopia. *1998 – The United Stat es embassy bombings in DAR, es , Salaam,Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya kill approximately 212 people. *1999 – The
  20. And Sigma, from where Tanzania's Central Line runs to the seaport of DAR, es , Salaam; there once was a train ferry from Valerie built in 1917; break of gauge
  21. Laws which would better accommodate the growing diverse population of DAR, es , Salaam and its suburbs. Safety has become a noticeable feature in Dar es
  22. Region had a population of 2,497,940 as of the official 2002 census. Though DAR, es , Salaam lost its official status as capital city to Dodoma in 1974 (a move
  23. Entschluß (The difficult decision). ” Grave, ma non troops tango (Muss, es , sein? /Must it be? ) — Allegro (Es muss San! /It must be! ) — Grave, ma non
  24. Bureaucracy and continu es to serve as the capital for the surrounding DAR, es , Salaam Region. History In the 19th century Minima (Swahili for" healthy town
  25. Rarely reports of violent crim es . Unfortunately, the relative poverty in DAR, es , Salaam driv es some people to steal from small store-owners. Th es e crim es are
  26. A noticeable feature in Dar es Salaam and many other Tanzanian citi es . DAR, es , Salaam is one of the saf es t large citi es in East Africa. Homicid es are rare
  27. Slow chords in the last movement Beethoven wrote in the manuscript" Mud, es , sein? " (Must it be?) to which he r es ponds, with the faster main theme of the
  28. Other age demographics. Entertainment There is also a lively music scene in DAR, es , Salaam which is divided between several styl es . The long es t standing segment is
  29. Is home to many Educational Institutions. Universiti es *The University of DAR, es , Salaam is the old es t and bigg es t public university in Tanzania. It is situated
  30. Communiti es of Dar es Salaam do not tend to mix heavily. The edg es of DAR, es , Salaam are spreading rapidly, severely taxing the transportation network (
  31. Ocean coast of Africa, with sandy beach es in some areas. Administratively, Dar, es , Salaam is broken into three districts: Ilala, Kinondoni, and Temple. Climate
  32. Render the indirect object in a sentence: (Lt) as duo virus Kenya; (LV),BS, dodu duo viral gradate - I am giving a book to the man. The Dative case can
  33. The north, Ilala in the center of the region, and Temple to the south. The DAR, es , Salaam Region had a population of 2,497,940 as of the official 2002 census.
  34. Conditions, typified by hot and humid weather throughout much of the year. DAR, es , Salaam featur es a tropical wet and dry climate, with two different rainy
  35. Or near the city. Its status as an administrative and trade center has put DAR, es , Salaam in position to benefit disproportionately from Tanzania's high growth
  36. Methods of an inner class can acc es s static methods of the enclosing class (, es , ). An inner class is typically not associated with instanc es of the enclosing
  37. Dialectic lyrical performanc es and traditional garbs. While hip hop in DAR, es , Salaam is a clear reflection of Tanzanian localized struggle and culture, it
  38. Governing culture and music a unified people’s culture was created. DAR, es , Salaam became a center of city crime, gangs,and violence, which lead to the
  39. And B es t Bite are only a few of the most popular r es taurants located in DAR, es , Salaam. Even fast food r es taurants like Steers and Subway now have prominent
  40. However, Ido also has an alternative irregular form for the simple pr es ent (", es ,"),which some Idiots frown upon. The possibility to turn adjectiv es and even
  41. Es Salaam and its suburbs. Safety has become a noticeable feature in DAR, es , Salaam and many other Tanzanian citi es . Dar es Salaam is one of the saf es t
  42. Such as weddings. Much like the popular music of other major citi es DAR, es ,Salaam's hip music of the day Bongo Lava is a cultural es cape for youths that
  43. While on the other hand more W es terners and Asians are settling in DAR, es , Salaam. This surge of foreigners from the W es t has put more pr es sure on Dar es
  44. Often as a r es ult of a division in the town's existing Episcopal parish (, es , ) or mission (s). The 2007–08 Directory of Traditional Anglican and Episcopal
  45. Like Steers and Subway now have prominent place in the r es taurant sector of DAR, es , Salaam. People who prefer neither fast food nor traditional r es taurants buy
  46. Is expected to reach 5.12 million by 2020. Economy and infrastructure DAR, es , Salaam is Tanzania's the most important city for both busin es s and government. The
  47. D es crib es how many instanc es corr es pond to each instance of the other class (, es , ) of the association. Common multipliciti es are" 0.1 "," 1.1 "," 1. There
  48. Chang es , including proposed deletion of several typ es of schizophrenia. DAR, es , Salaam (DAR Assam," harbor of peace" ), formerly Minima, is the larg es t
  49. Unfair by many Colombians. The Colombian government funded the" Colombia, es , Pasión" advertisement campaign as an attempt to improve Colombia's image
  50. Economy. Air Tanzania, the national airline, has its head office in DAR, es , Salaam. Transportation The Julius Nyerere International Airport is the

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