Examples of the the word, novice , in a Sentence Context

The word ( novice ), is the 7240 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At Universities ** Teacher induction, the support and guidance provided to, novice ,educators in the early stages of their careers ** Induction (teachers),the
  2. There were fully two years between House's observation of Johnson as first a, novice ,and then a master. Further details were absorbed from the imaginative
  3. Zwingli to join their order, and it is possible that he was received as a, novice , However, his father and uncle disapproved of such a course, and he left Bern
  4. Are also available in defense-type shotgun models allowing easier use by, novice ,shooters. A riot shotgun has many advantages over a handgun or rifle. Compared
  5. Distance for an athlete. Approaches can vary between 12 and 19 strides on the, novice ,and intermediate levels, while at the elite level they are closer to between 20
  6. Are mostly tuned in B or F, or a combination of those. In some traditions, novice ,players use a single horn in F, while others prefer the B horn. The F horn is
  7. Are potentially dangerous plays that infringe on the rules of the game. To the, novice ,spectator, fouls may be difficult to discern. There are degrees of dangerous
  8. Monastery for a short period of time. All boys of Buddhist family need to be a, novice ,(beginner for Buddhism) before the age of twenty and to be a monk after the
  9. Jibes. This is generally the most unstable point of sail, but the easiest for a, novice ,to grasp conceptually, making it a common downfall for beginners. In stronger
  10. Write-only code are almost invariably examples of poor programming practice or, novice ,mistakes, which can occur in any language. Advocates of APL also claim that
  11. As one of the toughest ever in Chievo's history. Mario Beretta, a Serie A, novice ,from Tenant, was named the coach but, after a good start which brought Chief
  12. Educators, emphasizing Logo's usefulness in teaching computing fundamentals to, novice ,programmers. Apple Logo, which was developed by CSI, was the most broadly used
  13. Student, Danny Hills) from the Jargon file:: :In the days when Suss man was a, novice , Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.: :"What are you doing?
  14. Head to toe. The fly-away This is often highly emphasized by spectators and, novice ,vaulters, but it is arguably the easiest phase of the vault and is a result of
  15. Mandrill Linux Discovery was a commercial distribution aimed at first-time and, novice ,Linux users. It was sold via the Mandrill Store website and authorized
  16. The primary advantage of a gas forge is ease of use, particularly for a, novice , A gas forge is simple to operate compared to coal forges, and the fire
  17. On heroin abusers' lives. Lacking the reputation of heroin, many youths and, novice ,drug users engage in oxycodone abuse without understanding the consequences
  18. Up words. A common method of teaching phonics is synthetic phonics, in which a, novice ,reader pronounces each individual sound and" blends" them to pronounce the
  19. From the UK. Amateur Radio Call signs: ZB0x (VHF only),ZB2xx (Full),ZB3x (, novice ,) + special event stations Amateur Radio started in Gibraltar shortly after the
  20. Round is ejected. For this reason, pump-actions are commonly used to teach, novice ,shooters under supervision, as the trainer can load each round more quickly
  21. Of 15 % less time and a reduction of selection errors. Usage For the, novice , pie menus are easy because they are a self-revealing gestural interface: They
  22. Sections of the master tree. The package selection was tailored towards, novice ,desktop users. A theme chosen to be appealing to novice users was used, and the
  23. On a film. The summer action film had a fairly large budget and was helmed by, novice ,cinematographer-turned-director Jan de Bont. The unexpected international
  24. Only a crucifix, and for having made controversial reading recommendations to a, novice , Such behavior could perhaps be overlooked, but Bruno's situation became much
  25. At the Trinity-St. Series Hermitage near St. Petersburg. There, while still a, novice , he developed a severe throat infection or abscess. After fervent prayer before
  26. Cause has no effect on the variable being measured. The best illustration for a, novice ,is the predicament encountered by a jury trial. The null hypothesis,H₀
  27. Boxes in which any move gives all the boxes in the chain to the opponent. A, novice ,player faced with a situation like position 1 in the diagram on the left, in
  28. Longtime girlfriend who left him without giving a reason. Faye Valentine is a, novice ,bounty hunter with a persistent gambling addiction. She joins the crew of the
  29. Can precisely control factors such as tone color and tuning. Occasionally, novice ,oboists may begin with a Fireman reed, which is made of a synthetic material.
  30. Artisans and projects. Simple projects can be created in less than an hour by, novice ,leaders, while complex bead work may take weeks of meticulous work with
  31. Eye movements, performance in a variety of memory tasks, development from, novice ,to expert) and in other domains. An important feature of expert performance
  32. A Green Glove can compete,in the USA Savage the Competition levels start at, novice ,(6 months) and in Russia No Gloves. The ranking of Savage: Box Franchise is
  33. 51.9 %),and only slightly less likely to be found at fault than restricted (, novice ,) New Zealand drivers (68.9 %). Drunk driving is a major issue in New Zealand
  34. Between computers. Unlike hard disks, floppy disks are handled and seen; even a, novice ,user can identify a floppy disk. Because of these factors, the image of the
  35. Was tailored towards novice desktop users. A theme chosen to be appealing to, novice ,users was used, and the 'simplified' menu layout in which applications are
  36. Of months of training. Without them, these programs play no better than a human, novice , For the bear off phase, backgammon software usually relies on a database
  37. Vats Monastery at Mount Sinai, now Saint Catherine's Monastery, and became a, novice ,when he was about 16 years old. He was taught about the spiritual life by the
  38. With their last move, they have to open the next (and larger) chain, and the, novice ,loses the game, An experienced player faced with position 1 instead plays the
  39. These are the .22 rimfire, a caliber popular for target shooting and teaching, novice ,shooters; .38 Special and .357 Magnum, known for its police use; the .44 Magnum
  40. Universal languages (see Turing degree). Because Leibniz was a mathematical, novice ,when he first wrote about the characteristic, at first he did not conceive it
  41. Air combat in the P-40,and as a commander, stressed the importance of training, novice ,pilots properly. Nevertheless, competent pilots who used the P-40's strengths
  42. Of staff. With the approval of the General, the father provincial appoints a, novice ,master and a master of tertiary to oversee formation, and rectors of local
  43. Today's technology has made photo editing relatively simple for even the, novice ,photographer. However, recent changes of in-camera processing allows digital
  44. And LVM support) including hardware detection, making installations easier for, novice ,users. The installation system also boasted full internationalization support
  45. On the navel, posteriors and the mouth. The third was telling the neophyte (, novice ,) that unnatural lust was lawful and indulged in commonly. The fourth was that
  46. Principles or elements of a specific programming language can be explained to, novice ,programmers. Experienced programmers learning new languages can also gain a lot
  47. Addiction potential and the threat of a fatal overdose. The appeal to youth and, novice ,drug users is principally due to its ease of use (oral, intranasal ) and its
  48. In the Pokémon World. Ash takes on the role of a teacher and mentor for a, novice ,Pokémon trainer named May. Her brother Max accompanies them, and though he is
  49. Models have been developed in cognitive science to explain the development from, novice ,to expert. In particular, Herbert Simon and Kevin Gil martin proposed a model of
  50. Instruction, used more often in whole language reading instruction, in which, novice ,readers learn about the individual letters in words on a just-in-time

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